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Show MOKNING TKLKGHAMS CONDENSED. ..Eyrr'ul, tho French murderer, is be-comiug be-comiug very savage. Hon. Lee Mantle of Butte, Mont., was severely injured while inspecting some in a e h i uery y est e nl a y . The bodies of three men buried in the Anaconda mines at Butte, last November, Novem-ber, were recovered yesterday. E. T. Plank was yesterday elected president of tho Typographical union, and W. S.MeClevy secretary-treasurer. The National Wool Growers convention conven-tion at Galveston adopted a resolution rnemoralliiing the Senate for a duty on wools. An explosion of gasiu New York city yesterday causeu damage to the amount of $50,001) and severely burned several persons. Fire in a building adjoining the Astor House yesterday morning spread to that hotel, and for a time considerable excitement prevailed. It was brought under control however. About $10,000 daiiiago was done. The liual exercises in connection with the eightieth anniversary of An-dover An-dover Theological Seminary took place yesterday." : The graduating class numbered num-bered twenty-six. The new system of elective studies goes into operation the coming year. The worst rain storm of the season occurred in Albany, N. Y., and vicinity yesterday. Railroad tracks were washed out, cellars Hooded, foundations damaged dam-aged aud crops ruined. Iu the immediate imme-diate vicinity of this place the damage will reach $200,000. A Las Vegas, N.M., special says. A collision between two freight trains near Artca yesterday resulted in the instant death of two tircuien, named Ed. Hoffman and J. Nicholson. Hoffman Hoff-man is recently from Kansas City and Nicholson from San Francisco. The cause of the collision is unknown. Near Lebanon, Or., yesterday morning, morn-ing, Mrs. Thurnsbaugh shot and killed her husband and then suicided. Mrs. T'inirusbatigh suspected her husband of being on intimate terms with her sister, who' was living with them, aud this morning, finding them in a compromising compromis-ing posiliuu, the shootiug followed. At a meeting last night of the National Na-tional Furniture Manufacturers' association asso-ciation of Chicago it was decided to increase in-crease prices after the first of the month. The increase is, in the language of the resolution, to be "sufficient to cover the iici eased cost of materials and enable manufacturers to make living profits." James T. O" Day, a former employe. yesterday called ou President lyier, oi the Tyler Ware company of Cleveland, O pulling out a revolver, demanded a check for $1000. After some argument they adjourned to tho compauy's ofliee. where tho check was drawn. When O'Day presented it at the bauk lie was arrested. The legislative committee investigating investiga-ting State Treasurer Archer's affairs at Baltimore yesterday completed then-work then-work The total amount of defalcation was $132,401. The committee says the funds were used by Archer to pay off personal indebtedness incurred as far back -as the time he represented tho Second distiict iu congress. - The "Payson blacksmith" lias struck It Last Sunday he left on a prospecting tour, and returns having discovered a big vein of coal midw ay Iwlween I ay-son ay-son aud Pleasant Valley. The l.ttd was accidental, tho recent storms haying washed off the surface covering. The simple brought in is of the best quality. qual-ity. The hammer and anvil man is happy. v- j price, a ranchman lmng at Hig'bwood, a small settlement near Fort Benton, fatally shot Jacob Wilson early yesterday morning. Wilson had rented Price's ranch and was to have taken pSsioS yesterday. The two men quarrelled over some matter connected con-nected with the transfer of the property. Price brought his Winchester rifle into ac ion and settled the matter by sending Calibre ball through Wikon's tody, the bullet tearing through both lungs. The murderer was taken to Benton and jailed. , An Albuquerque, N. M-. special savs: : There was Ugh yesterday among n number of cowboys on the head of the Sigirata, Socorro county. S tin gin the death of John and Gar-ret Gar-ret Dav5 on one side, aud I red Gros-irtteonthe Gros-irtteonthe other. This is the second 5 e Groslette boys who has come to a violent death in that country. Owing! to the isolated point where the aflray ookpltee. particulars cannot bo g.ven. . There are wo factious in that county. ; an it is " hoht that the killing w:h; tuo wVuli of bad blood and loo much j whisky. |