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Show At OUT Tlir. At ir. Marshal lating IlvlwU Tn rtrhparke4 Hnliblui a VaM. The street fakir who gathem rrnwdi ( on I ho street eororrs with bl rat ihowr . opens up a Held for lickHtcketa to op-elate op-elate In. and the light tin re red fratrr- ( nily appreciating the Indocemeut havw -tint (.tiled to lake advantage o( it, ; Within the last few days several pfiple, Indies especially. Imve liwn relieved of thetr purse and the amount of money taken hnre varied from one to ten dollars. dol-lars. Marshal Young baa been layiug for the thieve, and lat rvre'nlBg bis rllnrt received a reward. WhlU hhadowiiig Harry Mmiiagtie, 21 year nf age, and Jnhu Adler, agel II years, he Haw them side up to two Indie anil grab their iKirket hooks. HWore thw, young rascal could nmkn their r-seu" ihey were nablied by the marshal aud locked np to await a hearing. |