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Show NOTICK OK COMFLKTION OF ASSKSS-meul ASSKSS-meul of a local tax for the extension of the water niHi:is on F stmt. Notice is herebr ftven that the Assessor and follrct.w of Salt .ake city has made and conipleteil the list and plat peruilutng to a local tax at the rale of four mills per square font, levied hv theeltv mun ell of salt Lake city. May T.tix. law. upon the following des.-rllHl lots or pieces of ground, uamcty: LoM, block H; lot a hlis-kW; lots and 3. bl.s-k W ; lots 1, 4. b! k V low ), 4, bhs-k la; lots 3, block": all in plat IX Salt jke Lake city survey, aald tax liettm for the extension exten-sion of the water mains a Ion the following described route, namely: F street, ht'Ktnnlni at Sixth south, and runuiUK south to between FourUi and Third streets. Said list and plat have beeu lodired lu the omceot theeltv re-tsirdcr. re-tsirdcr. No. S. city hall, and will be open lor In-siH-ction for )erl,l of ten davs from and after the tth day of Juue, lsi. durlmi w hich lime written apjieals to (he cltv rouncil for the wHTei-tlon of the assessment riiav la tiled with said recotMer. In pursuance of the ordinance lu Mien cat pi-ovtdeil. LOI IS HYAMS City Recorder. Salt Lake City. Juue Srd, 18. |