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Show Letting Down Prices Again- We would advise every Man and Woman to keen posted and attend our special sale during tw. 1 b "lis ygi You will find every article as advertised. If you are in ,0,.lt , . uluug w ith yau sind judge for yourself the truth of th br'n? tlr assfT"-n 4f r Men's French Flannel Undershirts illc aTl c Men's Inlaimdried Nhirts . feejJ f ? tf Men's 9-oi. Blue Denim Overalls . . $ 8 5 Men's 9-oz. Bin tan Jumpers Sffllr s Men's Cheek Jumpers . ).,J. 3 : g S -g !n's Indershirts and Drawers gOr 5 ts 5 J Miij's kowu and grey Linen Dusters ilcarli - o S Mill's Coatsand Vests . J v Mcn'B French Flannel Coats Vests to tar -V Men's Black Alpaca Coats' $1.50 rarh SIS ? Men's Fine L'-Wid Balkan V m H. Q a S'lirts and Drawers, worth $:, toasiiii Men's Bathing Suits, TKSJs, $uoaM Srk Boys' Shirt Waists . ir earh 0 o J Boys' Knee Pants 25r a nair ? gaBoi' Mb 4 w 12, . toffl S. X NATHAN, Prop. 151 Ma ImpuneLacessit. HAIL, CALEDONIA1 Grand Excursion M Fori, JUNE 24. Of the Salt Lake Caledonia Club.' Leaving Siilt Lake lit 1:3) a.m.. reluming from American Fork at, 7:.'K p.m.. thus giving about nine hours In that pretty little city, with Its many alt factious of forest, stream hiiiI lake. I The great Utah Lake is contiguous to the place THE MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO. BARGAINS IN HEAL ESTATE. LOANS and insurance. No. 177 Main street. BURTON, GROESBECK & CO., TJEAL KSTATE. NO. 19 MAIN STREET, I t Salt Lake City. Utah. Notary lu onlee. Telephone 4H1. ' " RESTAURANTS. . SALTLAEEAFFLE cTcHOP HOUSE MEALS AT ALL HOURS FROM 15 CENTS up, 77 west Second street. Jones . skn-joh, skn-joh, proprietors. SILVER" PAL AOE RESTAURANT, riROWE k KELLY, PROPRIETORS. THE Ki onlv first-class rcsturant in th '"X.-Oiirn '"X.-Oiirn day and night. 60 Went Second South street. GLOBE CAFE, t F. BALL & Co. MEALS AT ALL HOUKS O. No. til Main street, Salt Luke City. FOUNTAIN LUNClfsTAND, BJ. BEER, PROPRIETOR. NO. 1 15 SOUTH Main street. Short order ine.als at all hours. Commutation Tickets Jo. SECOND-HAND " CLOTHING. M, LEVEY, DKALEK IN CAST OFF AND SECOND hand clothing; highest cash price paid for same : notice by mail promptly attended to: all kinds tailoring done. W w. First South Htroet. STAMPS AND SEALS. ""TXmuSyTco., HUBI3EK STAMPS AND NOTARIAL At Seals. Agents for the Abbott Check Perforator, Per-forator, Salt LakeCity. M. TOBIAS & SON, DEALER IN FANCY GROCERIES. BUT -ter, Eggs. Poultry. Fruit and Vegetables. All goods delivered to any part of the city. No. !il8 south First East street. ELI L. PRICE, KOCER1ES AND PROVISIONS, 354 MAIN J street. LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE COTTAGE, fi HOICK WINES. CIGARS AND LIQUORS, I ' diagonally opposite the Utah & Nevada depot. J. Sullivau. proprietor, " THETWO PHILLIPS PLACE. C1I10ICEST BRANDS OF IMPORTED Wines. Liquors and Clear. Hchuhtkr Prki.ph. proprietors, IB E Third South street, Salt Lake City. MINERS' SALOON, UG. BOUIIABEN". PROP. FIRST-CLASS i Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 7ii W. Second South street (opposite Tribune ofllco). Agent for celebrated coffee. BOUDOIR SALOON, N O. .'19 MAIN STREET. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. Hillstead & Co., dealers In Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Salt Lake City Brewing Co s celebrated beer on draught. MOSHER, FLOOD & CO,, MIRROR SALOON, 135 MAIN STREET, Salt Lake City. THE PHffiNIX SALOON, r 1 K. PICACOCK, PROPRIETOR, !28 STATE 1. street. Ice cold Heer on draught; choice Wines, Liquors aud Cigars. i , , ; BUSINESS DIRECTORY. f'IRSTCLASS ADVERTISERS OF SALT LAKE CITY. The Times commends to its patrons the Business and Pro fessional men whose cards appear ap-pear below. " ACCOUNTANTS. HARRY R, BROWNE, CCOUNTANT. KXPKBT AND CONSULT -i ing. established A'1 south Main t. The very best of city reference given. AKCHITECr.S FRED "X HALE, (I.ATK OF DKXVKH.) ARCHITECT OF COMMERCIAL BLOCK, etc. Office W, Wasatch building. , WHITE & ULMER, ARCHITECTS A N I) SI P K R I NT E N I ENTS. Rooms 110 aud '111,- Progress Bloc-Is, Salt Lake CltV. ATTOKXEVS. " WILLIAM CONDON f AWYEK. ROOMS H AND S9 UTAH I J Hardware Co. Building, cor. Commercial nud First South streets. Elevator at Commercial Commer-cial street entrance. S. A. MERRITT, piTY ATTORNEY, ROOMS MUt 51 1, PRO-J PRO-J grc&s building. , John M. Hiihi;.k. jamks a. Williams BREEZE & WILLIAMS, A TTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, ROOMS 311 a 3IP, j. Y Progress building. 0. W. POWERS, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. OPPOSITE CUL-len CUL-len Hotel, Second South street. GUMMING & CRITCHL0W, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ROOMS 4 AND 5, Daft building, MS Main street. M. E. McENANY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PROGRESS BUILD-ing, BUILD-ing, Fourth floor. BARBERS. ELITEBARJEB'SH0r GENTLEMEN WISHING A NEAT SHAVE will do well to call on ns. W. T. Stiiad-Ford. Stiiad-Ford. Proprietor. 65 east Third South street BLACKSMITHS. J. A. FAUST BLACKSMITH AND CARRIAGE MAKER. A specialty made in horseshoeing and tire setting. Corner First and Second West streees. . I voy parties to It. w here bat hing, dancing and steumlMiatlng can be bad at low charges. A l'LNE BRASS ASD STKIMJ HAM), For dancing, will accompany the excursion from Salt Lake to the grove at American Fol k, where thr celebrated Caledonian games will lie filayed. and for which a Hue list of prizes will e given. A platform will he erected at the grove to accommodate those wishing to dunce. A partial list of the games Is as follows: Dancing the Highland Fling to bagpipes. Scottish Bagpipe contest for a prize. Tossing tl. Caber. Quoit playing. Football (Scottish Association rules.!. Putting thestono. Knot races. Scotch game of Rounders. Throwing tho hammer. Tug-o'-war. 'Hap. stap and lours-The lours-The football game will be played between a team from Salt Lake and one from American Fork, for a prize. The OrnnU Tiig-of-War will also be contested con-tested for by a team of twenty men each from American Fork and tfalt Lake City, and a prize given for It. .Suitable prizes will be offered for all the games, and a full list of them will be published before the excursion. Fare for Round Trip $1.25. Children 65c. Tickets should be purchased before day of excursion In order to secure seats, as a big turnout Is expected. Fare from grove to Utah Lake and return, 35c; fare from Ogden to American Fork aud return. re-turn. .'.75, The following Arms will sell tickets: Joslin & Park. H. P. Tensdel. Coalter Si Hnelgrove. Duncan McAllister, Waddle Rock restaurant. Calder's Music i Palace, and any member of the club. " RAILROADS. iPopuIar Route Sm To all Points East Only one change of cars Utah to Kansas Kan-sas City or St. Louis. STENOGRAPHY. F. E. McGURRIN, OFFICIAL STENOGRAPH EU: ALL KINDS Shorthand and Typewriting. Dealer in Remington Typewriter and supplies ; Progress building. WANAMAKER & BROWN, T OHN DA VIES. AGENT. FINE M ERCHANT ft Tailoring: stvleand fit guaranteed; BOH 609. Progress building. Foreign and domestic goods. A. ANDERSON, rpAlLOR, CLOTHES CLEANING AND KE-1 KE-1 pairing a specialty ; No. 63 east First South street. ALFRED H. 00HN, THE LADIES' TAILOR, WILL MAKE X Ladies' Silk and Alpaca Ulsters in the finest fin-est style at reasonable prices. 63 east Second South street. W. A. TAYLOR, MERCHANT TAILOR. NEW SPRING styles just arrived. 43 aud 45 east Second South street, Salt LakeCity. TRUNKS 4 HULBERT BROS,, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE TRUNKS, Valises, straps, etc., sample trunks and cases to order; repairing a specialty; '1 west First South street. ; WATCHMAKERS ANI JEWELERS" r7M7?uEuGHi FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry; watch repairing a specialty; prices reasonable; 75 west First South street Salt Lake City. Utah. MISCELIANEOCS FRANK KNOX, L. C. KARRICK, j A E. President. , Vice-President. "Cajj National Bank of the Repul . FrorizesB Building-. Capital, : . '. $500,OOC Directors: Fuank Knox, ; II. L. A. Culmlu;, Geo. A Ln T. F. Mclloy, (r. 8. Holmes, l. c. Kj. J. G. Sutherland, Emanuel Kaiin, ' j; x Eaku Salf LaKe Transfer Ci PATTE1N & GLENN. : All Orders Promptly Attended to. Car Lots a Specialty. ' fj,. Office, 116 W. First South sf." " -MTP . Telephone 254. gBBjpSaabgrSa TIvTsTU LL & COM PAN, FIRE INSURANCE AG EN First-Class Board Companies Represented, No. 22 East First South St., Salt Lake City, Uk STONE FRONT SALOON, (CHOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS. HART J MAN, HAl.UMAN & CO., 270S. MlliriSt. THE OCOIDENTAlT " PUIiEUOODKONLY AND OF THE BEST Quality, Studious Attention. Aukk & Mitrpuy, Proiu-ietors, No, 18 east First South street, Salt Lake City. ' " "THE COMMERCIAL, ' " I T. NYSTROM, PROPKIETOIt. FINE Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars, cor. First South and Commercial streets, Salt Lake City. M. BUACKBURN, H. HAMNKB, M. MURKAY BLACKBURN & CO., C COLORADO SAMPLE ROOM. MS. MAIN ' street. Fine Kentucky Whiskies a specialty. spe-cialty. OLIFT HOUSE BAR, 07D MAIN STREET. A. J. TAYSUM I O Proprietor. MACHINERY. SILVEFBRmi IRON WORKS, MACHINE SHOP AND Foundry; steam engines, mining and mill ing work. No. 149 west North Temple street; Telephone No. 456. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. MAKING. IF YOU WANT A PE H FECT FITTING G A R-ment R-ment call on Ella Hillls. 44 Wasatch building. build-ing. S. T. Taylor's celebrated system. Take elevator. Elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping Can Free Reclining Chair Care. Be sure your ticket reads via the Missouri Pacific Railway . C. Toicnaend, G. P. & T, A, St, Louit, . 8. V, Darrah, C. F. A P. A., HtMtm am, Progmm BUlg Salt Lake City, Utah, BOOKS AND STATIONEYyT d. m. McAllister & co., BOOKS, STATIONERY. TOYS, NOVEL-tles, NOVEL-tles, Utah Views, Mormon Publications, Periodicals, Magazines, etc., 78 Main stree BOOT AND 8HOE MAKING. ROBINSON BROST " OHOE MANUFACTURERS, 4H W. FIRST kl South street. Our own make of 13 shoes are forging ahead. Repairing neatly executed FRED SWANS0N, WILL DO THE FINEST BOOT AND SHOE Repairing to be had in the city; heeling and soleing a specialty ; B3 east First So. street. THE PARAGON IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE for Shoe Repairing. 11 west South Temple street. CIVIL ENGINEERING. liXjSAHDlfcljBOTTr CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. Additions laid out and platted. Rooms BI4and 15 Progress building; P. O. box 637, Salt Lake City. Utah. ' CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. ROBINSON & SJOBLOM CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. OFFICE J and store fittings, general .lobbing, pattern making; Agents for self-heating folding bath tub. 174 west First South street. J. 0. D0WLING, rtARPENTER, CONTRACTOR & MUILDKR, J All work neatlyexecul!'d:llttingupstores and counter making a specialty. i3 W. First South street. MONEY TO LOAN. irMOARRioii r MONEY LOANED ON WATCHES . DIA-monds DIA-monds and Jewelry r also a tine line of Watches. Jewelry, Revolvers and Charms for sale cheaper than anvwhore iu the west. S4U south Main St., one door north Walker House. I. WATTERS, BROKER. 31 E FIRST SOUTH STREET, cast of Deseret National Bank. Salt Lake City. Makes loans on Watches. Diamonds and Jewelry; rents collected; railroad tickets bought and sold: business confidential. Established Es-tablished IS66. All unredeemed pledges sold at Vox y low rates. MUSIC rpEACHER OF VOCAL MUSIC, WILL GIVE I lessons In singing, having a thorough ed ueation in classical music in the Italian school. Room 3S, Scott-Auerbach building. jintj:rsand decorators. ' PETERSON & BR0Wn7 QIGNS, 63 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET C5 Salt Lake City. CARRETERO & LEVEY, RAINING A SPECIALTY: NEAT. QUICK . t"11.'1 WHOiy, 'r west second South street, Salt Lake City. Country orders solicitod. PLUMBING. A. J. B0URDETTE & Oo7 pLUMBERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS 1 and General Jobbers, ifieast Second South street, Salt Lake City. Telephone No. -131. ' JAMES FENWIOK, .pRAALPLUMHER, STEAM AND GAS X litter. Sanitary Engineer. 61 East Third South street, Salt Lake City, Utah. PICKERILL & SHOWELL, I7OR SCAVENGER AND GARBAGE WORK 1 leave orders at 143'4 Main street. J. C, Conklin, STOCK BROKER, Mining Stocks and Other Securities Bought and Sold. Eealerln REAL ESTATE ANj) MINES. Member of Salt Lake Stock Exchange and of Salt Lake Real Estate Exchange Seventeen. Yeare a resident of Salt Lake City Correspondence Solicited. References Union National Bank, Deseret National Bank. Utih Natti nal Bank. J. E. Dooly, Manager Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lake City. Room 20, second floor. Wasatch building. Price & Clark, Dealers In Poultry and all Kinds of Game Fruits, Vegetables, etc., in season. No. 68 West First South street, opposite Kimball Block. 3991 k ' Geo. M. Scott, 3 As. Glendennuto, II. S.Rra' President. ' Vice-President. SeCreli GEO. M. SCOTT & CC INCORPORATED.) Hardware and Met Stoves, Tinware, Mill Findings, Etc. AGENTS FOR the Dodge Wood Pulley, ltoebliug's Steele Win Vacuum Cylinder and Engine Oils, Hercules Powder, Atlas Engines i a, ers, Mack Injectors, Buffalo Scales, Jefferson Horse Whim, B! Miners' and Blacksmiths' Tools, Etc. 1 168 MAIN STEEET, Salt Lake City, - - j lljSj Railroafl Contractors and Biii Evaift "ioe: Ditching and Excavai L1f.HO 121g & Main St. Street Grading a Speci PdlmSF ESTIMATES FURXISim ' CORRESPONDENCE SOLK GEORGE BOGGS & CO., "lONTR ACTING AND BUILDING, FITTING KJ Stores and offices a specialtv. 157 stale road, between First aud Second South street, Salt Lake City, Utah. DRUGGISTS. " I). B, HOOVER & CO., DRUGS. MEDICINES. FINE I'ERFUM-ery, I'ERFUM-ery, Toilet Goods: Prescriptions carefully careful-ly compounded, 1IM south Main street, Salt LakeCity, Utah. ENGRAVING. J, JEPpERSON, PRACTICAL SCULPTOR. AND CARVER, 1 Office, 11 cast North Temple street. J. W. WHITECAR, DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER ON WOOD, i'rogross building. FLORISTS. 0. CRAMER, JriLOIUST. DECORATOR AND DESIGNER, Floral designs a specialty. Pari; avenue, entrance, East Second South street, Salt Lake City, P.J.MORAN, STEAM JI EATING ENGINEER, 359 MAIN street, Salt Lake City. - ' - PLATING NOVELTY MANUrA0TURiiGC0r (thv ,thIL,1':K AN.f? N'CKEL PLATING Z '? "I""10 I'lwwss. AH kinds of Jc-palring done with neatness aud dispatch Kn i; U.SON- Bros, Hi E 3,1 South. "l-n. I'HYSiciANI DR. J. S. BLACKBURN Tc6?i HK,N'1A SPECIALISTS; RUPTURE PEK-niaucntly PEK-niaucntly cured without surgical opera-lion. opera-lion. Kiioiiis Ii3 and 113, Wasatch building: Salt Lake, Utah; take elevator. P. ( ). Box Bio. DRS. PREEMAN & BURROWS, lYE. EAI. NOSE, THROAT. SPECTA-J SPECTA-J cles accurately fitted. Rooms 17 and IS beott-Auerbach building. ' JKEAI. KSTATE AND LOANS. w. p. dodS 1JEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Room tf collc, ,ccI- 70 street! Utah Gentral Railway. Time Card iu effect May 22, 1890. Passenger Trains leave and arrive at Salt Lake City aud Park City dally as follows: SALT LAKE CITY. Train 1 leaves Eifhth So and Main st 7 :30 a.m ' n - - .It.Kip.m " 3 arrives " " lt):uo a.m ' 4 " " " :0up,ui VAHK CIIY. Train 1 arrives Park City 10:00 a.m " '" " TMOp.m " 3 leaves " 7::Ua.tn " '1 " " 4;a0p.m PAKKKKUKK HATKS: Delweeu Salt Lake City and Park City, single trip. $3. Between Salt Lake City aud Park City, round trip, 13. JOS. 11. YOL'SO, T. J. AtvIXrOSH. Manager. lien. in. Pa. Agt, E. SELLS, J. TUCKER. H.W.SEU Sells & Corripany Wholesale and Retail Dealers in First South street, opposite 14th Ward Assembly Eora5' P.O. Box 1078. old Pioneer rd of ArniistronK FURNITURE. SANDBRGnFUMiTURE CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN all kinds of Furniture, School Desks, Screen doors and Windows. Jobbing and repairing re-pairing promptly attended to. m aud 110 W. Soul h Temple street. GROCERIES. W, E. D. BARNETT, Agent, i-i KOCERIES, FRUITS. POULTRY. FRO-VI FRO-VI visions. Flour. Feed and Fresh Meats: 69 cast Third South street! telepbonu -lb4. ROGERS & COMPANY, THE LEADING GROCERS, 15 EAST FIRST JL South street. rRED G. lyngberg! CTAFLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. PRO-C PRO-C visions, Fruit. Vegetables. Poultry, Fish, Game, etc. 53 east First South street. Telephone Tele-phone 68. john Mcdonald & sons, IINE TEAS AND COFFEES A SPEIALTY 1 2tSS-2;0 Main street. J. H. CLARK, f REEN. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCE- I lies, Fruits, Poulty and Fish, No. M west First South street. Oruura by telephone 3U) promptly attended to. C. M. HANSEN, DEALER IN CHOICE FANCY GHOCF.RIES Hay. Grain. Coal and Kiudling Wood, corner Third South and State street. Jos. A. Wkst. , , . . . Emu, bahlockeh. ' JOS. A. WEST & CO,, VMl'LOYMEXT AND REAL ESTATE I J Agents, 11 WHst South Temple street. THE .SYNDICATE INVESTMENT CO., REAL ESTATE, 379 MAIN STREET, investments in-vestments for non residents a specialty. YEADON & HEATH! K0Ii 5 A?ENTt.F0B SOUTH MAIN STREET O Addition. See them tor this and othe properties, 150 Main street. 0109 ' s.'fTspenger & CO,, ' REA,,ESTATE LOANS. INVESTMENTS r. south Main street. Salt. Lake City Comp etc list of city and acreage property. ALFRED DUNSHEE R E;V S7ATE. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, VvU rear Jon"8Bauk, Salt J. G. McAllister, d. H. McAllister McAllister bros,, . n EAL ESTATE AND LOANS. 265 S; M j,v 8lW(,t. nner Abstract office, Salt Lake J. G, JACOBS & CO. . . flBAL RSTATF. DEALERS. H7 PROGRESS -in imuuiug. have for sale residence pronertv in a l parts (vf the citv: also choi.e bargains in business and farm property. H. cTleTT 4 SON, 1")EALER8 IN REAL ESTATE. CITY AND Vii- iun y' -V1-,7 Main street, ounusiteth alt-xr Housb. S:vlt Lake City- "HOSIERY-- I LADlislnd CHILDREN. Every Pair Guaranteed to give perfect Satistaotion in Wearing. We Import and Control this brand. HOME COAL CO. Have constantly on hand Weber I Rock Springs ! t 003, 1 At lowest Market Prices. Prompt Delivery; J Office - - 23 East First South Stree ! F. A. Mitchen. Manager and Sec'y. 1 TAKE THE CHICAGO MILWAUKEK & St. PAUL FOR ALL POINTS EAST. tt is the only Una running solid Vestibule. Electric Lig'.ited, Steam Heated trains between Chicago, Milwaukee aud Council Bluffs. Omaha, Oma-ha, St. Joseph, Kansas city audSouix City. All trains composed of Putimau magnificent sleeping cars and The Finest Dining Cars in the World. For further information apply to the nearest ticket oflice, or ALEX. MITCHELL, Commercial Agent. fcS south Main street, Salt Lake an-. D, VAN BUSKIRK. ; OFFICE OK . . T,C,St The Vaii Buskirk In vestinftnt GENERAL REAL ESTAlE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ; SPECIAL ATTENTION FORMING OF SYNDICATES. AGENTS FOR EASTERN C1P1TAL. UYiondleSArAPS, but GOOD JiARGB EXPERIENCED OPERATORS and Members of the Real fXl 179 MAIN STREET, corner Second South. |