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Show Boise citT. The Idaho Land and Investment Co.. Have the finest city property and oier 3000 a:res of firs tc ass land under water, with witer right. Parties desiring icrean to live on and till can have their own time ia which to pay for it at t low rate of interest. Fo paMicuhrs. address IDAHO UNO AND INVESTMENT CO. Central Subdivision ! BCI3E CITY, IDAHO. 'V Y( W-Ot'KS from Mnln tr-t - WI'K Hock from IVlo- anrl Dr Mali: mw1 ' V ' wit if holir.t fruit; llHol!T per lot. Trni re.iM Well w .r J . waU Uralnod-Tvact lereL I LANK 4 HAVE. HnlM C.ly, Mat. M. G. CAGE, "BAST SIDE." Thra fourths of a Mile from Bust nets Cen'er. THK niimt elegant rrtao-e pwiwrtf In bo lite. sttuaiel at the uprrr nt aari lata tar h.gtiiMt prtu. ih town. lKirarlii the Vr M'rtn t HuleTait -to flne.t ,tn In Mann. l.o, In (hi twautltal Int ai.on during the ami Udiri UI tm M f, I . uJ (ta aar Irunt foot. CorraAiHNUuuao lnllv4. M. o. I'AttK, l)ia Ctly, I !&. AMCSEMKNTS. SALT LAKE THEATER. CHAS. 8. HI RTON, - Manager The Latest New York Success, Jane 12-13-14, S.tn da, Saturday Matinee. The Idyllic lKinetie Comedy Drama, i Long Laiiey Tine JleadowN. Original Cast :: Original tor). The Acme of Rustic Realism. Scita ou ale Wednesday morunt. . . Pembroke, quick job printer. 'Jil South Main Utrert. J. HKUMBAl'IC. JOH M. LAXS i Attorneys at Law and Real Estate Agents. IIOWECITV, IDAHfX 1;nONT room, Hnartheut bkn-k, utvUirs. nave h o!r itr- of real mat ft We flir a id A.ln -unl. Krouwaut fc duett, are tnrKuthr -ttuint altA P"ta real exittU. We hare jine of Hie rhl eat irnle fr Mle. We will aim amui j tn me-Ins me-Ins from iiihrra. If ne have not ritrtl ki null rou. TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING AT I I k i 120MainSt IMainSt, Clothing' and Shoe o i2o iisijConipany JloMSnsr ARE OVEKSIOCKKD IN Ol GLOTHING DEPARTMENT And iK termiiit d not to carry over any Spring Goods, And firm believers in the old saying tli.it THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM Therefore we have concluded to make a sweeping reduction of from 25 to 50 per cent on our Clothing and Spring Overcoats For Two Wooka Hfmmihffr that those who come first will have the best selection from a NEW STOCK ONLY TWO MONTHS OLD. Remember the Place and Date, from May 28, for Two Week Only, Aiiicrifaii Clothing and Shoe Co J 20 Main Street Ladies Bazaar, ARTISTIC NEEDLEWORK. fiemoved to 323 8- Muin Street Choiou line of Piano Covers, Table Covers, Toilet Sets. Opera Bas,Sofa Pillows, Hand Bags Bureau and Sideboard Soarts, Bilk Drapes, Center Cen-ter Piecesand Doylies' Summer Corsets, Cor-sets, Swiss Embroidered Aorons, Ruchlng. Ribbon and Zephyr, Wash Silks, Linens and all kinds of materials. mater-ials. Stamping Done : Lessons Given j A. S. Webster, A. M. Webster. i "Sight and Uearliix lie Gave ta. DR. ,G. W. TIBBITS, Oculist and Aurist, No. 16 East First Svutb P.O.Box 1030 - Salt Lake CJty "Your profeBslonnl skill Is commended by your eumpetence to prove It. Your rwrirrt one of exceptlouHlHUcoesii." V.C. MKKK, Gvneral Manager Dearer, Txa & Fort Worth K. K. Go to tlie NatatobiuM For a PRIV ATE BATH or a PLUNGE ! THE Largest Swimming Tool in America. GRAND OPERA HOUSE W. J. BUKCESS. Manager. Friduij, Juno 13 Two NighU and Saturday Matinee. KNGAGtMV'.NT OK E. II. SotheuN I'udert'ic inanitKcment of Mr. Dunlol Kroli-tu.iu. Kroli-tu.iu. from tb l.yrcuni Thiaier, Nw York May Night I Tf1Rn CHUMLEY ilalmce HIGHEST Slll"',la) BIDDER, W Xew Vest Company Special Scenery SoaUoDialeThur-dny. lOe.m. --ll.&, Ibc, (tic and lift; Wagners Pleasure Gardens , Emigration Canyon. The only pSe Resort. Sunday Train on the Utah Central Hallway will depart an followe: Leave V. N. Depot 1 p m. and 3:40 p.m. t,rav Wanner' " " nd fl Tnilnn will fake on paxHcngrn at corner of hlf.'Uth Houth and r'ourtti Went; foot of Muin Htreot. Heventli Kaet.halt L.ak. City llinwery and i'lrnt Houtli. Fare Round Trip, 85 renin. JoboGrtit, Omaha Keb. B, F. Eeimts, Salt hit C.tj. Jolin CS-rstnt &, Co., .('ONTHACTOHH YOU: STREET AND SIDEWALK PAVEMENTS; AND DKALKMH IN Cements; Trinidad Asphaltum for Streets; SfagoUthic and Qrano olithic Kr Sidewalks, Basements, Floors, etc The Bent Ilra idn of Portland and Ametlran Ommt. Crushed SUg for Cementing for Sal to Contractors. Estimates furnished on ill kinds of Cement fori, Ctmentlnf, etc ill wrk Guruteid Ojjlce 2H9 H. Main St. t'rn.hfr al lUmb'ta-f ri Warn Hajt Telephone for Third Writ and A'mA Surth. BOISE CITY IDAHO, Offers lo Home-Seeta Many Adyantages. THERE is an abundance of government land of the Great Bargain. Iu fine inillinary at Mrs. V. II. Fox's, 232 Main street, Crane building. Having entered the employ of Davidson, David-son, Leyson & McCune I shall be pleased to see all of my friends at the new store. Egbert Roberts. Refrigerators, fine line at S. R Marks &Co. UINTAH HOTEL, Commercial Street, on the European Plan. This fine hotel, strictly first class in every respect is now offering inducements induce-ments to the local and traveling public which cannot be excelled in the west. Central location. Restaurant in connection con-nection for short orders at all hours. French & Sowers, Proprietors. Lace and silk curtains at S. R. Marks &Co. Wanted. All kinds of second-hand household goods at Etchison & Webbers, 157 S. First East street. THE HlliLE FOl'MY .01) JIMIIM C0JIP1W , .-','V"'. x r ' . 4 i i . "' "; 1 r ' r - 'YgV. Tflephone 3H; : : U WEiT FIKST 10113, ; ; f.e.tUtm -ICLU8IVfl DEALERS IN- If vou want a perfect fitting garment cut bv the celebrated Taylor' s Star System Sys-tem call on Mrs. J. C. liromsteelc, 108 E. Second South street. very best quality, within a reasonable distance, open to actual settlers. pRUIT-GROWERS and gardners can get small tracts out of which large incomes can be made. jyjANY distinct lines of business specialties are still open, waiting for men of ability and character to fill them successfully and profitably. JNVESTORS will find excellent opportunities, either in the development of trade or manufactures, manufactur-es, or in the purchase or improvement of proierty. THERE Is scarcely a vacant house in the city. Twenty per cent, ought to be added to the number num-ber of dwellings at once. For special information, address the Secretary of the Boise City Board of Traie. Baby carriages at cost at S. R Marks &C'0. - .. A splendid new line of silverware will be opened in a day or two at Dav idson, Leyson & McCune. Call and see it. Freeh Fruit ami Vegetable. Every morning al Peterson & Camp-boll's, Camp-boll's, 114 West First South street. For lamps, silver ware, table cutlery and pictures, go to the Variety hall, 54 West Second South. Car load wool and hair mattresses at j S. R. Marks & Co. j Dr.. Whitney A Bucher'a Dental parlors next to Cullen hutel. The largest display of vegetables u the city at C. B. Durst' s. Cheapest carpet, wall paper and furniture fur-niture at S. R. Marks & Co. Bole Atrents for James Means' $3-00 fa Spencer & Kimball, Goods called for and delivered. Em-prie Em-prie Steam Laundry, 21 Commercial street, Telephone 94- Utah Title Insurance & Trust Co. 68 West 2nd South St., bait Lake City, Utah. Officer and Stockholder Jolu E. Dooley, President. L. 8. HUls, Vioe-Presileat i A. L. Thomas Secretary. I Incorporator' i ? ikJji Ca-1 ii Well fargo k Co. S K. A. huh. Cuuuxr Drsret H.ruar. 9.9 ; I 4"hit7 CariM Wret Natl, oal Bade, i - K. Wi.Krn. Vnm SM Hm. I Attorney, John A. Marshall. Parlor suits, laigest stock, aSS. R. Marks & Co. Special Offer. ' I am authorized to offer, for a few days, 824x103 ft. on corner Fifth and I, with brick house our rooms, closet, hall, cellar, city water etc.. for t4500. J. F. Jack, 233 S. Main street. Hi aM Montana HacMnary Company C. P. MASON. Manager. Headquarters for all Glasses of Machinery.. Engine anl Boiler from 3-oors9 Lower ana apw&nl ia itocH for imtnt diate dsiiTery. Stm Hnnsp, Injectors, Hotm Whlan, Ilouting agLrM Rock Breakers, Wall's Roll, Ingersoll Air Compresaort anl Imil, Lubri eating Oils, MiLtf, Mill and Smeller uppli-, Silver, Goll an 1 Concentrat Ig Mills erected ind dclirercl in running order. Mains Olce ni Warerooms 259 S. Main Street. Salt Lais D. S. AGENCY. BU1TE. MONTANA, I " Novcltj Mannfactorina- Co. I Gold, silver, and nickel plating Re pairing of fans, jewelry, and all kind of novelties. Kxx dsos Bros., 61 east Third South Street. Fine line of carpet at S. R. Marks &j Co. I J. F. Marks, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Artesian, Salt or (ia Well Drilled. v w r. Trowed for Coal and Hiuerals. sn i-tk'W'j Jh f i W ells a specially. ) ; Dunford hhoe Star. ! Opposite the Salt Lake theater. Our ' stock of summer shoes and elipper in ; complete which we offer at the lowest price. Remember tke name and nura- ber- I Satisfaction guaranteed at Empire Steam Laundry, 21 Commercial street. Telephone 94. |