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Show l'ark t;ily New. Paiik Cnv. June 13. Special cor-raspondeuce. cor-raspondeuce. C. F. Goist is quite ill. Mrs. George Wiseman is in Ogden. I W W. Mackintosh and wife are vis-I vis-I ting in Salt Lake. The Northland company is building its hoisting works. A. H. Kiehardson has returned from Salt Lake with his family. Prof. McNeil will give another of his pleasant parties at the opera house tomorrow to-morrow night. Mrs. Martha Kcai ns left for Marengo, Iowa, this morning. Her mother is dangerously ill. W. A. Wilson, supol iiitcudeiit of the Marsae Mill, returned over the 1,'tah Central last evening. The two boys. Wells and Littletield, who were drowned several days ago in the Weber river, mar Morgan, are still missing. The narrow gauge train was an hour and a half late arriving last evening, owing to the brass iu the tender truck giving out. The Crescent Tramway are making live trips a day to the mine, and arc comtemplatiug working a night shift in the mill, which will make their shipments ship-ments from three to live cars per day. The Mackintosh Sampling mill ihip-ped ihip-ped seven caw of Ontario ore today, consigned to the Globe S. & K. Co. of Denver, Col. Total weights 11(8.800 pounds. The Crescent Concentration shipped one car to same smelter; weight 40,000. E. Morton left for Ogden this morning morn-ing Mr. Morton has been flooding the city with showy lithographs and handbills hand-bills advertising the Ogden carnival to be held in that city Junc-TOth to July 5 The Salt Lake advertising committee commit-tee should do likewise if she wishe Park City represented on the Fourth of j July. I Park City hotel arrival: Arthur J. j Kean Arcadia. Neb.; N. Koo. U. ' Marx. New York: Jay K. Stephen. St. j Joe- A. P. Sinclair, San Jranwseo: W . H iWvcr. Chicago. Ills.; P. A. Latinao, ; Omaha: J- M. struck. Kaii-a uy; ' LM i::lev. Omaha; II. Schneider. Denver: Den-ver: A.'K. ilemiu.'way. rhiea-jr..: A. : ( aiihucp, Taeoiua. W ash -. A. Kiake, II K. Mnnav. O'jden: K 1. l uikeii i i,ai".'u aud w ilc, ball Lake. ' |