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Show 'HIE jSALT LAK.K T1MKS. KKIDAVa .1 UXti' IH. I Kim. 7 l.t.t.AL. MARSHAL'S SALE, TO AS OKPKR or SAI.K TO I me dtrw t hy tt Tninl Jit trial 1 atrVt fonrt of tl!i Torrit.irv, 1 sieil pub-l.- r anctlnn. to th highest hnidar for taah at the south front door of the halt Lake r u'nir court hunae. In Silt I.ak.1' tv flab. n the lth Temtury day nf June. 141. at i ,.v n. k m., the fulliiwunr dwacrtbrtl real rt. to ail All of lot four (I lu Miv k ninny. Ihpse pi. plat ' IV Sa t rtv survey, halt t.ak r.ty uikI mums, I tab Terr.tory. ingwher with all and stnuiilar the teneme-it- a hereditament ami iu'urirn im thereto belong. ng r lu ny aptwrtalnliiit. Toho !lil as thr pmpariy of Jmmm J. Mur- - SYv sn.l TiW. ITiscUl Murph) , at 11m wilt of M. J Teams of sale ca-h-. R. H. Ia.i. .. V. H, Marshal. Hy (pw-a- r inlmwk. Deputy Mir-ha-i. Kill Lake Cay. Vteh. June 4 ISW. LKliAU sotIUe (AF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OF a lural tu for the extension of water malnsou Thirl South street. Notice u hereby given that the assessor ami cotlectjr of Salt Lake aty has made ami iui-JHctc- d tho list ami plat pertaining to a liiciil tax at the rate of four mills per Miuare fo.it, levied by the c'.ty council of Salt Like Citv, June 8, ISHO. upou the following described lot or pieces of ground, nnmelr: Lols. 7, block . lots 5. . block lots i. S. Work til. nnd part of lots l and S, block 4T: all lu plat H, Salt Lake city survey. ntd tax being for the of the water malus along the following described route, nainelv: Thliil South street between Sixth and Seventh Kast strwls. Said list and plat have been lodged In the ofSc of the city recorder. No. s. city hall, and will be forlnsjieetlon for a period of ten davs from and after thetth davof June, IWX during which lime written appeals to the ettv council forthenirreetlou of the assessment niav bo pled with the said recorder. In pursuauce of the ordinance In Mich case provided. LOC1S HYAMS. City Recorder. Salt Lake City. June ;, io. NOTICK OK COMFLKTION OF of a local tax for the extension of the water niHi:is on F stmt. Notice is herebr ftven that the Assessor and follrct.w of Salt city has made and conipleteil the list and plat peruilutng to a local tax at the rale of four mills per square font, levied hv theeltv mun ell of salt Lake city. May T.tix. law. upon the following des.-rllH- l lots or pieces of ground, uamcty: LoM, block H; lot a ; lots and 3. bl.s-- W ; lots 1, 4. b! k V low ), 4, bhs-- la; lots 3, block": all in plat IX Salt jke Lake city survey, aald tax liettm for the exten-sion of the water mains a Ion the following described route, namely: F street, ht'Ktnnlni at Sixth south, and runuiUK south to between FourUi and Third streets. Said list and plat have beeu lodired lu the omceot theeltv No. S. city hall, and will be open lor for )erl,l of ten davs from and after the tth day of Juue, lsi. durlmi w hich lime written apjieals to (he cltv rouncil for the wHTei-tlo- of the assessment riiav la tiled with said recotMer. In pursuance of the ordinance lu Mien cat LOI IS HYAMS City Recorder. Salt Lake City. Juue Srd, 18. SALiT t. a. Real Estate Exchange 29 Commercial Street MONEYTO LOAN Ou Good Real Estate Security. F. REHRMAN & CO. tw J. F. JACK, Real Estate, 230 South Main, 8ait Lak-C- ! ' FINANCIAL. WEils,? 8.Hl,,k. Clt, Ctoh Pacific. Coast P ' Ud 0a M Pmta " CipSfZ1 the an7buul,,ant.U!uUou t0 th9 splllnS oa tMeln:ea mad6 on csignmenu at West Particular attention itiven to collect ions COHHBSPONDENTS: Wells, 4 Co. . . " t . Wells FarSo & Co ! Maverick National Banli Kwv First National Hank. cSS?L First Nattotial Bank & Merchant-Nationa- l Boatmen's National Banu:::::.::?.:" Bank. t lR v8iib. Fargo &co Agricultural College of Utah, Tlio Agricultural Collejte or ttah, Lo. catcd at Logao, Utah, will Open for Students on September 2nd. a WuuiWtcdTsetarrtietsorliaanldInstitution, founded uimn Krant and by Territorial appropriations' for the purpose of plying tho young men and young w omen of Utah a liberal aim practical education in the several pursuits and professions of life, n has courses lu Ag- riculture, Domestic. Economy, Mechanic Arts and Moctiaulcjl Engineering, Civil Engineer- ing and other special courses. H has a modern equipment anil specialists in Its several flclds of Instruction. Its meansot illustration Include the Untted States Experiment Station aud its work of In agriculture; a fine farm. Including hort cultural g.ounds. equipped with modern appliances; a cooking, dairy, cuttiug and sew. nig department, workshops ill wood and Iron, i"lnlu"sTtra't'iPon''.y. museums aud other means of ,.J5LUl1M,nts. wlu k'Pt in constant coutact with illustrations of h hoolrootu teachiugs thvoiitfhout its four years courses. or pamphlet containing announcements ana lor further particulars, address, J. W. Sanpborn, resident. Capital Fully Paid, 400,000.00 Union National Bank, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Transacts a General Banking Business. Safe Deposit Vaults, Fire and Burglar Proof. Rents from $5 to $25 per Annum. J. It. WALKER, President, M.H. WALKER, M. J. CHEESMAN. Cashier, l. H. FARNSWOKTH, Asst. Cashier, J. B WALKER, Or., Aast, Caahlnr., James H ltacon, J'rank L. Holland President. Cathier. Bank of Salt Lake. Salt Lake City, Utah. General Banking Business Transacted Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange Bought and Sold. Money to Lend on Real Estate from One to Five Years Time. HOTELS. WALKER .'. HOUSE The Walker is Located in tlte Business Center of this City and has all the Modern Improvements & Conveniences Pertaining to a strictly firstlass house It Is managed as well as any hotel In the West end Is strictly the Business and Tour-ist Hotel of Salt Lake City. Passenger Elevator, The Walker & the Metropolitan Are the Two Leading Hotels of Salt Lake City. Or. S. ERB jPropr. THE 0ULLEN. THE Modern Hotel op SALT LAKE CITY. S. C. EWLSQ. Proprietor. Spencer House, 232S. First Sasrt St. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED BOOMS AND FIRST-CLAS- S BOARD. By the Day,, Week or Month. Katloaal Bant--: OF SALT LAKE CITY. Capital $250,000 No. 11 Eatt First South Street. EIRECTORS: H.G.Ba-ih- .' President G. M. Downey .'.Vice-Preside- THOH. M ARRHiLL, T. E. SCRYMBER, F. H. Auerbach, D. C. Bacon, John J. dai.y, W. P. Nojilb, ' J. W. Donneixan. Cashier Transacts a General Banking Business in all Us Brandies. Sells sight drafts on the principal cities of the world. Issues circular letters of credit and postal money orders on all parts of Europe and the Orient. Collections prornptlp attended to. Loans money at the lowest rates and on the best terms prevailing in this market. McCORNICK "& CO., BlSTEIBISSa. SALT LAKE, UTAH Coreul attention given to tin Sale of Ore and Bullion. We solicit Consignment, guar-anteeing highett market prices. COLLECTIONS MA0EAT LOWEST RATES ACTIVE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENTS: New York Imp. and Trad. Nat. Bank, Chem-ical Nat. Bank, Kountze Bros. Chicago Commercial Nat. Bnlt. San Francisco First Nat. Bank, h Nat. Bank. Omaha Omaha Nat. Bank. St. Louis-St- ate Bank of St. Lotus. Kansas City--r it. Bank of Kansas City. Denver-Den- ver Nat. Bank. City hat. Bank London, England-Mes- srs. Martin & Co., J3 Lombard street. . - ! A.Gr2cNcrsr WARWICK HIGH-GRAD- E SAFETY BICYCLE. I cany a stock of SAFETY BICYCLES at $28.00, $35.00, $40.00, $60.00, $75.00, $115.00, $135.00, TRICYCLES and VE-LOCIPEDES. In purchasing from me yon have a stock to select from and do not nave to wait. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices on Sport-In-s; Goods, Guns, Cutlery, etc, shot-gunsT- t cost. Bicycle and Gnu Repairing. AgentCALIGKAPH WRITING MACHINE Carbons, Ribbons and Paper. jVL R. EVANS 223 Vf. 2d South street, bait Lako Citjr V MW" 9"mf SALT LAKE VALLEY Loan and Trust Company, ' Salt Lake Cityt Ttah. CAPITAL . - $300,000. Money to loan on real estate and other good securities, on short and long rune. dibeciorr: 0 . SulWiary. Pre. F. B. vf S.B. Field. Jr. - - T,tat'rr-Rea- l Estate Mortgages, guaranteed by the company, for sale. No. W9 Main st Office Daft bulldta r. B T. Burton, Jr , J. A. Groesbeok, W. B. Andrew Burton, Groesbeok & Co., BUYERS AUD SELLER!) OF CHOIOJ1 Business, Resilience '; and Acreage Property. Sole Agents lor South LawnAddition. Office 269 S. Main St.' Telephone 48i ' OXJU.B "XITXJD REAL ESTATE AGENCY ' Loan, Riai 8sT.fiMfwrna (rrocn, Dmvsb Bbamcs Oourt Bouse. Dearer, Col. 0. LwoMr, Manager. for the year endlntt Hweinlr 31, 1V, of the condition of the General Life and Fire Assurance COMPANY. Made to the Horrrtaryrif Iha Terrltorr ol t'tah in puMiiam a of an t raiannif U Hra loaur-ar- u cornpaaiae, approted UaicB li, liH. Name of rompaliy and t.eorral t.lfe a ail Ura Aaanram Company, ol tawdoa, Ktifland. The amount of capital sUa a li n.fli fro nrt Tha capital aO-- pad up 1 ........ w The ainount of Its ata Is t,itIJAVM The amount of ita liabilities (in- - cludinu; enpiteli l e,Heaani The net surplus oter allllahllllleaM 44.wu.a1 Tha name of Its altomay of aani fortheT rrltiryof CUJinpoBw- - vlca ol p o"s s i ny d I ttiUm axin-- t said eotnpauy may be mad. Uoi ts Hrafc 4 Co. Th-- r ca pt during the yr were . .9M Toe eiuendltoiM U.ill 111 year ere !ZZ t:t 'a f)iaofC l"onli, . Cite B i ountynf H 8 ftaai i A Iiaiton 1 rr tun. ma U-- a ths firm et O,ilou tel 1 o. rl :n ort art li IF!1 r.K nta an , b f g Ti)t depose od a t I be U rh no td I ! o l t a aai e o ny ar.d ta i the f"ir g ' . t art o tha - r I (04l noli i n osi Mi l ir t ay f umi i ory es t t ti b : o i u r . t o . kn - a t I , rep ti ly a tii'i'.iHi .. Si haerib d and iw r t be'oie a t4 l.Jtr- - teeatt y of ia7. A O I Off. f. K.aor, sU.l A Cwir.is o p a U t th - Tr rr o i i a at ean i r H., Cat. TTTfryo'l'tah. 8e rt y oJJce. I 1 U aa Mils. rti-- y e? the wrury ot tt'ie, d ber.eyea.ti y that the .bo aad firgo Wf i oX tr aai o"rrt oT ot la anr.ua! siat-nie- at 'A the ml co. Ji-l- of la Oaoerai - fe and fir Awirawe emmpaoy M lmioo t airland, hfetf lis wy us taa a.tii day of Mjr. I"", la poru..na of an art ; tuiIii- - to Bra inatirmrc ivmpaalaa. apprna4 Mir.lt It 11 lii vlfiiraa arHr.f I aara mi bacd ami aad tli Kraal aeal irf l ha trrrtlory of K'taa lhi-;i- i- ay o May, IW. i i.tauj KuksKhij Hrref.rv f I. tah Trr?.iry J.l - M- - A C"..agnia i lroitra r KELLY & COMPANY Printers, Blank-Boo- h Makers and Stationers. NO. 40 W' 9econd 9"ti.Bt', Salt Lake, - Utali ClissJob Print- - First , Our facilities for doing Economical lnention Call on U- - Prices Low. ' LEGAL. si oNs to aseTped COXPLAIXT In ta lltrtct rnurt In ml for th Third Jit dlcial mstrtct of ruo Territory, . Couutyof Salt Lake, John B. Ingram and John T. DouneLUn, Ula tiffs, vs. Adoliih Il.nkninir. Aaron Wall, Jamea Kai nelly. Annie k. Wonhelm. John W. Huti, Aaurs M. Yonntf Ane M. Yonnc, executrK of the esUts of Mh.irt M. Yountf. deccasedt Mahonii M. VoiiiiK Winltetd S. YTmn Wat-no- ir Younv . minor heirs of aald Mahonrl M. Vonnif. iinasetl, and Acnes H. Yauo4. heir urin-n- l guardian defendants rMlr: FKOPI.K or THB TKKKITOKY or 1 l ah send greeting to Ailolea Haakaia mer. Aaroa Wail James Krnnsiljr. Annie ft, W. tiiigus. Ajtnes M, Youjw Ame M. Youn eucutrtx of tha estal ,if Mabonrt M Ysin dereaseri: Mahonrl M. Yeiinc. WtntleldrV. Voting, M'aidemar Y'lun, minor heirs of said hlsl iorl H. Yous. de-ceased, and A ift M. Yon4f, lhatr froerai guardian, defeuftaalw: Yo ar bror rsulrnl In appear ta an action hmmtit attalnst u fir the ahnra oam4 plainlltTs tu the district court ol the Third Jt i lutrtrt ol the Territory of Utah, and M answer the complaint Bled Iheretn wfcn dav texi lusiie of the day of ervtc after ta ervlea oa row of this ummraalf servst within thisomnty: or If served mil of thia cminiy. but In iMsdlstrlrt. wtthtn twanty itarx otherwise within forty lae-- ir Jn4rneat bf default will he takea aa"in.t yuo, acw4lUuj W the prayer of said mmpitinl. Tba aald action Is brouKht to havw a decrean this court adJKtKl:i that iha tfrfeodaata ao4 each and erv ol ih-- m he rsv Ksrre-- J frot ail eialm to any estate m InherltaBe or freav hold In that rertata property slniata in r. I Jke osintr I t,h wrnmeo. In la eeBe of 4 rods stnsut east and weal oe, amttw !.te o Bvw a plat O, Hi 1'iei.l irvev rsl uth from tmtha eornerof serilon IA lowhlp I aiaiih e--f rani I eat Salt Lai meridian: thenc west alosf the center of said street isu , tsi to aanter of 4 rod strwel. aorth and iIX thertcw north In the center of said strret rmta to a point us at ol siMilhaeel r.smer of aouthaaat uattar of said sevtton thence east on aoiiih Una of aald u I', rods in a isvlnl do north of thiu south to beinuiui adjln plaintiffs ti he the rhihtrni and laaful mmi In fe slnileof ald premlsea. for such MkaT relief aa mar be Just ant eatutahia. And ywi ate hereby notiiied lhat If TOW tail In apiiear and answer Ih said eotnnlalnt a ahove rsUirr-t- . the said plaintiff anil apply M the court for ttie relief detnaled laaratn. Witness the II. n t'hartea It, Zne, JiKlire. and th seat of Vfta tn, I 1 sart ol th Third lu.ll. ial dwtnet, i skau v m and ft the Terrlt.-r- y l t'tah lata ( - Nik day of !fav, In Iha year nl onr Lord one taouaaud altht httsdndi aud nln. It IUjmit O. M- - STlI UH, CUT. By Uco D. Loouvis, lepiy Clera. To SETriKHEM r ESTATE. In th Probate court ' In the matter ot Iha In ami for Salt laka estai of county, Terrliory of ( WiUJaxi BucnHra.sT l tah. i drceasad. N'OTTK IS HKKl.BY CIVFN THAT M. I lacktiuvat, administrator of the estate of William t laekhurat. ilefawl. has rendered for ettemut aud filed In this court his rmal of his admlnlstratioQ ofsaldestala and petition for final disirtbu tion of the residue of said estate anion the persons rntilleil thereto and nat Friday. Iha th day of June. A. U lfk. at HI ocl.s k am., at the courtnsiiu of said court, in the roomy isMirthouse. Sail Lake city and nminty. I lah Ter Itory, has duly appointed " by th judire of said court for the sell lemeul of said account and heartn sal i pelltkn i. r dlsiribu-tlou- . at which tune and plai.-- any person Inter eslcd In said et .to niav appear and show tans. If any there be, why said a. count .no ihl not 1m settled and .pproved, and Bual lUslrt-builo-uia la as pmyc for. liated May 11, tinw. JoiinC. CYrixa. Clerk of the Probaia Court. N'tVTlCE OF tXIMPLKTION OF local tax for the extension of the water mains on Fourth South street. No-tice Is hereby prtveu that the Assessor and Col-lector ol Salt Lake city has made and com-pleted the list and plat ertaliiliuf to a local tax at the r.ittiof four mills isr square f.t, levied hy the city council of Salt Lake Cltv. MaytfTtli. pal, upon tho following described lots or pieces of ground, namely: Lata. a. ft. T, It, block . lots , J, block . lota I, 3, block . lots I, 9. a 4. bloi-k4- . all In plat A. Salt Lake City survey, said tux forlheextenslon of the water mains alonw the followliur descrih si route, namely: Fourth South street, bcKtnnliix at the corner of First West and Fourth soulh, and running westward ono bl.a-k-. Said list und plat have lod,-et-l in the office of tho City Recorder. No.U. Cltv hull, andwlll lsoH'ii forliisiiection for a pon.Hl of ten dnvs fmmitnd after the 4th day of June, lsuu, diirluit which time, written upiieals to the city council for the correction of tiie assessment may be tiled with the said Recorder, lu pursuauc of theordtu ance lu buch case provided. Lot'is Hyams. City Keconler. Salt Lak City, June 3, sl. NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OF local tax for the. extension of the w ater niaius on Third aouth sttvet. Notice Is hereby klven that the assessor and collector of Salt Lake city has made and completed tho list and Plat pertainiuR to a local tax at the rate of four mills per square foot, levied by the cltv council of Salt June.nd, 1M. upon the followiutc-descrilie- lots or nieces of ftuind. namely: Lots 9, a. block 4M; lots : lots ft, 7. block W; lots ft, ft. block 37; all tu plat B, Salt Lake city survey, said tax bciiifr for the extension of the water mains alonit the followinii described route, namely: Ht'Rltiuiiiir lu the, center of fourth East street, on Third south street, aud csotrneteint.uing- east to the renter of Filth East Said list ami plat have been lodged in theofflce of the city recorder. No. , cltv hall, and will be open for Inspection for a period of ten days from and Hfter the 7th dav of June, liu, during which time written appeals to the, city council for tho correction o( the assess-ment may be filed with the said recorder. In pursuance of the ordinance In such case pro- vided. LOUIS HYAMS. City Recorder. Salt Lake City, Junoitu, ISO. fFEGTIVE ORATORY. . YounfT lawyer Defended an In-to- ed Woman and Made a Ecputation. HE gOABED TOO HIGH, to Pastor's Victory- -A Hybrid Coin--The Yankee Was Forehanded -- Other Items, Jonathan H. Fug WMrffTfarJe lawyer Day after day he sat 'vL for clients, bnt none came. The !i term of court appeared and his name appeared on the docket. At that j not father was clerk ' the circnit s my One day there came to hira a l'gad woman, who poured into his ear ritiful tale of woe. A biother-in-la- w S robbed her of all the property left r by ber dead husband, had oppressed 1 jbnsed her, and was now seekiDB to from her care hor only child, a little ol" father became rl 3 years interested in the woman and yjsri to help her. He at once sent ,rPugb, The young lawyer came and nkcbJirjroof her case. woman's brother-in-la- w was The poor l snii he employed the best of coun-- 1 and made every preparation in his ,mr to defeat her in court and subject to 8till greater oppression. He even niilated the most slanderous stories inst her, and succeeded in totally her ftood reputation. This story kindled the soul of Pugh, j )je went to work with a fierce deter-instio- n to unmask the vilMn. The v for the trial arrived. - The neighbor-- d was thoroughly aroused, and the 1 court room was crowded with specta- - The fad and dreamy young lawyer ame another man a bold and daunt-- B bight fighting for outraged woman-- He arose to speak. The silence it painfij. With a master hand he id before court and jury the work of 8 poor woman's oppressor. The per-n- d witnesses withered beneath his ty denunciation. Judge, jurors and Ectatora bent forward to listen. Ai he told of the woman's wrongs tears led the eyes of all. Then he turned mi the weeping woman to the author her sorrows. In terrible language he Passed the villainy of the man. Sud-jlyh- e faced the victim of his scorn, ipointing his quivering finger at him claimed: "You have stolen from this or woman all her property. Not only is; you have robbed her not only of her t dollar, hut of what is more precious an gold her good name. And now, ith savage hands, you try to tear from r arms her darling child. In theaw--1 hereafter you should not even be air-ed the miserable comfort of herding ith the common damned, but in some ter, deeper hell be compelled,, singly d alone, to howl out an eternity of . Si Pugh reached this climax it fell ;e a bolt of thunder on the ears of the dlty man, and he rushed headlong from e court room. Pngh's reputation was iie. He was flooded with clients and at once one of the busiest lawyers in Am. Illinois State Journal. MOTUK TO ( KEMTO&H. ir lllu h II. tlruce. itecre. N'OTIi K IS HF.RKHY ftlVfcy HY TIIK almlnistrnlnr uf thaealatn of HiiKh It. Ilrui-e- . to I he enutlUinof. anil all havtna claims against the nal.t lo exhibit them with the nevawrr voucher within ten months after Iha nrt puhllratlon uf (hi notice to the aald adminis-trator at the nm.-eo- ('uiiiinlniti. frtt.hlow ronmst and a Karl hullillnit. rtalt Ijikei ity, In the county of Malt Lake. I'lah 1Vrrtury. Datexl halt Lake U' v. M iv It Kmam is M II.M.rtia, Attniliilmtorof theattaleof lluub 11. Ilnica. datvaneti VOTlCK OK fOMLPKTIO.V OK ASSKSS. li nii ntofalix .il t;ix for the extension of the water uiatu oil renter ami Fifth North Htli'eta.-No- llc ta hereby itiven that the As-sessor ami collector of Si.lt Lake fit ha made, and completed the lixt and plat tiertam-lin- t to a local tax at the rain of four mills tier tiare foul, levied lv the t'ltv t'ouncll of Salt Lake City. MiiyifT. It. iixn tha followlna de-a-ilicd lots or nieces of nmuiid, namelv: lita 1, , , 7, hlix li i'l; lots a, a. 4. hliH k 11; IoIm J, H 4, ft, block W; lota I, a, block "J7 ; Iota a. R. blnvk JK; lota a, 11. 4, bliM-- 'Ai, In plat K; lota Ml, f, blin k IHa; lota I, a. . 7. 8. block 1W, plat A, all In plata E and A, Suit Luke, nivsurvev, wild tux Mug fur the extcnuoii of the water nmliis alonit tha tollowunr described Mule, UHmely: Center atieet, rominenclnir at the in-tersection ol Peach, runnlnu north Uth North erect, and from liiternection of t enter and 1st West, and running on M h North to and West street, bald list and plat have been lodired In the oliice of the City iJecorder, No a. City Mall, and 111 lie ipto for Inspection (or a period of !0 day froui and after the 4th davof June, m, during which lliue written anieiil to the City Council for the correction of the assess-ment niav be tiled with tha aald Kecorder. in pursuance of iho ordluance In audi caa pro-vided. I.0UI8 HYAMS, City Recorder. S.Ut Lake City. Juue S, iswu. 0T1CE OF COMl'ETlON OF ASSKSSMKXT OK A local tax for the extension oftlio water mains on Third East St. and on Fifth South St. Mil ice la hereby given that the assessor and collector of Salt Lake Citv has made aud com-pleted the list and plat pertaining to a local lax at the ratoof four mills per soiinin foot, levied by the city council of Stilt Luke City. June 3rd. I8U0. upon tho following described loin or pieces of Kround. namelv: Lots I. a. M, f 5 and , Mock 3ft, lota 1. 6, 7 and 8, block a?. Lots I, a, 7 and block !, lots I. a, . 4. ft.fi. 7 ur.d . block aa, lots ft. , 7 aud S, block 31 all in Plat B Salt LakeO Ity mirvev. said tax lieiiig for the extension of the water mains along the following described route, namelv: From Junction of 4lh south and Rrd cast. mnnliiK south two blocks thence east one block : Also east one block ou ftttt south from 3rd east . street. Said list and plat have been lodged In the office of the city recorder. No. a. City Hall, and will be open for Inspection tt period of 10 dayn from and after the 7th dav of June. 1SIW, during which time written appeals to the cltv council for the correction of the assesNinent may be filed with the eald reeoixter, In pursu- ance of the ordinance in such case provided. Lotus Hyams. City Kecorder. Salt Lake City, June 7th, Iduu. Vitlce of Selilcmcnt of Arreiint. In be Pr biteCou'toftheOouniy of Tis ele. I'tah T'MTttory. In th mailer of the a.lati of lirt ge; le vitri , iec.we I. iyunlltimc.lieis tnthit.iia:ltanitvluii iia.' r iohfattljameitaSt ( llrlilitu' I) ifoiircay lec ae,l. has rei ere-- l and pne Ve t for a lemen'--, and 0 ed in sa d court his nnal sic. mi, , t his aOmlnl t ailun ui aad esiat.c. and thai Tue di). tfo IX tilavof July isisi, t ll o'e oet a in . at ihe iHiuriromi of i aid court at the roanhente lt T'v.e rl t In laid lo isie county hat ten duly appo nt I hy ih judge of sad cocrt tor Iha settlement of said account, at which time an I pi v e an per-son Inter ed in aald estate m y aperr aid n e h en ep tona lu writtn( to the aald ac-count, ai d con et theaauie. Dated Tooele City, June f, lm. A.J. Ma't:tTog, Clrk. ni KSCANT Tl AN OKDSit tF HALE TO I me dliv.-t.i- l by tnaTtml J'td'al DlrV Court i.f ih" Trri.rr ft I 'ah. I ahail et'waa al iit,:ic sale, at tha fmt t of tM eo.miy hi rt house la th-ll- tt Sn Lake. cnuMr ui" S .11 Lake, and temt-x- of t'tah, im tha lu dty f June, I mi at hi erlork nv, the foll.iwiiig dasa tiiied real eatate. altuata lying and l!r tn Ueat J r lo li lata Lake cumt t uii Tmintr ana rtarrlb4 aa foilnwa, to aril- nlr n a4 amen leuthn ,f! J ii il wai and la'-o-aud fle-t'ntb- tai ft KH P4 atMiik rnvral tn nortbeaat rmw of IW nurtli'. t luur (V1 of se. line thirty It' il .rll6ln lo at smith ot run.(f m f I ' w a' lk mrbt-tan- , theiw tuota ! anj lira latnh lit s loi roda Ihete at Iwanltr oM ao4 leuiht rJI ft ki rd, ihm-- a mq ihra ter of a thr real .inwt aiavea ndav saata ill ft bo rials. IlieU' east tQty and I .a. teutht i VI ft tui rois, l place heauuiinf. cmlaimitittwn hundred and fOfty.aavti ao4 nie nuarier i'XTi' iuar rata, om ; lea together with alt aiul alnguiar tha lew wan la heie.lttamenia and aoto teaanc laartintt tviongliig or In anvlM aiipertaintti. arntM ureiiilMa sunj.H I ki aad a.id to be To 1 "dd a the prtierty nf O tint ham. Iniiaa M.tiraham. IVliy lirahatn an4 CO. Vt Itllienwr. at the eull ol WUkiaaa i. Jenkina. Tenna rrf sale cash. K. Tf P-- , Hy Ibiman l annmi. V. V aiarshai, lieimiy ManhaL Hotel May Mil, sul ftat OF COMPLLTIOJf OK ASSKS8-inen- t of a local tax for the exteuslon of the water mains on Wall and Currant si reel. Notice Is hereby (riven that the Assessor and Collector of Salt Lake City has made and com-pleted the list and plat pertaining to a local tax at the rale of four mllla per square fit. levied hy the City Council of Salt Lake City. May a7th. IMrt, upon the following described lots or pieces of ground, namelv: Lots a, 3, 4, 5. tl. 7,8, 10, bhs-- I: lots 1, a, A, block 11, all In plat E. Sait Lake City Survey, eald tax being lor the extension nf the w ater mains aloua the following described route, namely: Wall street, adjoining Capitol grounds north to It Intersection with currant street, and along Currant street to Its Intersection with Oak street. Said list and plat have been lodged In the office of the City Kaeorder, No. a, City Hall, and will be opeu for lns(iectlon for a period of ten days from and after the fourth day of Juue, INM1, during which time written appeals to the City Council for the correction of the assessment may be tiled with the aald recorder, lu pursuance of the ordinance In such case provided. IIUlrt H YA Mm, City Kecorder. Salt Lake City, June 3rd, Ihui. NOTICE OF THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUN-- o 1 1 , i xt mil wat r mains ou J street from 8 t'i to Eh hih atnet. Notice Is herehv given by the City Council of Salt Sake City of the intention of such council to make the following descrllied Improvement, or Extending arid laying Iron water ptnei Jrmreaians along the following streets, namely: r un oixth to K ginh str ict, and de-fraying three-fourth- s of the cost thereof, esti-mated at T ie riin dred (.Km) dol-lars, by a local assessment upon the lots or pieces of ground within the following describ-ed district, being t he district to be affected or benefited by said improvement, namely : Uds a and 3, block W; 1. ts 1 nd I, block MU; lots and 4. block 108; lots a u:l :i. block low. all In plat D, Salt Lake City survey. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such In-tention must be presented In writing to the City Kecorder on or before Inly 'st, HU0. being the time set by the said council when It will hear and consider such objections as may be made thereto. By order of the City Council of Salt Lake City, made May ajta, lHflO. Louis Hyamh, Salt Lake, June 7, ISM, City Kecorder. KOTUIJ 0fAa iNfeafioN of (A C.ly Count U tu rvutrmrt ideuilll.ua Mr( Snhfa afreet ami aa FuH A'nf frW, (ViBNff at hafrif I Ad. a). N OTICE IS IlEUr BY OIVF.N UV TH E CITY (Vniicil of Halt Lake Cttyof Iha Intention of such council to ma. the followin deai rlbed Improvement, The construction of Engl ah Portland cement mdawalka alone tha following Ktreeta. namelvi The eolith aide of Klrst Hoiilh at. from Klrat Kaal at, to a taunt XH feet ea-- t from eait line ot l lml Eaal at real, and from Meeond to Keveuth K.aet airaeta: Iha liorib aide of Klrat Honth street, n nimetuin III f. et east of east Una of rtrat Kaat .treat, thence east to He vent h Caat atreet, the ra.t aide of Ktral r.aal atreet, between Koillh Tm- - IHe and First Kotith atreet: the weat alda of 'Irat East atreet, between MoulhTample.treet and a point M feet north of north line of t'lral Houth atreet and defray the coat and pna thereof. estlniat.Hl at Twenty two thimaand live hundred and twelve 'IS. KIM iWJ Ma.lrl dot-lat-by a local eeminent iism tha Int. or pieces of ground a It hilt the follow ing dewrtbrd dlntrl'-t- , the di.trirt tn be affnrled or benefited by aald Improveniant, namely i Lot 6. bits k 71 ; lotah, (1. 1 and, Id h k la, tola I. a. 8 and 4. hlis-- 74: lots I and a, block Vt; lota 4 and b. block 74: lots I, , T and , block T. all In plat A. Malt Lake City survey. Lota a and a. liliM-- Ml; lota t, . T and H. bba k fl ; lota & and t, block IW; lotah, e. t aud H. blo. k IH; lota I, a. 3 and 4, block KI; lota I and a. block W: lota I S and 4. block nl. and lols 1 and a, block , all In plat II, halt Lake City survey. All nrotesta and onjectmna to the retrying out of such Intent'ou must Im pr"nt-- In writing to the Ity ltcorder on or before June 17, IMal, being the time set by said council when It will hear and consider such pruteeta and obiect'mia as may be made thereto. My order of the city Council of Halt Laaa City, made May au. swi. UiUIR llVatta, City Itnonrder. MOT ICE (!f fae fafeaftMi of faa ( lit lmm-i-l to roaafraee e.hMii. e) iuaafmal atrarl, titwijuaiftii M I'utrul .Va. ail N'OTICE HHtHI IIYOIVr.X ftYTHECTTt of Kail LakeCVynf tha mtanll. nt .in h ciniii. II Uin.a, ih' f ,lotn4ea rttxat liiiiroveninl, t... It Th eonatrvMllutt nt t nall.h I'mtlitvl ta.nenl aidewalaa aiona Iha fiill.iwing atraat. mni-l- r: Th mm a da of Commercial atreet. batwaaa lrt a4 Kni th .Iraeia. Iha waat at.la nf Comoiarla4 atreai rnmiiiafw-lt- i at ti t laa fait aonia of aouth Una of rirat h.Hlth ! t, IhanM win lb to hecj.od iiouih atr t, and -a too eoal and aan-na- -t iereof aatlmatad at T"nty two hundml ond two 4 ei i at otiMi daltara, tf a l a.i.u it upon iha Iota f plwe of irriiui .1 wi htn Iha foimartiiK deaeril 1 4 alrb-t-, belna thadia rl i to ha aiTMiednf banafl'ed bf .alililiilinivaiti.nl. namely: lita a au4 t4 block !! pial A. M II l.ak.Cltr nirvay. Ail roieta and ntija. tlna. to In rITT'B out ol am h li.l. nllun mii.t t praaaBtad UI wrltin to Iha city Harnrder on or hadxa Jlna 17. I --uii lie li f Iha lltiM ael by iha .ai I ranmll when it will h"ar and eotnliler atirk unn llooa aa may la. iu.de iii.rMu. Hy order of Ih CUT Ciun.il of Hall La a City, Buhl May l lw) Uifia HTaaa, City Rn4ar. OTICE OF COMPLETION OF AHHKHH-l- i ment of a local tax for the extenalon of the water mains ou Ninth East street : Notice is hereby iflven that the assessor and mllector of Salt Lake City hue iiiudn and com-pleted the list and plat ticrtiilnliiK to a local tax at the rate of four mills per aintara foot, levied by the city council of Halt Lake city Muya?, IHUd, uiKin the followltiK descrllied lots or pieces of ground, namely i Ivits I, a. 7, N, block 41, lots 3, 3, 4.6, block 4a, part of lot I, block 44. part of lot 4, and all of lot S, block 4.1, all In plat II. Halt Luke City survey, said tax beliiK for the extension of the water mains alonit the following- described route, namely; Ninth E:ist street, between Hecond and Koiirth south streets. Hald list and plat have been Indited In the office of the city recorder, No. a. City hall, and will be open for Inspection for a Iierlod of ten days from and after the 4tb day of IH), during which time written appeals to the city council for th correction of the assessment may be tiled with t he aald recorder, lu pursuance of the ordinance In such case provided. 1XH7IH HYAMH, city Kecorder, Hall Lake City, June 3rd, lwu. NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF of a local tax for the extension of the water malus on .yecond south street. Notice Is hereby trtveo that the assessor and collector of halt Lake City has made and com-pleted the list and plat pcrtulnttig to a local tux at the rate of four mills per square foot, levied by the city council of .Salt Lake City, Maya , 18UU, upon the following described lots or pieces of ground, namely : Lots 6, n, block a7; lots s, 7, block a); lots 1,9, block all ; lots a, 8, block 80i all In plat V, Salt Lake City Survey, said tax being for the extension of the water mains along the following described route, namely: Hecond south street from lietween lOthandlltb East to midway lietween 11 th and Twelfth East streets. Said list aud plat have been lodged in the office of the city Recorder, No. a, City hall, and will be open for Inspection for a period of ten days from and after the 4th day of June, lmo, during which time written appeals to the cit y cotiucll for the correction for the assessment may be filed with the said Recorder, In pursuance of the ordi-nance In such case provided. LOUIS HYAMS. City Recorder. Salt Lake City, June 8rd, 1890, She Soared Too High. i young fellow was inquiring of 031-- Button at the Third Btreet depot out the train for the north, when tho iret queried in return: Didn't you come in this morning?" "Yes." ' With a young woman." "Yee." "I thought so. I took you for a bridal tple." ' "Yes, so we were." "And you are going back alone?" "That's what's the matter. We were Tried day before yesterday and came on a tour. She was all right when got here, but in about an hour we la fuss. She wanted a diamond ring, II couldn't buy it. diamonds! Just ink of it! I've got $35 in cash and aty acres of land, and expect to have live on Deans for the next six months Pill through." Where is she now?" Over at the hotel. 1 left her money Pay her bill and get home, and she rtay or come. Better have this thing m at the start, yon know. Some 18 are huilt to wear diamonds, and "'toeat johnny cake. I'm a johnny There's my train. If she comes to take the next just see her aboard, ' wt encourage her any. It's a row who shall boss, and the best man to mn.-De- troit Free Press. NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF of a local tax for the extension nf the water mains ou H street. Notice Is hereby given that the Assessor and Collector of Halt Lake City has made and complnbid the list and plat pertaining to a local tax at the rate of four mills per suuure foot, levied by tht; City Coun-cil of Salt Lake City, May lJ7, isuu, upon the follow Inn descrllied lout or pieces of around, namely: Lotsa.3, bhs-- VO: lote I, 4, block Wl; lots 1. 4, block lots a. 3, block 107, all In plat D, Salt Lake City survey, said tax Mug for the extension of the water mains along the following described route, namely t H street, from Intersection of (Ith and H to Intersection of 8th and H street. H ilil list and Plat have been lodged In the office of the City Recorder, No. a, City Hail, and will be open for lusper.. tlon for a period of ten davs from and after the ith day of June, IKDO. during which time writ-ten aplieals to the City Council for the correc. tlon of the assessment may he filed with the stld Recorder, In pursuance of the ordlnsuce Id such case provided. liOUIH HYAMS, City Kecorder. Salt Lake City, June 3. iwu. NOTICK OF COMPLETION OF of a local tax for the extension of the water mains on Third .South street. Notice is hereby given that the assessor and collector ot .salt Lake City has made and com-pleted tho list and plat pertaining to a local tax at the rate of four mills per square foot levied by the city council of Aalt Lake Cltv, Maya?, upon the following descrllied lots or pieces of ground, namely : Lots 8, 7, block 40: lots A, S, block 41 : lots a, 3 block 44: part of lot 1, block 45, all In plat B. Mall Lake City sur-vey, said tax being for the extension of tho water mains along the following described route, namely : Third south street from near Klghth east street to Ninth east. Said list and plat have been lodged In the office of the city recorder. No. 2, city hall, and will be open for iuMie lon for a perlcd of ten days from and after the 4th dav of June, 1800, duiins which time written appeals to the city coun if for the correction of the assessment may be filed with the said recorder, in pursuance of the ordi-nance In such esse provided. Louis IlYsHd. City Kecorder. Salt Lake City. Junta, VHP. I No. 413.1 NOTICE OF 1'ROOF. Lahu Orrn a .t Halt Lahk City, I May I a. hwi. f VTOTICE IS HKKKHY lilVKM THAT TIIK 11 the fnlloWHIK named aetller haa flied notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hla claim, and lhat anld proof win lie made before the ItegMntrr and Hecelver of the I'. H. Land Omre at Halt LaheCity on July II. W, vl. t Joaeph MrKea, No lo.UKi, for Iha aa'i, section :H, townahlpl mirth, raiiK'i a east He names tha following wlttiesaea lo nrova ble continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, namely: Waiter Davldoon, 'rank Thomas Andnraou aud r'rank Butt, allot Malt Lake (Ity, ('tab. Tn D. lloasa, KK..ITKW. 10. 460. 50TICE OF JI PROOF. T AND OFFICII AT HALT LAKK CITY. J 4 ftah. June Wb, N'lb la hereby given that the followlng-tieme- aetller haa filed notice of hit Intention t make final proof in support of his claim, and that said pns.f will be made before the renlster and receiver at Halt Lake nty, ( lh, oil Jnlr ?nrt. !", vis.: David II. Lambert. D. H. laMi. for the northeast quarter section aS, township ( south, range a weat. H. L. P. M. He names the following witneaeea to prova hlarontnltioiia residence upon and cultivation of said land, tit: J D. W alla.-- of Oranger. Halt Lake county, I'lah; J, .If Moesear. "alt Lake City H. O.; William Hill, of Oranger. Halt Lakeeoiuilv, I'tahiKIIC'urtia, of (ranger, bait l.akseoiiiity. l uh And you, Charlaa II Vinson, who on Man h gsth, IsV), maile desert entry No nasi for tba same land are hereby snruinoned lo appear at the same time and place and abyea- rtra, If anv you have, why your said enirr should not be cance led and the proof aad final entry of his claimant allowed. KKANK D. HfWIIH Itegl.ler. N'OTIl'K or rttMPLKTIOM Or AMUEHti. of a local tax for Iha ettaueion of the water ma a on Hacmd f.aal and oa tav-etit- h xiith alreeia Notice ta karaey givaa than tha aaaeaaor and clle. t.if of Hall l.ik nty kaal made and eompMa.! a li aud plat parttlnlng to a lor tas at tha rata of fiajr oillia pmr iiare bail, levied by tha rlty naiatl o4 tait Ijthai'lly. Miyirth. lwi, uj tu fnlirwtiltf defrtbei Iota or plarea of ground, bamalf ; llta I. i. 7, n. bio. k If. lota .!,. a Mo IS; l.ila I. t, a, 4 s a, b. k l. Iota t, I 7, , blork tl: all In I'lal A. Hall lk Ity urv.y, aa d lax being for Iha eiienawm of IM wa'a mama along tha lid low lug deacrtbaH rrniie, ntmelys rVomd aaat atraat frtxa mxtb as) K'ahtb aoulh street and on Meveata aoit atrtwt, from Oral l. fWmtd east straat. HaU list and plat have bean ll('d In Iha) V of tha city twa-der- , No , c.ty hall, acd UI ha open for tnt""-tl"- for a perVat rt tan dav from and after tha f.mrta day of J una. imu. dur ng whb ta tlMM wriitea appeal an tbaeiha omndl for lb" n.rrerl i.n of tha gaaaaaoteal nay lie nld with tha aald recorder, la pdrMi ance of Iha ordinance In euro raaa feda.L Un ia llTaxa, UlylUwrdaf. . f4Aivf Laag Citt, June 4 t&x Ntrru f. (tiMPi.r.TOM or Ane. nf a ba-a- l las fi Ih ntaiiln nf the water mains on Third treet. Notice la hereby given thai Iha aeaeaen an4 collector of Mail l,ai. CHr ha4 made S4 iici- - riletad tha lial and pial rlnlBg t a ora the ratn.it b.ur mitla par aqaar ftwat, levied by Ilia city nntre tl vf Mil Laka ( t'r. May VI. Isvo iitio tha lolirwiag d-- a, rl1.! ti or places tt namely ; L bhrk t ll 4. block Si, Kd I. Mork SA, Int I block ta, ail In plat l. Halt Laaa I'ny aarvry eai4 la I ka. lug fisr the eitei.i of ws'rr main, along lra following drw-nian- t ffrnta Bamatrj Thtrsl atreei lrrtn terrulflllS batwaaa) taful m lo twii way between M and N rt, w.ia lalarala on M tree) Maul list and plal hva fceaa Iatfa4 In l.'i ofhra of Iba city rwotilev No, t, l hall, and wtn baopn for lnta-- l. a i.( len days tn.n ami after ike t day nfJ una, su diirirnr which tinia wrttwin aiitieai l if nty rirttiirll fia-- Iha rfivrartlras of th aaaaaa-nr-may t m.-- with the al4 r i.r,i aj pnratian. ol tin nrdlnaBe In ' pro Uled. Urt-- i Ht. Oty RaeoriiMT. Hall lake (Ity, Jnnai,san NOTICK OH1 COMPLKTION OK of a tax for the extension of the water mains on Klrst, street. Notice Is hereby given that the assessor and collector of Halt Lake city has made and completed the list and plat peiialnlng b a local tax at tha rate of four mills per square foot, levied hy the city council of Halt Lake city May STfth. IW, upon tho following described lots or pieces of ground, namely: Lot block ; lots 8, 4, block 7; lols I, a. block aa: lot . block as, all In plat 1), Halt Lake city survey, aald tax being for the extension of the wateniiulns along th following described route, namely: Vlrnt street from (I to H street, hald list and plat have been lodged In the office of the i lly re-corder. No. a. city hall, and will be o-- for Inspection for a period of lo davs from and lifter the 4th day of June. im. during which time written appeals to the city council lor the correction of the assessment may be filed with the aald recorder. In pursuance of the or-dinance In such ce prnvliied- IX ft; IS HYAMH City Kecorder. Halt Lake City, June 3rd, W. NOTICE OF THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUN-el- l to extend water mains on Firth Kast street from the present terminus to thecenter of the block between Sixth aud He vent li south street. Notice Is hereby given by the City Council of Halt Lake Cltv of the Intention of such Council to make the following descrllied Improvement, Extending aud laying irou water plims or mains along the following streets, namely: Fifth East street from present terminus to the center of the block between Htxth and Heventh south street, and defraylug three-fourth- s of the cost thereof, estimated at Thirty-si- Hun-dred (WWOl Dollars, by a local uiwn the lots or pieces of ground within the following descrllied district, being the district to be affected or benefited by said im-provement, namely: 3. 4. block m, lots I H block 34, lots 1, 'i. 7, K. block SI, lots a. a, 4, li biwkal, lots ft. . block 1. lots (l, 7, bhs k 21 all In plat I. Halt, Lako City survey. All protests and objections to the carrying ont of such intention must be presented In writing to the (Ity Kecorder on or before July I, iskj, being the time set bv the said council when It will hear and con.tidcr auch objoctlons as may be made thereto. By order of the City Council of Hatt Ike City, made May 10. . Uk H v ams . City Recorder. Salt Lake City, June 7, 1880. Tho Pastor's Victory. Hyears ago, when drinking habits more prevalent than now, a Con-won- al minister in York county W a very strong temperance ser-- Bat made a sensation in the parish. a the leading members of the con-- felt insulted. They got up t the house during the sermon, Jwn sent a letter demanding an SJ' or the preacher's resignation. Sunday the pastor announced the pulpit that he would comply gentlemen's request in the even-cours- e, everybody who could go 'wurcli that evening was there, ."affected pnes with smiles on their ! the thought of how they had Wover the minister. The wor-tende- d the' pulpit, went 5 tlle preliminary exercises, and ..jwd his text: ''And being ;'t oy their own consciences they iut.on"by''Me. Tho sermon mthat test was s stunner, wang more was said about an i"rtthe minister did not resiga. (Me.) Herald. OK fMI'I.KTION OT NOTII'K aloral tax fur the ent'-iisin- of Hie wali r mains on Klrst West street. Notlre Is tinrrbv (flvn that the Asanwor and (Nillwlir of Halt Mise City has nia'le ami r.inpletd the list and olat wrtaliiltiK to a ls:al lax at tlia rate of four mills perwiiiarc font lvlail hjr the Cltr Council ' riail Lake ;ity. Muf if?ih. iw, upon the followlnit dwrlhail lots or pl:a of around, namely: !jOH 1- blur 13; lotaS.s, bx-- Mi lots. 3, 4, f. blis-uai- ; lots I. II. 1. S. blo- - k 31; all In plat A, Halt J,ake ritr Hurray, said tax blnu fitfthe ienvlm of the werr mains along lb fullowlmr desrrlla-- d routes, namely: first West street from tilxib soulli lo rteventb soulh street. Hald list and plat have been lodif'-- 1" the office of the City No. , City Hall, and will bn U Inspection for a perlofl of in davs from and fir the 4th day of Jane. IWi, duriiia: whwh time rtttrn appeals to the C.ty Coum II fr m of the aaaessroint may be filed wi'hihe eald Ucordrr, m pursuance of the ordinance In sues case nrrivlled LotialirAMH City Recorder. Salt Laite C.iy, J uu ifd. leiX SOTICE THE INTBNTION OFTHKCITYCXICV-cl- l OF to extend water mains on Tnird South street from midway lietween Ninth and Ten East to midway between Tenth aud Eleventh East streets, for culinary purpose OINotlce H hereby riven by the City Council of Salt Lake city of the Intention of such Coun. ell to make the following described improve-ment, Extending and laylny Iron water pipes or mains alonif the foilowinj street namely: T.I'd South etreet from m i wrtv tjetw n N n'h and ' "'n h East to midway between Tenth and Eleventh Cast tre-'- B 'o ni'ri- - mi and defra Ins three fourth of theeost thereof . estimated at i i in e anten h n en dollars, by a local assessment onon the lots or pieces of rround wi'hln the foliowlnsr described district, belria the district to be 3cted or benefited by said Improvement, nanvly: Lots and ''Ati; lots 3 and S. block ' , In plat F lota 1, block . lote 1 and .bfry-lc- ; ail !n ol t F and H Salt Lake cltv inrvey. All pro-test- e and objections to the carrying out of such Intention mnst be presented In writing to the City Recorder on or before u'v I. !). beiiur the time set by the aald council whwi It will hear and consider such objection as may ByoTThe Ory Council of Rait LaM Clt. made April . 1X Loci Hra Salt Lake City. June T, HX SUMMONS. la lb fXjrtrit Cmrt In an4 foe ihafilrd Jll del leatrtct ol I US Tartttorjf, County ot Beit LaAaw Kr P. Tarun. PUintlff, I a. V t,Jt$ OiLBaart II--T a Tula, ta o.laat. Tea Faopia ot the Terrltorr of T'taJl saorl r"in lotilhart II. Ta'!-- dafanaanti VUU AKfS HKHKHV Mrf lKKO TO At- - I paar ta an actlua Mmf ai agjainaa Jim by be ehnve nam"! plaint: H ta " PisiirV-- l r.rrt of tha Tstr--t Ja.iHal leasnc o tta T armory ol I'laS. aQ.1 lo 16 imM..i n:4 lharata annua tan day I'lvlusita of taa day of senruei :tr iaa yon Ol tela tarssi-i- i! anad tii aeona'y; of tf aarrKi out of ihteir!tir, 6'it IS h. djmn.fX wnaui twanry 7; rtharwi w.na:tt Irsrty day )Wf n..aoi Ity da'auit will oa :un aa.a yon. aav enr i Bit to ina ?ry j? aid 00 ji j. 1 ai 1 m at.d a la bris lo , a daens ot th. uiii( air ln ti.ls at sart-nno- y ' baf ware rf tat 1 a4 : aar.'l n pia MtS rua ly r4 toa) t'j id, 1 aray lartla T .y'tof. taaoa of aul a. anl eiaita uf aaifc. A.wvt daeraa ayaal tot on ih Krn4.--4 thjt iai-- im art ii Btonf haof lir u ri4 dra.l vfll aa wil-fu.- ir !a;bl. rafuwd aiv't n'm- - 'a t to roW) fT oUintiS taa crnrtaia aasaaaaari of tt.'a, isT tn provila for iimir sa d en id Taa iara J'ina. IwJ. 4fnrUBt luui .ajrrlbotd t.a lui-i- y outrun inauil tha rapport of ptaiauS or ia-- :r r.nld. annuo rl ofa n ra't to 4.. so and feaa owgaiW ptaiui.t to auppuri em ol hir e maana kuta a,aodaut aaai UaaJI aid thud. And roe ar kiby an .Bad that tf too tall to appaar an4 aoawar ta MM eumpiaiat ) u. rv!r4, sua mb piaaitK wtu 9ff tu ta evurt fur ta rit1 damaiutd thaTn. Wltrwaa, ih Hon. Ihsrte ZM. Jmicr. an! tl al vl ta Marnrt l.wri of ta Tainl Jtuuetal tnarrwt. (-- " ami lae. Territory nf I laa. taia aittt day nf April in tae mar o( our Lont .iiw thoMMUkt aigat aaaa drad and aiiaMy Hcaav 1;. . Vnu, Clara. By Ci'A B. Ui.is Oev'il t iara. LEGAL. S0TICE. TEEASCRT DrPARTMRKT. OmCI Or COitPTBOLl,EB OrTffB CCFBESCT f WASHISGTOsr. May li 1K0. WEIKEA3. by satisfactory evtitencejriresented to the undersigned, it baa been made to PPr that the National Bank of the Kepubllu at Salt LakV dty. la the eity of Salt Lake in the county of Salt Lake, and territory of ttah. ha complied with all the provisions of the statutes of the United States, required tn be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the bueiuess of bank- - '"asb THEREFORE, t Jesse D. Abrahams, acting comptroller of the currency, do reS certify that the National Bank of the Renuollc at Salt Lake city, in the city of sft Lake, in the county ot Salt Lake and Ttah is authorized 10 commence the of banking as provided in Section hundred and sixty-nin- e of the stamt' of the I nirad States. IN TKSTIMOXY WHKREOF, wlm.- - my hand and seal of office this ISth day of May. '' ' J. D. ABK.FJt. Deputy and comptroller of the cur- - SOIILE THE INTf N'riOl OF Titl CTY OrC-- inc:l to ext nd w ter mains oa KotiTh south stnet i.i bai' bo k et i.Ojj tie cectxro 8ventn n 1 F.I m i F.est Votlca Is hrey iflven br the C ity Council of Salt Lake C.'.y of li Intention of u n rnn-.:- l to make th following dacrlbad imprnuut Extraditi: and U'in Iron water or mains along th following slreete. namely: rounh Bo.itn tivet. on h nf - 't irmn tlia ce iv r or Hamdh an I Kl flith Kaat r"is and defrarinir ihrw loum of the ol tbr)f. t uiil-- at wvnwn hundred dollars ( i. by a l al aawsament op. th Ms or ple.-- a of ground within tb I'jIWjw. j Ilia dcacrl bed district, being th dutrlrt lor aff-ct- ed or benefitted by said Itnprovemant. namely: Lot 4, . blca 3b: tWi 7, 4. blof.k -- 1; loi I. d. bl'x-ka- I'd a 4, wo 41. ail !fl rt li Halt Lane f.lty Hurvev. All and to the carryinr ont of orb intitlwa mnt lie prwninf tu willing to thliy j crilcron.ar IW.-.- - Julv 11. Kii;if the tliiK- - a! ov the aald Council shrn It will (war and c.ui.W wta olJ:!Kn aa may mada j "'Jiy'ririlaT f th :,,r Council "f Sait La ' ftly, mao Mav ! f frail Lake rny. Juna 7, W. ' ' , , A Hybrid Cola. " ; tj my possession a coin which It is a United States half t wiver), having an eagle on each course, it bears no date, but it ?niM the coinage act of 1793. mother, dated 1827, which bears 5iD ' WrTle. One face of this coin is H7et3of itsiasne. Upon the re-- I 5m ,?ented reversed, as though I b o.ere b7 another coin. 1 C " that 00151 cnt 3 I Hot one 8tBck to 8 a, UP" nd left its impression - Wver atrip from which, as I ' COins are eut- - 1 can ac kxlZ. in no othor ws y- - u 4 T"n 0VCTlked at the mint, Vnf ,nt0 circnlation. It is of t a"d standard silver.-C- or. in.r0ceari, .NOTICE. LL PFRWN'B ABf, HFTRF.BY WARNED. A nudr the penalty pro-.-l- by ordi-iali'- -. ni.l to remove the riy of any- dead annual or offal or Hlthot auv tlon. w it resit 8r1 notifying the Hiy saveuper. who will lsu dlre;tion for its WILLIAM SHOW ALL. Cilv I) aianicr j April i:. I1-- Rrwnn i lly Hall. |