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Show NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OF a local tax for the. extension of the w ater niaius on Third aouth sttvet. Notice Is hereby klven that the assessor and collector of Salt Lake city has made and completed tho list and Plat pertainiuR to a local tax at the rate of four mills per square foot, levied by the cltv council of Salt 1-alteeity June.nd, 1M. upon the followiutc-descrilied lots or nieces of ftuind. namely: Lots 9, a. block 4M; lots S. blo-k : lots ft, 7. block W; lots ft, ft. block 37; all tu plat B, Salt Lake city survey, said tax bciiifr for the extension of the water mains alonit the followinii described route, namely: Ht'Rltiuiiiir lu the, center of fourth East street, on Third south street, aud continuing- east to the renter of Filth East street. Said list ami plat have been lodged in theofflce of the city recorder. No. , cltv hall, and will be open for Inspection for a period of ten days from and Hfter the 7th dav of June, liu, during which time written appeals to the, city council for tho correction o( the assessment assess-ment may be filed with the said recorder. In pursuance of the ordinance In such case provided. pro-vided. LOUIS HYAMS. . City Recorder. Salt Lake City, Junoitu, ISO. |