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Show KOTUIJ 0fAa iNfeafioN of (A C.ly Count U tu rvutrmrt ideuilll.ua Mr( Snhfa afreet ami aa FuH A'nf frW, (ViBNff at hafrif I Ad. a). N OTICE IS IlEUr BY OIVF.N UV TH E CITY (Vniicil of Halt Lake Cttyof Iha Intention of such council to ma. the followin deai rlbed Improvement, tn-w.t: The construction of Engl ah Portland cement mdawalka alone tha following Ktreeta. namelvi The eolith aide of Klrst Hoiilh at. from Klrat Kaal at, to a taunt XH feet ea-t from eait line ot l lml Eaal at real, and from Meeond to Keveuth K.aet airaeta: Iha liorib aide of Klrat Honth street, n nimetuin III f. et east of east Una of rtrat Kaat .treat, thence east to He vent h Caat atreet, the ra.t aide of Ktral r.aal atreet, between Koillh Tm- I He and First Kotith atreet: the weat alda of 'Irat East atreet, between MoulhTample.treet and a point M feet north of north line of t'lral Houth atreet and defray the coat and pna thereof. estlniat.Hl at Twenty two thimaand live hundred and twelve 'IS. KIM iWJ Ma.lrl dot-lata, dot-lata, by a local eeminent iism tha Int. or pieces of ground a It hilt the follow ing dewrtbrd dlntrl'-t, la-lllg the di.trirt tn be affnrled or benefited by aald Improveniant, namely i Lot 6. bits k 71 ; lotah, (1. 1 and, Id h k la, tola I. a. 8 and 4. hlis-a 74: lots I and a, block Vt; lota 4 and b. block 74: lots I, , T and , block T. all In plat A. Malt Lake City survey. Lota a and a. liliM-k Ml; lota t, . T and H. bba k fl ; lota & and t, block IW; lotah, e. t aud H. blo. k IH; lota I, a. 3 and 4, block KI; lota I and a. block W: lota I S and 4. block nl. and lols 1 and a, block , all In plat II, halt Lake City survey. All nrotesta and onjectmna to the retrying out of such Intent'ou must Im pr"nt-d In writing to the Ity ltcorder on or before June 17, IMal, being the time set by said council when It will hear and consider such pruteeta and obiect'mia as may be made thereto. My order of the city Council of Halt Laaa City, made May au. swi. UiUIR llVatta, City Itnonrder. |