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Show N'OTIl'K or rttMPLKTIOM Or AMUEHti. nient of a local tax for Iha ettaueion of the water ma a on Hacmd f.aal and oa tav-etith tav-etith xiith alreeia Notice ta karaey givaa than tha aaaeaaor and clle. t.if of Hall l.ik nty kaal made and eompMa.! a li aud plat parttlnlng to a lor tas at tha rata of fiajr oillia pmr iiare bail, levied by tha rlty naiatl o4 tait Ijthai'lly. Miyirth. lwi, uj tu fnlirwtiltf defrtbei Iota or plarea of ground, bamalf ; llta I. i. 7, n. bio. k If. lota .!,. a Mo IS; l.ila I. t, a, 4 s a, b. k l. Iota t, I 7, , blork tl: all In I'lal A. Hall lk Ity urv.y, aa d lax being for Iha eiienawm of IM wa'a mama along tha lid low lug deacrtbaH rrniie, ntmelys rVomd aaat atraat frtxa mxtb as) K'ahtb aoulh street and on Meveata aoit atrtwt, from Oral l. fWmtd east straat. HaU list and plat have bean ll('d In Iha) V of tha city twa-der, No , c.ty hall, acd UI ha open for tnt""-tl"0 for a perVat rt tan dav from and after tha f.mrta day of J una. imu. dur ng whb ta tlMM wriitea appeal an tbaeiha omndl for lb" n.rrerl i.n of tha gaaaaaoteal nay lie nld with tha aald recorder, la pdrMi ance of Iha ordinance In euro raaa feda.L Un ia llTaxa, UlylUwrdaf. . f4Aivf Laag Citt, June 4 t&x Ntrru f. (tiMPi.r.TOM or Ane. ment nf a ba-al las fi Ih ntaiiln nf the water mains on Third treet. Notice la hereby given thai Iha aeaeaen an4 collector of Mail l,ai. CHr ha4 made S4 iici- riletad tha lial and pial rlnlBg t a ora at al the ratn.it b.ur mitla par aqaar ftwat, levied by Ilia city nntre tl vf Mil Laka ( t'r. May VI. Isvo iitio tha lolirwiag d-a, rl1.! ti or places tt a-rnnnd, namely ; L bhrk t ll 4. block Si, Kd I. Mork SA, Int I block ta, ail In plat l. Halt Laaa I'ny aarvry eai4 la I ka. lug fisr the eitei.i of ws'rr main, along lra following drw-niant ffrnta Bamatrj Thtrsl atreei lrrtn terrulflllS batwaaa) taful m lo twii way between M and N rt, w.ia lalarala on M tree) Maul list and plal hva fceaa Iatfa4 In l.'i ofhra of Iba city rwotilev No, t, l hall, and wtn baopn for lnta-l. a p-rk-at i.( len days tn.n ami after ike t day nf J una, su diirirnr which tinia wrttwin aiitieai l if nty rirttiirll fia- Iha rfivrartlras of th aaaaaa-nrnl aaaaaa-nrnl may t m.-d with the al4 r -i.r,i aj pnratian. ol tin nrdlnaBe In ' pro Uled. Urt-i Ht. Oty RaeoriiMT. Hall lake (Ity, Jnnai,san |