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Show Mr. Holeomb, tho vice-j)resident, while in Denver tlie other day, was asked what was the cause of so many decapitations decapi-tations of officials. In reply he said that it was to the interest of the company com-pany to make these changes. The management, said be, is acting on the j same principle that an employer does I in regard to his employees. When a large wholesale house, for instance, becomes be-comes dissatisfied with tho services of n clerk, the manager lets him go uml secures se-cures some other man. Mr. llolcoinb emphatically denied that there bad been any conspiracy among tho men who had been let out. Their services had not been satisfactory aud hence their dismissal. It is quite likely, judging judg-ing from the various intimations made by Mr. llolcoinb, that lightning will continue to ' strike for some time to come. In other words there is to be a general "shaking up" all along the line. - THE UNION FACIFIC "SHAKE VP." The frequent changes among the officials of ,thc Union Pacific make he tenure of office under that corpora-. corpora-. lion very uncertain. Never in tho history his-tory of the road have there been so many changes as during the past two years. Such uncertainty, it would seem, is very demoralizing io the employees, em-ployees, who are in constant fear of removal. re-moval. How good discipline can be maintained under such a policy is something Unit the-public cannot tin-(derstand.. tin-(derstand.. Naturally there has been n gruat deal of criticism passed upon the management of the road on account of tli frequency with w hich official heads have been dropped into l lie basket. |