Show tlalhu M4ue. first Police fivrgeanl Sam Halter !o-I !o-I duv hand d ia h e resignatioo to t'htJ : Vonng to lake effect Jtina li. Serjeant i Mailer Will rtsume to old poisitioa at the W siker b.iise. tloring hi career ou the police (nrew Haiier ha ni-J m.uiv friend and plovet Uitnse!l a divide a.ld efticicnt orticer. 1.. oeiexir will uudotibtedly Ul .V-rgrant Charte L.Bg who la neat la line of promot.on. and mho b his ui)cr:fr o8icr U a limt eta member of the departnwnl. Wbo will acce4 Mr. Lang i not known. lie ill undonbUHlly hm ehoen from the rank and the rw-ommendtttion of . Chief Youug. wiuU thorooghiv postea regard. eg iheuulllicaUoniftne force. J will undoubtest.v L coonoued by th city rnril at tt next meetlnj wJ Tusdjy evening Beit. |