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Show CLIPPED AND CONDENSED. A thief who robbed a house at Wilkes-barre, Wilkes-barre, Pa., took a bath and a fresh suit before he left. The first steamboat on the Mississippi river was the New Orleans, built at Pittsburg in 1811 by Nicholas J. Roosevelt, Roose-velt, from plans furnished by Robert Fulton. The income of the University of Oxford Ox-ford for the present year is about 00,-200. 00,-200. During the last year the university univer-sity has increased its capital by nearly 13,000. An African craze prevails in Germany. Tbe foreign office is Hooded with applications, appli-cations, largely from army officers, but including all sorts of people, asking for goverumcut employment in Africa. Stanley says the director of a Dutch house recently told him that his firm now has thirty steamers ou the Upper Congo, and that their houso had bought $1,000,000 of ivory in the last two years. At Macon a woman stopped to tie her shoe while walking in East Macon. She laid a pocketbook containing about twenty live dollars on a bridge while doing this aud left it there. When she went back for it she could not find it. Some statistician has figured out that for the annual nourishment of 13,000 -000 cows aud 12,000,000 horses there are needed 30.000,000 tons of hav, 00,000,-000 00,000,-000 bushels of eornraeal, the same of oakmeal, 275,000,000 bushels of corn, at a cost of $450,000,000. College undorgradautes of old-school propensities may learn through a lecture lect-ure by Andrew Lang on "Tho Natural History of Society," that a relative of Khubla Khau, a chief whose bad luck brought on him the sentence of death by his tribe, was tossed in a blanket till he died. A troupe of about fifty Persian siug ers, dancers, wrestlers, boxers, eon-jurors eon-jurors and equestrians, nearly all of whom have been forced from their natives na-tives land for highwaymanry, are about to make a tour through Europe, starliu" from Odessa. Their performances are said to be quite wonderful. George W. Rauck presented a cisar to Librarian llerbst. of Maeoti, ' (ia., Saturday, which was made sixty years ago. It has been iu the possession of Mrs. Marshall, a lady eighty years old a resident of Lexington Ky. She has in" her possession letters from Washington her grandfather's friend. According to a late consular report the parts of Europe cover the following areas: Germany 84,50(5,000 acres; Russia Rus-sia 494 228,000 acres; Austria-Hungary, 45,9el,i00 acres; Sweden, 42,000 000 acres; France, 22,2-10,000 acres; Spain 19,709,000 acres; Italy, 9,884,570 acres! and England, 3,471,000 acres. Charles G. Barnard, fifty-six vears old and a leading business man at tans-nig tans-nig Mich., was married to Mrs Lizzie Jackson, a negress. Barnard has a respected wife and a large family, but the Jackson woman was made to believe t hat Mrs, Barnard was Barnard's sister baruard will be prosecuted for bigamy. At Ofeu Hungary, a woman has il led who had not for thirty years (rone outside her house. She was tlio daneliier of well-to-do parents.. Thirty years aao she was about to be married. ' I'ler lover "to lest her obedience and love " desired de-sired her ,m a eertaiif feast day not to go lut.i the streets. She agreed. Inn I in.Ke her promise and went into the I town. n,,. luxt Jay Il0r iover bl.(lke j the engagement, aud thereupon she made a vow that never again diir'ni" her lifetime would she leave her hous? aud she kept her word. " - J " e' |