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Show LEGAL. ' si oNs to aseTped COXPLAIXT In ta lltrtct rnurt In ml for th Third Jit dlcial mstrtct of ruo Territory, . Couutyof Salt Lake, John B. Ingram and John T. DouneLUn, Ula tiffs, vs. Adoliih Il.nkninir. Aaron Wall, Jamea Kai nelly. Annie k. Wonhelm. John W. Huti, Aaurs M. Yonntf Ane M. Yonnc, executrK of the esUts of Mh.irt M. Yountf. deccasedt Mahonii M. VoiiiiK Winltetd S. YTmn Wat-noir Wat-noir Younv . minor heirs of aald Mahonrl M. Vonnif. iinasetl, and Acnes H. Yauo4. heir urin-nl guardian defendants rMlr: FKOPI.K or THB TKKKITOKY or 1 l ah send greeting to Ailolea Haakaia mer. Aaroa Wail James Krnnsiljr. Annie ft, M.-Bae!JK-,Ti-a W. tiiigus. Ajtnes M, Youjw Ame M. Youn eucutrtx of tha estal ,if Mabonrt M Ysin dereaseri: Mahonrl M. Yeiinc. WtntleldrV. Voting, M'aidemar Y'lun, minor heirs of said hlsl iorl H. Yous. deceased, de-ceased, and A ift M. Yon4f, lhatr froerai guardian, defeuftaalw: Yo ar bror rsulrnl In appear ta an action hmmtit attalnst u fir the ahnra oam4 plainlltTs tu the district court ol the Third Jt Ui.-ui lutrtrt ol the Territory of Utah, and M answer the complaint Bled Iheretn wfcn dav texi lusiie of the day of ervtc after ta ervlea oa row of this ummraalf servst within thisomnty: or If served mil of thia cminiy. but In iMsdlstrlrt. wtthtn twanty itarx otherwise within forty lae-ir Jn4rneat bf default will he takea aa"in.t yuo, acw4lUuj W the prayer of said mmpitinl. Tba aald action Is brouKht to havw a decrean this court adJKtKl:i that iha tfrfeodaata ao4 each and erv ol ih-m he rsv Ksrre-J frot ail eialm to any estate m InherltaBe or freav hold In that rertata property slniata in r. I Jke osintr I t,h wrnmeo. In la eeBe of 4 rods stnsut east and weal oe, amttw !.te o Bvw a-ta plat O, Hi 1'iei.l irvev rsl uth from tmtha eornerof serilon IA lowhlp I aiaiih e-f rani I eat Salt Lai meridian: thenc west alosf the center of said street isu , tsi to aanter of 4 rod strwel. aorth and iIX thertcw north In the center of said strret rmta to a point us at ol siMilhaeel r.smer of aouthaaat uattar of said sevtton thence east on aoiiih Una of aald an-tiou I', rods in a isvlnl do north of tn-nln. tn-nln. thiu south to beinuiui adjln plaintiffs ti he the rhihtrni and laaful mmi In fe slnileof ald premlsea. for such MkaT relief aa mar be Just ant eatutahia. And ywi ate hereby notiiied lhat If TOW tail In apiiear and answer Ih said eotnnlalnt a ahove rsUirr-t. the said plaintiff anil apply M the court for ttie relief detnaled laaratn. Witness the II. -n t'hartea It, Zne, JiKlire. and th seat of Vfta tn, I 1 sart ol th Third lu.ll. ial dwtnet, i skau v m and ft the Terrlt.-ry l t'tah lata ( - Nik day of !fav, In Iha year nl onr Lord one taouaaud altht httsdndi aud nln. It IUjmit O. M- STlI UH, CUT. By Uco D. Loouvis, lepiy Clera. To |