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Show LOCAL BREVITIES. A department encampment will lie held this year at Fort Douglas. ' Culmer Bros.' shipment of window glass and paint material for the territory terri-tory yesterday lilled more than a car. Hereafter H. N. Greene will be recognized re-cognized as a notary public. Governor Thomas this morning vesting him with that power. : Secretary Montgomery, of the real estate exchange, has received a letter from a man iu Quincv, HI- who wants to start a file factory in Salt Lake. Richard Allred, arrested for adultery by Deputy United States Marshal Doyle, has been admitted to bonds in the sum of $1500 pending an examination. examina-tion. t The time of the United States court was occupied this morning in listening to arguments in cases that lapped over from those announced in The Times of yesterday. The Rio Grande Western has gotten out a new poster announcing the open-Jng open-Jng of the standard guage, which will be sent out in a few days. It is a very attractive bill. F. E. Boyse. night clerk at the Raymond Ray-mond hotel, while bathing at Garfield yesterday, cut his foot badly on a piece of a broken bottle which some careless party had thrown in tho water. ,. E, G. Matt was run in last night for committing a nuisance. Ho put up $5 to regain his liberty, aud as ne did not materialize in the police court this morning, he forfeited the money. , Si Kee, the chinaman, who was arrested ar-rested for conducting an opium joint will for the next 100 days be invisible to the public. That is the punishment meted out to him by the Police Judge. : Mrs. B. W. Locke, the woman of questionable character and proprietress of a shady establishment, has agreed to leave the city provided the police withdraw with-draw their charges against her of conducting con-ducting a house of ill-fame. Bishop Jones of Beaver, who was sentenced sen-tenced to the penitentiary some time ago for violating the Edmunds-Tucker act, went before United States Commissioner Commis-sioner Pratt this morning, took the poor man's oath and was given his freedom. - John S. Smith, a white native of South Africa who has lived in Utah for over twenty years and has never exercised exer-cised the rights of citizenship, was this morning formally declared a fliiJl 11 od god voter by the United States court. . ' The juniors and minims of St. Mary's had their lawn picnic yesterday afternoon after-noon on tho academy grounds. Rev. Gilberson has returned from Eureka. A fair will be given shortly by the ladies of tho place for tho benefit of the church. 'A sueak thief entered room 75 in the Culmer block this morning, but he got nothing except a sound pounding at the hands of Mr. Adams, tho occupant of the apartment. Mr. Adams, thinking that the fellow was sufficiently punished, pun-ished, let h'm go. , A man started up City creek canyon yesterday to get a load of stone. As he did not return home last night his family felt uneasy and notified the police, po-lice, who started out to hunt him up. While they were searching for him ho reached his home, aud it is presumed told his wife tho usual husband's tale. : The Neponset Laud and Live Stock company tiled articles of incorporation with the territorial secretary this morning. morn-ing. The capital is placetl at $2.jO,ono, ana (he incorporators are (ieorge F. Chapman, J. E. Chapman, O. II. Strong, Evanston, Wyo., and W. D. Chapman, C. H. French and William John Williams, Wil-liams, of Canton, Mass. f In the United States court this after- ' noon in the case of Herbert Bates & Co. vs. American Fork city, the l'e-ppondent l'e-ppondent withdrew a previous motion to dismiss; tho action of tho United States vs. Carl C. A. Christenseu was submitted, and arguments were commenced com-menced in the case of William Glass-man Glass-man vs. Mary O-'Douuell. |