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Show J jig THE SALT LAKE TIMES. H: SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, FMPAY, 1 UNK 13, 1800. SO. 1MB, UEIOIAX AFF.UHS. The u'"0 of the l!eichsll,gxhe Army Question. BeKLIX, June la--Tito committee of vXlZlv Stllg " U,1C bil1 yerfoiilav IvriK0 P',rOT' measure pi the basis Tor u military Windthorst, tho leader of tho v1(iall;',rly,.l,?dal'c'1 h" would not tho hill, as he did not con-sute- r tho moment opportune to attempt any tests of lie announced party streugth. at the same time he would lay on the table in the reichstag a motion suggesting the government Simula desist irom its intention to com-pel all men capable of bearing arms to periorm uiililary services. The should abolish septennate; should lix the strength of tho army auuually. at the time the budget was submitted aud the term of service for infantry should be lixcd at two year. Kiekert proposed that peace to be cflective should be tixed annually. The miuistcr of war replied thai tho constitution implied the right of the emperor to lix the matter effective. A yearly fixture could not be conceded. The Reichstag adopted tho grant of 4,500,000 marks to the, account of East Africa. 'CRIMINAL IML An Unknown White M.in Murdered" in Kentucky For His Grip-Sac- k, i , A PHYSICIAN GETS THREE YEAES. Charged With Perjury-- An Attempt at Jail Breaking -- The Cross Murder- -Other Crimes. I'adh au. Ky.,Juue 1:1. A gentleman who arrived "from Tennessee today brings particulars of a murder which occurred near Pierce's sluliou, a little hamlet on the N.N. and M. V. railroad, near the Kentucky line, on Sunday. The body of an unknown white man was found lying tieur the railroad track w illi a couple of bullet holes through his head, lie was recognized as hav-ing passed through Fulton, Ky., the evening before in company with a ne-gro, v ho is also known iu that section. It is believed the negro murdered his companion in order to secure the con-tents of a traveling bag which ho car-ried. At last accounts the people of Tierce's station were hunting tho ucgro with bloodhounds. Hit: AMERICA Iit KKt. It U Hie Kuhjert f Much SenUllon on The Fart of 1Inreuia. Ou June SI. at Chicago, the American lKrly will be run. Who will win That is the ipiolion that is agitating the sport. Scvctitvmofollsand lilhe-- I are eligible to sun for tills rich ii jo;ir j old event, and it is fair to presume there will lie a large licld of Mailers Farly in the .i-mn the public conceded the race to Kl It in Key In con.sisiuenec of his phenomenal '.' year old rec- - on!, but since his sickness and the various, conilictiug rvports as to hi eon-ilitio-there has lieen a great change iu the opinion.) uf tho wise head who are wont to tiauin the wiuuers of big menu a long w ay in advance. Coder the cir-cumstances it looks at present as tlioiu'lt it would W,i very open race, with heavy liettiug. for tint owners of Mich cood hoies as Hill Letcher. Kosamrnl. IVnn 1'.. Cucle ltob. Holier Skelter. Hondu-ras, Santiago, Itlai ncvMono, h., Jed, Krontino, Kascal. Protection. Klierlee. Kxtravagaiioe, and many others, are not disposed to believe that their pets hav e not a good chance to gather in the rich plum, and thus materially In-crease the owners hank iiecouut "And those w ho think that LI Hio Hey Is sick had beM not hack their opinion too heavily, for that colt w ill have to be Hot only sick, but very iu older to lose this raee. Blarney.stone is a good one to play for second, while many are of the (minion that Kosemout Is a good hoi sc. .Inst keep your eves on the jockey gentlemen, bciore you do any belting. 55 r in Kentucky Causes a & jbtfulsofHumsn .. Lives. a. " "Vt . GOES DOWN A BASK PW Meu Are Burned in the Si Rlljns--T- ... Details. ' S LE Jimc W.- -At Bull Creek, - 1ast lligKt a i,0vi! Wi ,'the vre& rose suddenly ' iwuy scval dwelling houses rtiiiwnts. Chesapeake & ciilviTt on the ii lashed out while the storm 1: rtht. and utelght train ran r wjshotil, causing a feartul I rlluauYap, Fireman Morris j :lud brakenian Charles Eaton ;ed beneath the wreck, are not yet recovered. I Frsons living on the banks ?J ck are reported drowned. wing bodies were found: rr iota.Ks, lisliermau. , , Ksi'LKR. widow, and two '" Bctlie aud Julia, and two Sir John Pope Hennessey Wi'l Not Rep-resent an Irish Constituency No Office for Him. LONDON'S ANGLO-ROMA- BANK. .Women in tho Orchestra-McAllis- ter's New Walts--- A College Closing-Ot- her Nowsy Specials. Dlui.ln, June 13. Special. The re-port that Sir Johu Tope llennessy is to be asked by Powell to represent an Irish constituency is pronounced un-founded. Over twenty years ago llennessy represented King's county as a Tory and since then, he has not changed his political views to any considerable extent. It w as only a s ago that ho retired from the gov-ernorship of Mauretius to w hich he had been appointed by a Tory premier, lie is a brilliant but erratic man. It is uot at all likely that he will be selected as a colleague Jby the party which drove from its ranks in disgrace such au ad-vanced nationalist as John O'Connor Power, who represented County Mayo. It is said that Powell regrets bis iietiou iu that matter, but. that his young and aggressive followers prevent him from reconsidering it. Gladstone is a friend of Power, aud will at the next general election secure for him au English con-stituency. Hi irJIEIJ) IT. Barkeeper McAllister Hai an Exciting Ex , pcrienr With Two Burly Highwaymen. ROBBED HIM IS AS ALLET. Two rkkpockets Neatly Capturwl ty Sfal thai Young-Burgla- ries Corn mitted-Po- lic Nwg, Highway robber erut In fuJt bloom last night, and their victims uuta-licre- d two a far a reported ti th police. Harry McAllister, a bar krpr. had an exeiling experience and U 4 heavy loser. He rooms on State street, and this inure in g nhortly lieforn two o'clock eueonuteicil the nien who d sailed him of his jewelry. When ap-proaching Fifth and State utrrels, ami only a Abort n e from the hou vv here he stops two burly feow him and demanded what properly he had w ith bun He T'npm't fully declined, and thinking that ht CJiild ' leg ii" to hi rotim ahead o( tha lascuN, he started ou a run. Th fl-lo- w piirsmsl and over took him, ami list tight etimed. McAllister knock s I one of his assail. mis down, and wa preparing to administer a lik Aom in the reiimiiiiug one, hodrrw a nolvfp and placed the iuu.lo against MeAI-lister- 'a check. TliisriHilrfl him, and ha calmly submitted himself to th" mnrty of the lliief . Tlie Utter grabhrxl McAU lister's tillable gold watch and chain, and with his teeth bit a cost I v diamond nlud from the shirt Ihx.mii. IWorn could recover fnnn th nhoelc th highwaymen made good their riSOSI'KCTlVE MAM1ACTI RES. Some llvuis or lHten-s- t fruiu the Corrcs-IiuiuIoih- w of the The imlicatious aiv that Salt Lake will soon have a w iudovv glass plant. Yeslordav Secretary Montgomery re-ceived a letter froin a firm in 1 'indlay, O.. regarding that subject. Today he received another letter, this lime from a glass linn ut Strcator, 111., on tho same line. Tho Illinois firm wants to start up on a big scale. They propose to manufacture window glass, bottles and fruit jars. They say that they will put up a plant em-ploying 400 men. and want to control the entire western market. The linn is the patentee of the most improved method of wiudow g'a.ss making, and can turn out the very best article at the lowest cost. They ask forfull informa-tion regarding w liito sand and fuel. T1IK ItK.M, KSTATK KX( HAM.K. The real estate exchange met this morning, but there were neither wants nor oilers. There was a good attend-ance, and an hour was speut iu dis-cussing the best means of answering the large correspondence of the ex-change. A special meeting of tho ex-change will be heht tonight, at 8 o'clock to consider tho same subject. CIlAMUKlt OK COM.VIKKCE. The members of the Chamber of Com-merce wili meet again tonight to vote on the question of raisiug the capital stock of the corporation. This is the third meeting that has beeu called for that purpose, both oth-ers failing to securo a tiort;iu. Every member, who has not sent iu his proxy is urged to bo presout, as 135 Hllirnialive votes are required to pass the measure. A COLONIZATION' t'OMPAN V, Secretary (iillcspie this morning re-ceived a letter from a man who is get-ting up a colonization company at Sy in-cuse, Mo. He asks for full information in regard to agricultural lands, and whether there are any lands in the vi-cinity of railroads ihat can yet be boniesteaded. Another man ut Eureka Springs, Ark., asks about the opening hero for a good general repair and machine shop. Severed Ills Jugular Vein. P.vnt caii, Ky., June 13. Two uieu, fanners, living near Lovelaccville, in this county, became involved in u quar- rel over some trilling matter last even-iug- , and a tight ensued, iu which Wal-ter. Williams had his throat cut by Frank Davis. The jugular was severed, and the wounded man bled to death in a short time. Davis nude good his es-cape after committing the bloody deed, and though a largo party was in pur-suit, bad not beeu arrested at last ac-counts. A rhyaliinii Seiitruerd, Four Smith, Ark., June 13. Hr, (leo. C. Hocy, late of Cass county. Mo., was arraigned in the United 'states court this morning on a charge of adult-ery, lie entered a plea of guilty and w as sentenced to three years in prison. Hoey resided at (iarilen City. Mo., where he has a large family. "In his medical practice he became Intimate with the family of a man named Zoko, and several mouths ago induced the 1? year-ol- daughter of Zoke to fleo w ith li'mi to tho Indian country. He located in the Clierokee Nation, and the girl's parents caused his arrest about two weeks ago. Soldiers' lie union. Vloomin'gtok, III., June 13. Spec-ial. At the minimi reunion today of tho Twentieth Illinois iufaulrv the ad-dress was delivered by Col. Vespasean Warner of Clinton. THE ANGI.O 1COMAN BANK. After a Very Lung Ilpluy It Is Klimlly Opened. LoMtoN, June 13. Special. 1 All the arrangements for the opening of tho long contemplated Anglo-Koina- u bank are now complete. The Marquis of Bute is to be president, and the Duke of Norfolk a member of the board. The marquis and duke are dovoted Koinau Catholics. The chief object of tho bank is to assist tho smaller trades-peopl-manufacturers and artisans. The greater funds of the Vatican and (lie guelpho is to be entrusted to tho bauk. A branch will soon bo established in New York. The scope of tho scheme contemplates tho opcuiug of branch offices in all Catholic countries. tiik iniirr is orr. Jim I.iiuliajr of Omnba ( raHliN HrTore Arthur ttutlierjr. Jim Lindsay of Omaha, who for four or live years lias craved (1) for a meet-ing with Hilly Mver. the M renter "Cy-clone," Jack MeAuliffe and neveral oilier people, has taken water at la.st. He was challeiiited by K.d. Kothery of Omaha to tight an unknown nl gi'iOO a aide up. Would he take It? Of course he would. He would go iii and knock the htnlling out of Hothery's man, so he would. Hut did he? No. Some little bird whispered that it wai Arthur Kolhery he was going up npinst and whether it was or not no one knows. Hut Lindsay didn't dure risk it aud no ho backed out. Now in Salt Lake City, territory of I'luli, there is u young- man named Wilson. He lights at 1 40 pounds. He can't beat Sullivun and never knocked out Joe MeAuliffe, but if Mr. Lindsay vv to make $100 by putting him to sleep here is a goldeti oppor-tunity. Wilson hasn't got much of a record, Jim, to be sure, but he vr.H light. And you may thresh him, but there will Tie no the or. your frame while you are lining it. And it won't be a Jimmy Odell or a Fowler that vou iii-- running up against, either. Just vv rite a line to President KHIy of the (iolilen tiate Athletic club and ho wilt lix it up fur you. j 1 "Will the letter that we Jong for ever eoine?" ' ' ' DIhiiiIhhpiI the Indle.tmeuU. New York, June 13. Judge Cowing today dismissed the indictments against John Korean aud Alderman Sayles. They were charged with bribery hi having participated in the steal of tho Broadway railroad fran-chise. " s " Charged Willi I'erJiirT, Sav Antonio, Tex.. June 13.-- .K. Drown, a I'uiled Stales infantry soldier stationed at Fort Clark. Tex., was brought iu today charged with perjury in the ease of C. K. (iildea, tho Hi ticket (Tex.) postmaster recently sent for two years to the Detroit penitentiary. Drown testilied to having seen a man named Hunt peering into the poslolliec on tho night, the money disappeared. It was proved that at the hour set, by him Hunt had left town by the stage. lSrowii waived examination today and was allowed $.'i00 bonds. Ho baa not given it uml is iu jail. At OUT Tlir. At ir. Marshal lating IlvlwU Tn rtrhparke4 Hnliblui a VaM. The street fakir who gathem rrnwdi ( on I ho street eororrs with bl rat ihowr . opens up a Held for lickHtcketa to op-ela-te In. and the light tin re red fratrr- - ( nily appreciating the Indocemeut havw tint (.tiled to lake advantage o( it, ; Within the last few days several pfiple, Indies especially. Imve liwn relieved of thetr purse and the amount of money taken hnre varied from one to ten dol-lars. Marshal Young baa been layiug for the thieve, and lat rvre'nlBg bis rllnrt received a reward. WhlU hhadowiiig Harry Mmiiagtie, 21 year nf age, and Jnhu Adler, agel II years, he Haw them side up to two Indie anil grab their iKirket hooks. HWore thw, young rascal could nmkn their ihey were nablied by the marshal aud locked np to await a hearing. Ills Mother's Protector. Elm iii a. N. '., Juno 13. Frank Warren, a traveling uinu, was shot and killed this morning by his sou Herbert for abusing his mother. IIhm ot Hecetled. London, Juno 13. At a meeting of Royalists at Richmond yesterday the Count of Paris denied the rumors of the secession of the Duke of Orleans. I leNOKKSSIONAL. . SENATE. ,gtox. Jane 13- A resolution Edward K. Valentine ser-i- i mi? of the senate was agreed s ho'iso committee on coin-ilens- d a favorablo report on irafogsicnal aud lighthouse harbor, Washington. iatc silver bill was then taken ;m resumed, tho floor, but 'the time of seuators in dis-i- e amendments "after the close uml discussion" should be from live minutes to ten or of Nevada, in charge of thought it might bo bet-wer-senators still desired on the subject, to on tend the general debate, uutil 8 o'clock Ho asked unanimous consent opusition. that Morgan go on puecli and said ho had no del-icti auy se-at- of who milit nklress the senate on the bill, time came for limitation ho oiibl it would be extended, j therefore went on with his close of the general debate the was postponed until Monday A. m bill as amended by the ontipittee was substituted for i e bills! ' ' ". ' i ' ' ' HOOK. sgton, June 13. The ' house n ranimittce of the whole on ivil bills. uso fonnuittee on reform in service, which conducted the it'on into the chai ges against service commission, held a today and agreed upon a The committee- says: We lind Commissioners lloosevelt and discharged their duties with Jclity and iniegniy; second, the induct of Com missioner Lyman ipiauci.eri.ed by lax'ty of dis-i-a the administration of the (the conmrssion aud is there-itimbl- Your committee will investigate the workings of tho mil present a subsequent report lie iuvestigation is completed, imittee submitted a resolution fleet that a copy of the report testimony be submitted to tho it. WOMEN VOU THK OKCIIKSTKA. New York Manager Introduce a N'ew Youk, June i:!. Special. There is a movement among theatrical managers to introduce women into the orchestras. If it should be successful the leader with the bald head will be missed but not regretted. The reason assigned for the change is that the mu-sicians now demand too large recom-pense for their services, and that by their unions they in various ways annoy their employers The managers assert that the woinen play just as good as the men do, and they further claim that the women, who of course will be young and good-lookin- w ill form a bright item iu au evening's entertainment, and will add to tho dignity of the drama. Will We Kill Illm? St. Pktkkshuko. June 13. The Czarowitch will start on a tour of the world August 1st. J lo- will return by tho way of tho United States, Attempt to llreak .Mil. Dkcati'K, 111., June i:i. The fourteen desperate prisoners in the Macon county jail made a bold attempt yesterday to escape by aaviug their way out through the heavily barred windows. Thri'Vi of the bars were severed, the prisoueis having niado saws out of uteel strip, used to b'.ud books that hud beeu given 'them by mouthers of the Young Men's Christian association. A. heavy iron railing in the jail had been severed, and it was to be bsed as a weapon of de-fense in case of surprise. The prison-ers were searched, and a heavy saw was found Iu their possession. A l.ai'KO Shipment. New Youk. June 13. 1,00I,000 gold taken for shipment to Europe. They're a Tnh Oniai. John Miller and Charu Wbeatooarw n tniigh twain, and this morning. In do fault o( II.VW bonil. they wern eom-- j milted to Jail to await truil for burglary. A staled In Thk Tium vwterday. they, lust April IntrglarlW the ature of an Italian on Seemid .South slrret, and g.it awuv with ','oii worth of good. 'I hey were arrested at Amer-ican Kork. and broke from the jail there. At l'rvo Ihey weri recaptured, aud made a second cffurt Iu r aMt by nw ing the bar of their cell with cor-set ateel, , MOKNING TKLKGHAMS CONDENSED. ..Eyrr'ul, tho French murderer, is very savage. Hon. Lee Mantle of Butte, Mont., was severely injured while inspecting some in a e h i uery y est e nl ay . The bodies of three men buried in the Anaconda mines at Butte, last Novem-ber, were recovered yesterday. E. T. Plank was yesterday elected president of tho Typographical union, and W. S.MeClevy secretary-treasurer- . The National Wool Growers conven-tion at Galveston adopted a resolution rnemoralliiing the Senate for a duty on wools. An explosion of gasiu New York city yesterday causeu damage to the amount of $50,001) and severely burned several persons. Fire in a building adjoining the Astor House yesterday morning spread to that hotel, and for a time considerable excitement prevailed. It was brought under control however. About $10,000 daiiiago was done. The liual exercises in connection with the eightieth anniversary of An-dov- Theological Seminary took place yesterday." : The graduating class num-bered twenty-six- . The new system of elective studies goes into operation the coming year. The worst rain storm of the season occurred in Albany, N. Y., and vicinity yesterday. Railroad tracks were washed out, cellars Hooded, foundations dam-aged aud crops ruined. Iu the imme-diate vicinity of this place the damage will reach $200,000. A Las Vegas, N.M., special says. A collision between two freight trains near Artca yesterday resulted in the instant death of two tircuien, named Ed. Hoffman and J. Nicholson. Hoff-man is recently from Kansas City and Nicholson from San Francisco. The cause of the collision is unknown. Near Lebanon, Or., yesterday morn-ing, Mrs. Thurnsbaugh shot and killed her husband and then suicided. Mrs. T'inirusbatigh suspected her husband of being on intimate terms with her sister, who' was living with them, aud this morning, finding them in a compromis-ing posiliuu, the shootiug followed. At a meeting last night of the Na-tional Furniture Manufacturers' asso-ciation of Chicago it was decided to in-crease prices after the first of the month. The increase is, in the language of the resolution, to be "sufficient to cover the iici eased cost of materials and enable manufacturers to make living profits." James T. O" Day, a former employe. yesterday called ou President lyier, oi the Tyler Ware company of Cleveland, O pulling out a revolver, demanded a check for $1000. After some argument they adjourned to tho compauy's ofliee. where tho check was drawn. When O'Day presented it at the bauk lie was arrested. The legislative committee investiga-ting State Treasurer Archer's affairs at Baltimore yesterday completed then-wor- k The total amount of defalcation was $132,401. The committee says the funds were used by Archer to pay off personal indebtedness incurred as far back as the time he represented tho Second distiict iu congress. - The "Payson blacksmith" lias struck It Last Sunday he left on a prospecting tour, and returns having discovered a big vein of coal midw ay Iwlween I ay-so- n aud Pleasant Valley. The l.ttd was accidental, tho recent storms haying off the surface covering. The simple brought in is of the best qual-ity. The hammer and anvil man is happy. v- j price, a ranchman lmng at Hig'bwood, a small settlement near Fort Benton, fatally shot Jacob Wilson morning. Wilson had early yesterday to have rented and was taken pSsioS yesterday. The two quarrelled over some matter con-nected men with the transfer of the property. Price brought his Winchester rifle into settled the matter by sending Calibre ball through Wikon's tody, the bullet tearing through both lungs. The murderer was taken to Benton and jailed. An Albuquerque, N. M-- . special savs: : There was Ugh yesterday among n number of cowboys on the of the Sigirata, Socorro county. S the death of John and Dav5 on one side, aud I red e other. This is the second 5 e Groslette boys who has come to a violent that country. Owing! to the isolated point where the aflray . ookpltee. particulars cannot bo g.ven. There are wo factious in that county. ; is hoht that the killing w:h; tuo wVuli of bad blood and loo much j whisky. Chlcaco Market. Ci'iCAOO. June 13, Close. Wheat firm, cash 88 J, July Kit. Corn firm, cash :144. July Oats firm, cash Ju'y Barley quiet. . Pork 'dull, cash U'lO, July TO. Lard quiet, cash o'.K), July 57.1 (it 07, TIIK .H. !KK !NKKTIsU, MerjrttMeg In limit hie fojr the r Iter ut MKlt. The June meeting of the driving park association which open on Monday uet promises to be one of the uramlest in every respect ever held. All of the 'classes have tilled, and the management have not had to result lo "the Mulling ' proecss. I he reputation of the track for honesty and sipmre dealing is fully established among horse-men, ami they lire always iiukIous to enter their horseti know inn full well that honorable treiitm-ui- l and honest dealing w ill be the oulcome. This morning some speedy one frmu Colorado and Kansas arrived nt the stables, completing the siring that will be seen on the track for the live day net week. M F. Jones, of Laramie, Wyo., also came in wild bis collection of'lliroiiglihreds, aiming them being the famous maru Itirdin M. The indicat ions are that the meeting vv ill lie largely nlleiideil. and tilready I lie hotel ineii are uiukiug prcpai a'.Uiiis for the care mid hospitality of the of strangers. The ros Murder ('Hue. Pakis, Tex., June lit The Cross mur-der case was called in the federal court this morning, Twelve of the defendants were present uml duly arraigned, plead-ing not guilty. A nolle pros has been entered in the ease as to nine of the in-dicted men-au- d eight have not been arrested. The work of impaneling the jury was begun, and out of iho venire of sixty men only live jurors were chosen, so rivjid were the tests applied as to the qualilicatioii of Jurors. An-other venire of si.vty men w as ordered and court adjourned till tomorrow'. Ward's New Walt. Nr.w YottK, June 13. Special. Ward McAllister has a new method of waging which he proposes introducing among the 400 next season. It is more curious than graceful, consisting of a spring into the air, a quickly executed double shuffle and another spring, the process being repeated until exhaustion ensues. It is very tine exercise forcold dancing halls and is conducive to bril-liant complexions iu even moderately warm weat her The Heblier i Away. A night waiehumo had a lirelv n pei ii in e lust night with a party ol foot pads About ini'liiiulit a young man complained lo bun Ihat he had been enticed into an alley ill the rear of Main si reel, and Hint In I lie djrknes lie was relieved of til by two men. Tim virion (Miinlid out aiining a party of men iho siipMiid robber, and w Inn I lie watchman attempted lo ar rest l lot pair their .inipiin'u rinm t 1 the rceue and through threat and ln I tiilildalinu tlTCedctlilt fpirttillg thf!B I away. V New York Money and Stui ks. New Youk, June 13, noon. Stocks dull, sleadv. Bar silver $1.0-1- . Money easy, 4(ft per cent. Fours, coupon, 1 2J- - Pacific sixes, 1 .13; Central Pacilic, Z4 Burlitit-ton- , l.Oli; 1). &K. G., 17; Noithein I'aeilic, 3i; Pieferred, S3; Northwestern, l.l'.M; New York Central, 1.10; Oregon Nav gation, 1.05; Tianscolitinental,rO;; Pa-cilic , 43: Rock Island, IMj; St. Louis oi San Francisco, :t4f , St. Paul & Omaha. 34: Texas Pacitie, Ji'-'- J; Union Pacilic. OliS; Weils Fargo Express, 10J; Westeru Union, 85. ChristiHit Sr. Loi is, June the morning session of tlie Chnslaiu Endeavor convention Kev. Ir. O. 11. Tiffany, Kev. Dr. W. II. McMHIoii and Rev. Dr. Way Hind Hoyt discoursed ou themes directly relating to Chii-tiu- n endeavor met '"oiin. This nftei noon the reunion of the stale, delegations oc-curred and also the conferences on con-vention work The platform tonight will be occupied by Dr. Hitting of New York and Dr. Burrell of Minneapolis. Smith ColteKO t'loHinj;. Northampton, Mass., June 13. Special. The closing exercises at Smith college today contain several features of interest, the most notable of which is tho entertainment substituted for tlie conventional senior dramatics. Last fall the class decided to give a re-presentation of that grand old Hebrew drama, the book of Job. The subject afforded rich opportunities lor oriental effects, both in scenery and costume, and these were utilized as fully as the dig-nity of the theme permitted. President Seelye wiil deliver the baccalaureate SITUOU. Tomurrow Night' I nl. The contest at tho Golden Gate Ath-letic club tomorrow iiIIiUh twn ii J.o k Ashtou and nu iiuknovv n prombe lo be a great attraction. Ashton )s n good man and has traveled with Stilliv an, W hen be and the rh.iinjmm faced each other for the lirsl lime il was rental ked that .lack made a remarkably good sllOWillg. Jiintiiiu William aud an I Igden man will also lie fine of the, chief ailractiomt. Jim Is training hard and the gentleman from the city of ga ou the north i working off hi siiperfluou tlesh. Ho hope to moko a good showing with tha man from ion. In addition to thi other local celeb-rili-will participate. l'ark t;ily New. Paiik Cnv. June 13. Special C. F. Goist is quite ill. Mrs. George Wiseman is in Ogden. W W. Mackintosh and wife are vis-- I ting in Salt Lake. The Northland company is building its hoisting works. A. H. Kiehardson has returned from Salt Lake with his family. Prof. McNeil will give another of his pleasant parties at the opera house to-morrow night. Mrs. Martha Kcai ns left for Marengo, Iowa, this morning. Her mother is dangerously ill. W. A. Wilson, supol iiitcudeiit of the Marsae Mill, returned over the 1,'tah Central last evening. The two boys. Wells and Littletield, who were drowned several days ago in the Weber river, mar Morgan, are still missing. The narrow gauge train was an hour and a half late arriving last evening, owing to the brass iu the tender truck giving out. The Crescent Tramway are making live trips a day to the mine, and arc comtemplatiug working a night shift in the mill, which will make their ship-ments from three to live cars per day. The Mackintosh Sampling mill ihip-pe- d seven caw of Ontario ore today, consigned to the Globe S. & K. Co. of Denver, Col. Total weights 11(8.800 pounds. The Crescent Concentration shipped one car to same smelter; weight 40,000. E. Morton left for Ogden this morn-ing Mr. Morton has been flooding the city with showy lithographs and hand-bills advertising the Ogden carnival to be held in that city Junc-TOt- to July 5 The Salt Lake advertising commit-tee should do likewise if she wishe Park City represented on the Fourth of j July. I Park City hotel arrival: Arthur J. j Kean Arcadia. Neb.; N. Koo. U. ' Marx. New York: Jay K. Stephen. St. j Joe- - A. P. Sinclair, San Jranwseo: W . H iWvcr. Chicago. Ills.; P. A. Latinao, ; Omaha: J- - M. struck. Kaii-- a uy; ' LM i::lev. Omaha; II. Schneider. Den-ver: A.'K. ilemiu.'way. rhiea-jr..- : A. ( aiihucp, Taeoiua. W ash A. Kiake, II K. Mnnav. O'jden: K 1. l uikeii i i,ai".'u aud w ilc, ball Lake. ' Smllh Herelel Jhnmplug. ' Turn .Smith U the tiamn given by ft man who will not iii forget iho lliumpiiig lie receirnl at the hand of Ollii er (ilcnii l.isl evi rung The Howr was disoideilv and ihiitre, nl when ihn ollleer iiiiderl.H.k In pi bun un-der urre-- t lie l(aiin pugnaelmu aud irui-- Glenn several time. From blow Smith resorted In kirk, and landed hi l"t in Glenn' jaw. Thm latter retaliated by uitig hi club In s itrroti and ar'.istie iiuinur on the; l of his brutal prisoner. OfBeer Itnitior came lo llie asitaoe of Glenn, and Smith was landed lo the city Jail. C 'itiiru w ho w it ni-f- l the affair a Glenn was juMilied in eluiibtng mt). WS I ROM. MEXICO. 4tnt Oarcia Kxcoutniuolcated Hie Cliini-s.- OuestioD. Mexico, (via Galveston), --The of ex- - Garcia, by Archbishop Labas-tius- c of the former insisting jises of the people do not toe true Roman Catholic caused consid-sctemcu- t. ' ePwi8 that Mexico is overrun is heer nonsense. ire not a thou and Chinese on fe.coast. 1JJwity of tiiese arrivals s'uii!y am here on their way to the Mates. , -- Arrest oil t or Murder. TldMiMi', (iolo., June 13 The ne-gro who murdered old man Underwood about a week ago aud then robbed him has been captured. Two Mexicans who are supposed to be implicated in the murder were also placed under ar rest. A wateli.was fiiiuul on the her-su-of the negro which belonged to Underwood, and some jewelry which belonged to the old man was found iu the house of Gricgus, one of the Mexi-cans. w Orand Morning Concert. London, Juuo 13. Special. A grand morniug concei t uuder the pat-ronage of the queen, was given at St. James' hall in aid of the funds of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. The princess of Wales'iiiid other members of Hie royal family were preseut. Mine. Patti, Mine. Albaui. Sims Reeves, Signer Foli, and other distinguished singers were al-lotted parts. The concei t was the most fashionable and successful entertain-ment of the season. ' A Hi.l.h HuM. The AimIiiIhiu Athletie club of New Orleans a. is offered a purse of lluou for a Huh' to a liniuli Andy Itowen .nd Doe O'Council, lion en ha also received an oiler from the California Athletie club of Km Fniin lsi-- fur a liulil with Dunnv Xeedhani. and front the Gladstone club of Providence for a Tifteen round or liilih light with two-oiilie-gloves with MeAiihile. He ha liol yet deeiib-- whirh of the v ill ions offer lo- - will end probably will not decide until niter le visit to New-Yol-nevt mouth. j The l'lle ere fl theau. Marshal Young I leteriti!nid Ihat Ihe ordilittiiee relative lo the herding ami iiii ketmi; of cattle within tho rttr I l. all I' respi ted, and hit instructed ' hi men lo in(HiiiMd the creature- anil If neeesnary arrest I heir owner. The edict h i already eaiwdth ti: f aiderable annoyance--, and lh abns tbev r from the owner of catthi !! ed .i run at Ure is of that tluiat completion. IlKOPK UNEASY, ""rav Sum Asveu For Army Pur- - pones. Uaiiciy.At a meeting of the .eonimiliec of toe Au--tn..- n " tuday. Field Marshal Baci', ministov of ivar "c whole mcurchy, stt Hie pe.e of Kurope . therefore a considerable lie army is ueeessarv. The 'liierease would ambunt to to lOo.tXXJ.OOO florins. A Priest Indieted. Toi.fioo. O., June 13. Rev. Dr. Quig-ley- , priest of the hi, France de Sale Roman Catholic church, was today in-dicted by the grand jury of Lucas couuty for misih ineanor. The cause w a the priest' refusal to give to the board of education in thi city a lit of the pupil iu I he parochial school of hi church, under the new compulsory edu-cation and truant law of Ohio. The case is exciting the entire city, and n ill . be fought to the supreme court. i Sailed For F.nglaml. Quebec, June 13. lSpeciaI.-T- !u' Duke anil Duchess of Con naught sailed for England aud the whole city turned out to bid them farewell. Ou reaching Fm'land thev will not resume I heir residence at "Bagshot park, but wijl pass seven weeks at Buckingham, pal-ace, where apartments have been pre-pared for them, after which they will make a short visit to the Queen at Windsor. ' They are to spend the months of September and October m - "; ' J Germany. t a tale a llare MUnkfl. Fl Sn-it- U wbal lie avt, hi nime, and he l inu sl-- U-i- i lid the ban of I he eitv j. I He I charged with steal-ini- f a hotse blnik!l, and Jodj(i Laaey will I tailed upon . dei the pn Uhuii-o- t YA. should rceeUe. Keii and W(m4M. Jack" Rvan of Omaha aud Jack nod of f leaver are billed lo lne t for a bniidi fiht in Denver ioe tune this month. Both mu ar heavy weighu and are good one. Rvan i a clever a man a ver M'piHid insida the ring and can aland a much punishment a any man living- - Wornl too i a good man and the go will l.kely lx a lirst ria aeut lp rot Vtrjarj. DtCilCR, HI., June 13. Richardson Washington, who has a family at Guth rie. Okla., and came here two month ago to visit old friends, was today sen-tenced to two years in the penitentiary atJoliet for perjury. He accused a a man falsely of robbing a dead ! man of his clothe, and made affidavit i that Woodward atole hi clothe, where-- : j as it developed that Washington him- - j self bad committed the crime. I Three Killed. ' Ky., June 13A tfain ; ,esaPeake & Ohio railroad ran Jjwkmcnt today by reason of Engineer Croadcbap and ; aonaker wore killed and ; Iranian drowned. was caused by a misun-- t 10 10 tlle signals. The of both trains thought the set for them to go aheod. PaSienSer train got H!irt!ie crowing when the , "f lied into it. wrecking one n t a mi6t miraculous that no lost, it is not believed that wounded will die. An Import Caie. Cakthage, Mo.. June 13. Special. The temporary injunction applied for last month by the Gulf railroad com-pan- y against the Missouri Pacinc to compel the latter to stop work upon and abandon the line between Joplin and Empire in this state is being argued today in the circuit court. oportlny " Tim Social Whl club will lake a' run to tiartieid leach on Sunday li vt, Jones of Colorado" arrived in 'he, city yesterday with i hori for the coming race. j Wi!i Leonard, champion of Fort Dotigla. and Frank iitj-gi'ral- will spar lour round with mitten at the j Golden Gate tonight. tlalhu M4ue. first Police fivrgeanl Sam Halter !o--I duv hand d ia h e resignatioo to t'htJ Vonng to lake effect Jtina li. Serjeant Mailer Will rtsume to old poisitioa at the W siker b.iise. tloring hi career ou the police (nrew Haiier ha ni-- J m.uiv friend and plovet Uitnse!l a divide a.ld efticicnt orticer. 1.. oeiexir will uudotibtedly Ul Charte L.Bg who la neat la line of promot.on. and mho b his ui)cr:fr o8icr U a limt eta member of the departnwnl. Wbo will acce4 Mr. Lang i not known. lie ill undonbUHlly hm ehoen from the rank and the of Chief Youug. wiuU thorooghiv postea regard. eg iheuulllicaUoniftne force. J will undoubtest.v L coonoued by th city rnril at tt next meetlnj wJ Tusdjy evening Beit. A Horse-ThleTln- c Bablt. St. Jcr.Pit, Mo., June 13. George F. Conrad was arrested here on the fhareo of stealing a horo from hi brother' farm, near Corning. Ia. H' brother refused to appear a?aitit him. and he wadi.harged. fodnv Sheriif Spratt received a telegram from the lieriff at Corning stating that t onrad i had tolen another hore and i head , ing f"r St. Jieveph. The Syrlun Temple. CiNcntvATl, June 13. Special. The closing work of By nan Temple will bo held this evening, when the de-ere-of the order will be conferred in amplified form. Shrine members of adjoining states will attend the ceremo-nies, which will be brilliant and ex-haustive. A Strike Knded. v "' hl!' Juno 13 The striking . fVc accepted the proposition wnsohdated company made H and will return to work at Si to.SCt e for conduc-tor' Jor drivers. Preparations wade for moving ears. ' tiik Hoan will rmai. ! ! ! If ll.e Keigaaluia ( ! ef Pone w(,l.J. j LuVixjS--, June 13 Pail Mll gait(j sjv it i probal.le tb' f tho resigns Jinn of Monro, tlie rii'ef uf jkiIi.-- i ; accepted the ni ri'itcd-lciil- ami ill- - i s)c. turs who keep ft fit: fi.rc t.ij..-llw-r reiifn w (thin a uiosilh A lnke by the fndiceiueu is tij no iu- - a im-iotMk. ' tte Uaeal. I .Mr Jaiue H Bacou. president "f thi, A lUyk of left thi morning- - mi a eastern trip. He, will he absteio, to evi.s. ll. i Urrl a DiildeiiJ. li.e.TiV June l: l lie Orc'..u Kail ' Navigation enmpany ha d". ! claied a ditidi-u- of ltlM"t 'l'"t l'-.- ! able July M. A Summer Outiue. riiir.if:t.rHtv. June 13. Special. bollt two hnnd.-e- memlM'i, of t.ie. Philadelphia cvcl'uiff club left today 1r Boston, wliere'tliey 111 have tlie , riier outing. i I nter Ueport. j f1': '"ne 13.-L- ater reports j killed, twelve or thirteen j i;, '""' rtotisly. Freight train j "Vh passenger at crossing. I |