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Show A Qneeu of Heart and Bong. Elizabeth, queen of Houmania, is known to the reading public of America and Europe Eu-rope under her nom de plume of Carmen Sylva as a graceful versifier and a charming charm-ing story writer. Although of German birt h, she has secured a strong hold on the hearts of her husband's subjects. Bofore the Roumanian academy at Bucharest the other day she made a short and womanly speech. An extract from it may convey some idea of the reason for her popularity: The honorable members of this academy some days ago requested me to speak a fenr words amid this assembly of learned men. 1 answered in tue text of Holy Scripture: "Women ought to keep dlenne in the church." I have not changed my opinion today. I shall always maintain that the active life of woman ought not to go beyond the sacneil interior of her home. The voice of woman sounds nowhere so sweetly musical as on her own hearthstone, in the bosum of her family. But God has enlarged and extended the limits of my domestic hearth. My dear country, with its proud hosts of Uouruauian people is not that for me a hearth, largo and precious? If 1 have consented to speak among you today, I do so because I am really at home in the very midst of my children. |