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Show RAILROAD RUMORS. Some very interesting and important rumors concerning the future plans of the Union Pacific are now in circulation. One is to the effect that tho compauy is negotiating for a long lease of the Central Cen-tral Pacilic, and anotherois that the Union Pacilie-Northwestern combination combina-tion is to be made more solid by the election of Marvin Hughilt to the presidency of the entire en-tire combination. 'This is a very plausible plausi-ble story. It is a well-known fact that Vnndcrbilt is largely interested in the Union Pacific and Northwestern, aud that it is his ambition ambit-ion to have a Vauderbilt system from New York to San Francisco. Tho leasing leas-ing of the Central Pacilic will complete the link. The Union Pacific, on the other hand, needs tho Central Pacific. If it secures that road it will be on a more independent basis in its attitude to the other roads which now or will form a junction with the Central Pacific Pa-cific at Ogden.' The other roads, however, how-ever, will naturally endeavor to prevent this plan being carried out, as its accomplishment ac-complishment would place them at the mercy of tho combination. Meantime, so it is reported, theMilford extension of the Union Pacilic will bo stopped until something definite is learned as to tho probable result of tho negotiations now said to bo in progress. It is also rumored that an order has been issued for the temporary suspension of work on tho Los Angeles extension. If all these reports arc true, they show that there Is to be a lively railroad fight of considerable magnitude with tho Uniou Pacific and Northwestern combinatiou on one sldo, ami on tho other the roads that are interested in keeping the Ccu-tral Ccu-tral from going Into auy alliance that would naturally prevent fair treatment at the junction poiut. |