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Show riSOSI'KCTlVE MAM1ACTI RES. Some llvuis or lHten-st fruiu the Corrcs-IiuiuIoihw Corrcs-IiuiuIoihw of the ISm-retiiripft. The imlicatious aiv that Salt Lake will soon have a w iudovv glass plant. Yeslordav Secretary Montgomery received re-ceived a letter froin a firm in 1 -'indlay, O.. regarding that subject. Today he received another letter, this lime from a glass linn ut Strcator, 111., on tho same line. Tho Illinois firm wants to start up on a big scale. They propose to manufacture window glass, bottles and fruit jars. They say that they will put up a plant employing em-ploying 400 men. and want to control the entire western market. The linn is the patentee of the most improved method of wiudow g'a.ss making, and can turn out the very best article at the lowest cost. They ask forfull information informa-tion regarding w liito sand and fuel. T1IK ItK.M, KSTATK KX( HAM.K. The real estate exchange met this morning, but there were neither wants nor oilers. There was a good attendance, attend-ance, and an hour was speut iu discussing dis-cussing the best means of answering the large correspondence of the exchange. ex-change. A special meeting of tho exchange ex-change will be heht tonight, at 8 o'clock to consider tho same subject. CIlAMUKlt OK COM.VIKKCE. The members of the Chamber of Commerce Com-merce wili meet again tonight to vote on the question of raisiug the capital stock of the corporation. This is the third meeting that has beeu called for that purpose, both others oth-ers failing to securo a tiort;iu. Every " member, who has not sent iu his proxy is urged to bo presout, as 135 Hllirnialive votes are required to pass the measure. A COLONIZATION' t'OMPAN V, Secretary (iillcspie this morning received re-ceived a letter from a man who is getting get-ting up a colonization company at Sy incuse, in-cuse, Mo. He asks for full information in regard to agricultural lands, and whether there are any lands in the vicinity vi-cinity of railroads ihat can yet be boniesteaded. Another man ut Eureka Springs, Ark., asks about the opening hero for a good general repair and machine shop. |