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Show N-0T1CE OF COMPLLTIOJf OK ASSKS8-inent ASSKS8-inent of a local tax for the exteuslon of the water mains on Wall and Currant si reel. Notice Is hereby (riven that the Assessor and Collector of Salt Lake City has made and completed com-pleted the list and plat pertaining to a local tax at the rale of four mllla per square fit. levied hy the City Council of Salt Lake City. May a7th. IMrt, upon the following described lots or pieces of ground, namelv: Lots a, 3, 4, 5. tl. 7,8, 10, bhs-k I: lots 1, a, A, block 11, all In plat E. Sait Lake City Survey, eald tax being lor the extension nf the w ater mains aloua the following described route, namely: Wall street, adjoining Capitol grounds north to It Intersection with currant street, and along Currant street to Its Intersection with Oak street. Said list and plat have been lodged In the office of the City Kaeorder, No. a, City Hall, and will be opeu for lns(iectlon for a period of ten days from and after the fourth day of Juue, INM1, during which time written appeals to the City Council for the correction of the assessment may be tiled with the aald recorder, lu pursuance of the ordinance In such case provided. IIUlrt H YA Mm, City Kecorder. Salt Lake City, June 3rd, Ihui. |