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Show Hit: AMERICA Iit KKt. It U Hie Kuhjert f Much SenUllon on The Fart of 1Inreuia. Ou June SI. at Chicago, the American lKrly will be run. Who will win That is the ipiolion that is agitating the sport. Scvctitvmofollsand lilhe-I lilhe-I are eligible to sun for tills rich ii jo;ir j old event, and it is fair to presume there will lie a large licld of Mailers Farly in the -e.i-mn the public conceded the race to Kl It in Key In con.sisiuenec of his phenomenal '.' year old rec- on!, but since his sickness and the various, conilictiug rvports as to hi eon-ilitiou. eon-ilitiou. there has lieen a great change iu the opinion.) uf tho wise head who are wont to tiauin the wiuuers of big menu a long w ay in advance. Coder the circumstances cir-cumstances it looks at present as tlioiu'lt it would W,i very open race, with heavy liettiug. for tint owners of Mich cood hoies as Hill Letcher. Kosamrnl. IVnn 1'.. Cucle ltob. Holier Skelter. Honduras, Hondu-ras, Santiago, Itlai ncvMono, h., Jed, Krontino, Kascal. Protection. Klierlee. Kxtravagaiioe, and many others, are not disposed to believe that their pets hav e not a good chance to gather in the rich plum, and thus materially Increase In-crease the owners hank iiecouut "And those w ho think that LI Hio Hey Is sick had beM not hack their opinion too heavily, for that colt w ill have to be Hot only sick, but very U-k iu older to lose this raee. Blarney. stone is a good one to play for second, while many are of the (minion that Kosemout Is a good hoi sc. .Inst keep your eves on the jockey gentlemen, bciore you do any belting. |