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Show Restrictions on Newspaper Makers, Different countries have different ways of dealing with liewspnpcr writers. In England and America wrongs real or fancied fan-cied are remedied by suits at Inw. When Irlnce Bismarck was displeased with tho Borliu representative of a lmdou daily he secured his temporary Incarceration in a debtor's prison, and when the man wrote and asked for news 1 hereafter the chancellor chancel-lor made answer that it could on no account ac-count be furnished to one so unworthy. And now the Italians, finding that they had cherished in their bosom vipers who, in their capacity of special correspondents, made light, of the place of Italy among the nations, have caused those special correspondents corre-spondents to be escorted to the frontier by the police. It is in Russia, however, that the journalist has the hardest time of it. Every line put in type at a newspaper office has to be submitted to an official censor, who erases, corrects and interdicts. Says Mr. Kennnn in a recent arfvele: "When the revised proofs have been Again examined, and the censor has gone home, the work of the editors and reporters is ended for t he day. Moscow may be burned to the ground , or the czar may be assassinated, but after the censor has retired to his couch not a line of new matter can be put into the columns col-umns of the paper." |