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Show l.t.t.AL. MARSHAL'S SALE, pl-RSfANT TO AS OKPKR or SAI.K TO I me dtrw ti-rt hy tt Tninl Jit trial 1 atrVt fonrt of tl!i Torrit.irv, 1 sieil x-al pub-l.r pub-l.r anctlnn. to th highest hnidar for taah at the south front door of the halt Lake r u'nir court hunae. In Silt I.ak.1' tv flab. Temtury n the lth day nf June. 141. at i ,.v n. k m., the fulliiwunr dwacrtbrtl real rt. to ail All of lot four (I lu Miv k ninny. Ihpse pi. plat ' IV Sa t l-kn rtv survey, halt t.ak r.ty uikI mums, I tab Terr.tory. ingwher with all and stnuiilar the teneme-ita hereditament ami iu'urirn im thereto belong. ng -r lu ny aptwrtalnliiit. Toho !lil as thr pmpariy of Jmmm J. Mur- SYv sn.l ITiscUl Murph) , at 11m wilt of M. J cf TiW. Teams of sale ca-h. R. H. Ia.i. , .. V. H, Marshal. Hy (pw-ar inlmwk. Deputy Mir-hai. Kill Lake Cay. Vteh. June 4 ISW. |