Show JAP DIPLOMAT OPTIMISTIC Count OI Says Sars Rupture Will Ill be he h by American aiu Policy lolley Tokio Feb Fel C. C Count G.-Count Count Okuma a n former minister of or foreign n affairs t hn hl Issued the following statement The rite rumors of or strained relations relation existing between tho the United States and Japan are arc believed hr here re to ho bo entirely unwarranted The rhe lh 1 Is 1 confident that tho tim wise course of th the American government gu supported b bj by the time enlightened public opinion of ot th tho American nation notion will lend to tu a n. satin saIls factory of the California question ba d on Oil tho the traditions o of Justice It Is possible sonic some excitement mn find lon on omu both sides Time The friendship between tho United States and Japan docs 1105 not rest on mere senti senU- mont ment Jt 11 in Is an nn alliance of Interest t and andreason andreason reason which absolutely excludes tho tIm idea of mutual discordance We e of Japan never nc think of war with America |