Show Q l SOCIETY O. O Mrs rs Edward S. S Ferry entertained eight t tables of oC bridge yesterday after after- arel noon noomi She was assisted b by Mrs rs Hebet Heber M. M lr Wells Mrs I E. E O O. Howard Mrs Irs O O. W. W Powers Mrs Irs Frank Jennings Jenning and Mrs Mis frs Charles Charlesa Walker a el The rooms were beautiful with wih American beauty am an and Richelieu roses Prizes were awarded at each table 0 S Miss fiss ss Jenna Jenna-Budd Geddes was the lie hostess hostes at a charming charming bridge ge tea yesterday yesterday yes yes- CS afternoon Miss Sarah Ralston and amid Miss Leslie Kerr were wen the guests iI s I se Je- Je of honor I Four our tables of bridge wore played after which tea was served from flom a table daintily dainty decorated with wih violets Miss Js A Addle tlc Zane presided at atthe atthe the tho tea urn mn The young guests were Miss f s Mcintyre re Miss Is Loila Lela Stingley Ie Miss SR Eloise o Sadler Miss Is Beatrice Cheeseman Miss Florence Florenc Kimbal Kimball Miss Mildred McMillan rc Ilan Ml Miss MIs Bess Ues McMillan Miss Louise Sullivan Sulvan Miss Is' Is Aileen MacLean lacLan 18 Miss Addle Zane Zamie Miss lIs Gertrude Hansen Miss MIs ls Ralston Miss Mis Kerr an and Miss Corn COln of at Ogden S Miss Ellie Efe Wilson and C. C J. J Thomas Thomasjr jr were married yesterday in the I temple tempe In Iii the tho evening a n. reception was tas given In iii their honor at the he thC home of tho the brides bride's mother Mrs rs E. E A. A Vil VilSon 1 son on The rue rooms were wre prettily decorated for fOl Iho tho occasion the parlor with wih vases of pink and ant white carnations the lie bridal party part standing under tinder a bower hower In tho thie coroner corner made mado of ferns arid and smilax with carnations fh The living room and dining room were in iii red with festoons of red hearts and red rOil bells bels The Tho table had for fOl the central decoration a mass mas of ot red real carnations car car- nations and arid ferns scattered over the r I cloth Mrs Wilson was assisted In re receiving me- me by Mrs h Melissa cl a Sears Seal Mr 11 and 1 Mrs II A. A Smith and amid Jack Horo Tho 1 0 I. I assisting in tho lie friends young girl Hage- Hage V wro 10 Miss Louise Louisa dining room loom man Mi Miss Is Maud Matiti MaUl Patrick Miss and amid Mattio MaJo IRUe Miss Barger Dars Miss Vida Vila Young lI a Josephine Williams Tho The bride wore costume of cr am silk mull and aul pretty pret carried white roses loses She Sho was attended f by hy her sister Alster Miss Ruth Wilson who f and vIolets or organdie wore antle An Informal musical program ro ram was t given s-Iven during tho lie ev evening by friends vu 1 of or the lie young couple They rhey will make maJo f their home In Os- Os en J S S S i rJ ci Miss Edna Giles Glies and amid Frank M. M l T Williams were married yesterday In itt Inthe l the ho temple Tho rho young oung couple went 1 r home Sixth H at once onee to their now new 36 East street In the evening a num- num lum- lum f her bel of their friends called caBell to offer con- con 1 v s S S S I Miss Edith Shearman will bo be one ona of or the hostesses of or the lie afternoon at a atea atea tea given for Miss Winn and amI Miss S Block Dock of or St. St Louis S I K Mrs James An Anderson erson antI and Jos- Jos f this afternoon after after- Io Anderson will entertain oter- oter t- t wU Mrs their guest noon at a tea te to meet thel J- J J. J E. E Huntoon of or San Francisco S S i. i Arvilla Steph- Steph S Tho Time wedding of or Miss enson anti and anI Will Wl Sibley takes place tonight to tonight to e night at tho thie home of or the tho brides bride's par- par The ceremony will vill be perform perform- red r- r J ed od by yio tio Rev D. D A A. Brown o at the Ito r J. J Baptist church The Post hop at Fort Douglas tonight tonight tonight to- to night given in honor of the U visiting k I officers will be one ono of the lie mo most t brilant bril- bril bri- bri wI llant affairs of or the R season on A Jargo lant number of or Invitations have havo been boon Issued Issued Issued Is- Is sued In iii the Iho city and the historic o od i post will witness one omie of or the lie elaborate wines entertainments wi for Cor which it Il has ha long Ions I been justly justy renowned S S S at the te tabernacle will This evening evening- wJ occur the Clark Andelin Clark concert concert Doth Both Mr and Miss Clark Clark- have hav a a. n 11 host of friends in the lie community who b 4 are ame anxious to do 0 them honor homier J Jarly as 88 It I I Is the tho first opportunity that huts has ha been given to hear these hose gifted local artists in public pubIc since their heir re return re- re turn Lurn from Europe 1 One of or th the pleasant events ent e of oC tho lie evening will wi be tho the informal lo r an and anal dance tiance at the Ladies Ladies' Literary clubhouse this his evening in charge chars of the women of ot St St. Pauls Paul's guilt guild Suld An Ami excellent musical program has been beon 1 arranged ranged in which several favorite musicians will wi appear The program includes readings by airs C. C 12 g. Rich lieu HIcl- HIcl ards artis The reception committee comprises con com COU- COU Mrs Charles E. E P Perkins air o J Fisher Harris Harris Mrs George W. W Morrow Mor Mom row ow an and Mrs A. A S M M. S Howard tI t k Mrs J. J L. L Franken will wf at a 0 bridge tea on Friday afternoon for or her sister Mrs George I L. L Nyo Nye of or Denver L- L S. S S S S Mrs airs William Igleheart and Mrs Mm Irs 1 i Joel Priest have Issued invitations for fora a noon 4 o'clock tea tea next net Tuesday after anor S S j Mrs William C C. Cunningham will ivill wi I entertain at nt a bridge tea next not Tuesday Tues Tue- Tue day afternoon at the tho Darn Dern les residence on Brigham street for Mrs rs J. J E. E i J Huntoon of or Sacramento j S S S S The regular meeting of or the Utah Archaeological society will ivill wi be held helt Saturday evening at the lie resi residence ence of nf Governor and Mrs Mis John C C. Cutler Cuter 35 South Vest West Temple street The board of managers s of or the the Kindergarten arton will wJ hold an un attractive tv j sJ ls C S 01 I th I. I r tn 1 t r In progress I Il r Ie I A very ery el pheasant affair of Wednes- Wednes da day evening took look place at tho tIle handsome hand sonic some new nome of or Mr and anil Mrs Mr J. J M. M 1 I. I ahl who entertained i the tho editorial and reportorial staff tarr of or the Evening News The table was laid in the hue parlor In the lie form torm of a n T antI and decorated with wih vases of or carnations and hyacinths Fifty guests were seated An n informal literary program program pro PlO gram ram was enjoyed and addresses of f an ami Interesting character were ivere malo made mado T TWill S S S Will Vi 1 M. M McCrea Is entertaining his old college friend Harold McLIn who is one of oC the lie leading heading men man In lie tho Paul company compan At Yale atthe at at- j 1 the tho Salt Sal Lake theatre Ii y S S 5 Judge and Mrs Thomas S j will 11 soon be bo at home in their Ilc JOW now 1 ft residence in Iii 13 g street street 0 J f |