Show g I t BOARD OF WORKS i CONGRATULATES CITY g S r In the Introduction of or the report of ot board oC ot public works the ther I r taxpayers ta are arc congratulated for i. i I. I v oJ S' S secured extensive civic S. S improvements at a minimum f outlay The Improvements for tor the time year ear Including time the Big lliS Cottonwood Cotton- Cotton 1 FOod iv wood conduit street paving and sl sidewalk side side- eI e- e I walk contracts which were ordered d v and let let Curing Juring 1905 amounted to 13 In ome some lines the hoard board satisfied but reports reports- rei orts that they were wele that other lines hines of ut improvements did hl not hot come up to their theft expectations The rime street paving contracts contract amount ed ell ed to lo 11 All pC the lIw work has hasS S been heen completed on the these e contracts r The Time delay on some soine contracts wa was caused by the time laying of oC water mains and sewer wel pipe on the thelle lle streets tg The Tho expenditure ex x on curb and guttering S amounted to 3 but t work is only partially completed The There rc were sere miles of oC c cement ment sidewalks s laid at ul the cost of The rho pipe sewer extensions amounted to 11 I 1123 3 miles which were wore laid at al the expenditure of t G The fhe water waler ft main t extensions ions covered S SOP 09 miles tS t and cost K The rIme paving of oC the time thes s SUc street free I t Intersections in the business districts ills dis amounted to The rime Big lilg Cottonwood Big Cottonwood conduit was constructed S ted teI at al a L cost of tiC 3 and the thel 1 l gravity IC sewer mever cr co cost COM L 82 This i I I rOrI I Is In In- In fJ r C nov V Uio Lh 3 yi con will cost c G and lJ the Jordan Salt RaIL Lake canal conduit was completed at time the co cost t of oC ofiS The oU ce expenses S. S to J J |