Show i TURBULENT STREAMS q RETURN TO CHANNELS i 1 I. I Waters Recede Cold Wave r f ConIes Comes and anti Fears for Grave f k Danger Cease COLD COLDi WAVE STRIKES OGDEN Ml i Out h by Seek Sec H O IS and mil Face Pace h J J I I Feb Vb C. C C. lolo G the se- se c e- e T d l qC lt the past four foul oui days tays and f tt all and the Ute heavy thaw Og Ogden en nas r ra een ts been today favored with t 8 sunshine and rf fo for the filth mth which the city council is permitting to t settle seto in I tile Hie 1 streets th the paved district would I. I re present ent a icene scene that that wo would ld do 0 credit to bright a May S da day I ain Thoi-ain discontinued this car early as a. ac a result the rivers rl els anti and trains stream ren J receded almost almo t one half in inmany many Instances 1 Especially ly was this rue ne of or the Ogden river which not ml oily receded acceded several fral f fe feet t but took b back k into 1110 its itts i. i course cours endless pools lOOiS and lakes hies that had lutt form formed in ii the residence re t iL districts of Gla Glasgow gow addition People VIt vho Wl were e last night Hooded out of or y their thel houses and Immes were to toda ay ayr r f r able to lo go o back lack to lo their hou C anti I straighten up a as much as the thc S c d dOnt nc to lo their theil rooms mid and furS fur fur- S I Undeterminable ide nala Damage l' l he TIc damage done by the raging t v S aters from the thc swollen rivers ivers can not af determined l although gh this this' morn norn- mor S nj ig tIr river lver had receded In ow addition a the floors of or all al tho the 5 1 s are tio still sll covered co with wih water S r elal families who were shed wa-shed lt of or homes homes were assembled S n n tracks and were were talking over Jie Ie e. e u One O e man pointed out lit ii lis ls dwelling mIl and ad Sid said that the water fas two feet feel ep on 0 his floor noor last r 5 i 1 and that thaL Url it had now subsided I i nearly a fool foot so that he hoped to lake take takeS S t. t p li it I tonight TIe lie also added S that that more than two hundred l families amill's S S jy r re last Jast night driven drIen from flom theirS their I S S J 3 Shortly Shorty after oCer dark daik last evening ono one Oll Olli i see ec ce the tho exodus at Its Is height i were ere moving out in wagons S anIa o ambulances am and boats loat hoal and theta them they carried jog everything e 5 1 Ing apparel to ducks ducs chick chick- do logs dogs s. s Men In boats boals rowed Jower S r bout o t in hi th the streets and offered assis- assis I Fora Oa mile mie f ov i more the Short Line tracks the lie coun- coun a under water and tin the occupants t Jr S l e little JHc r residences J 11 hard hardS S V vc- vc their 1 from l deU de- de dc LC t S. S ho I S S 1 5 r o 5 i wI U ui up p to to 5 S n f ho tho can this 11 S f tho river rive r. r cli anti ant make S i i by th l d tl river UR may b bS S S t hack back again into its IU S. S Until the Iho 0 waters recede how how- m- m vor r. r n permanent can cart be bc done on S 5 l as as soon soomi as a the conditions are are- 3 arefa faS fa- fa S a darn dam will wi be built bunt acro across lie 10 break where formerly ly the river to the thc north S The rho city cly bridge directly opposite the I. I while tama damaged ct to the cx- cx ent of probably 1000 will wi be bc swung S nto uto place when new nev have havee e een fn Mi constructed on the thc west vest end 5 5 cy were carried away lalo hate last night nightS ht S- S o that the west end of the bridge fell S. S river alo rito the Ule S Both county and city officials arc are plans for fOI reco reconstruction vork along the river wherever water 5 5 city 01 or county property Men ire In fn demand c and as a many as a want wan I. I S 01 work can find it by applying to Lo time the enmity commissioners or to the city of of- S S S Cold coil uhl Wa c c a Appreciated S A cold wave swept over Ogden valey valey vatS val val- S ey CY night and this morning a thin thinS S har hard zard crust covered the half melted S 8 snow siow ow which has ha been furnishing the theS S bulk built buit of water flowing down the Ogden river Reports from huntsville state stale S that the and forks louth north arc lowering The damage and anc devastation Sc S cau caused in the valley valey will reach leach many man thousand dollars 5 5 The sanitarium in O Ogden den canyon nas been en abandoned Yesterday afternoon th the officials became alarmed alarm d at the 5 S 'S S situation and decamped As a result resul I f the tho storm Tany thousand trout troutS S r have hf e IJ been en killed and reports orts from S. S S the he canyon are ale that many of or them 5 y were were left heft lef to die on dry al' land when whon the S river rhel changed chang d Ia its course cours In so I m many ny S 5 t S So far av as ml the canyon proper is con- con S. S cC it is swept swept clean chean There is 5 a bridge of or wooden con true true- S S Ion lon that has bas not been een washed away I S The Chic steel excepting the OI one oneS S it the sanitarium have havo stood theS the tho S strain Foot bridges and nd temporary 5 J wagon bridges have gone gono down the 4 river i i SI I f This n l Sh Sheriffs Yi Wil Wil- amI Clark went vent into inlo the canyon SO S to estimate sO some lomu l O of of the tle dmu damage c done orie Si S to If I It f Is hi found possible S Jet Im nel IU-nel will vill wi h bo be used in Iii some of ot the the 5 S tools Je left by bythie the life streams to save some S j if f e the jr hand and nl return them lo to the Vi t Ivor Iver cr In preparation for expected trouble S. S C he railroads have gathered all al availS avail avail- uval- uval S mon melt and arc are h l hl them in tn inre Pa Pacific has In Southern re readiness The lc and sacks stare tons toms of or rock sels of band near that portion of or Its Is tracks t ant Hank the thc canal Pmt Part of or the theS S S rack Is I stIll tl In In- danger but hut the force r f acl mn men maintained will wi be able to lo ireS pre ire echt e S ent cht a washout hout ar r |