Show J j. i 1 LOCAL LOGAL JAPANESE J TO CALL GAL Laborers on Railroads and in Factories Ready to Take Arms Up LITTLE BROWN MENS MEN'S VIEW i I I j. j I Interested in Humors But Hut Mikado's I Subjects In United States s 's J Discredit Dis lI credit War Var Talk Jt Apropos of or the rumors of a possible conflict between the ibe soldier and sailor salt sail sail- sal sal- t 1 or Cis Ci's of or Uncle Sam Sm and ink Little i Brown Men ren of or the tw Mikado's arm army and nav navy the views of the tw Japanese laborers laborers labor labor- t erR ers In fn th the United States Stales are orn more than Interesting Many Inn of the Japanese In Iter Am America hold themselves r ready aty to lo to call from their answer a cal countrymen country country- men and to act either upon their native na na- na- na tive soil or wherever they shall be d di directed dl- dl 12 1 t P 01 hal 2 to lo operate These cunning cunning men have admitted that the Japanese se system y hm of national defense Is morn more mOO perfect per per- feet than that thal o of any other nation naton that hat In the tho event vent of a great groat war var thousands thousands thou thou- o sands of Japanese e laborers might h be beC r C- C mustered Into Inlo an nn army ready to re receive re- re e col arms and r fight ht wherever r the they i should find themselves The laborer h hold lohl ld themselves for CO a n call cal In three ca classes t The rhe fr l l call cal comes to tho those t. t who ho have been loen In this country for one t year year year-or far ol or less Its the second cond call cali Is binding r 1 upon those who vIto have have- been on fm foreign igl iglI 1 I i soil ol for more morp than one year lar and not more marL mor than five years lal and the tt third call cal Is applicable to all al Japanese re regardless Ii of or lVer every other tie tic te that holds hold t them This Is known to the Japanese e as ns the emergency call oal an and Is on one that has never l been n s sent nt out from the 4 e In the Orient I I 1 Many on UI Railroad r I In the United d States there are Hrc thousands thou thou- j I I sands fIR upon thou thousands of laborers laborel's engaged in iii il various capacities j Of or these thesa the railroads employ probably 1 f I. I 75 if per cent as section and con- con 1 cr crows crews ws and the remainder al' al are employed In n the sugar factories a few of them being In business for I engaged themselves cs anti and still fewer employed In 1 domestic tome tc pursuit With rare exceptions Pl P- P A lions all these patriotic sons of Japan S l hold themselves In readiness to 5 5 answer the tw hi call cal from their countrymen country country- S men and compatriots They admit that thal 5 the Ow organized and quipped equipped arm army of If fl S Japan hug ing force Is the smallest unit of its Is fighting fight S In the construction camps of the theS S S raI railway wa companies in the sugar beet L and sugar factories the Jap who can read an and translate the war wat stories S published In the newspapers Is the acS acknowledged ncI ac nc- ac- ac S I lea leader et of the colony JapS Japanese Japanese Japanese Jap Jap- S anese restaurant keepers keeper and Japs who S S aro are employed in American families are sought l by their countrymen who 5 55 are not nol so versatile In the languages langua e Why The he Little Brown Men en n are areS re S aIO anxious s to have hae the Intent latt news of o the thet thE t S threatened t international rupture k Interest in t I S f O Of f first Importance to them are arc the cable calie me messages from the Orient giving givingS S Hie he ue views of their officials In the court 1 circles about the Mikado and his min mm- S Then they look to the thea Washington Wash Tash a h- h S S ington dispatches to s see e the views of or ortho S r the Iho Japanese e minister ter to this country S I anti and lastly lasty they look 1001 for the editorial expressions or of the greater gloater r newspapers and the news now stories published he conS concerning con con- 4 S S S S S the war which is chronicled as Imminent P Regarding th the relations of the r I- I t United States Stales and Japan the JapanS Japanese Japan Japan- I t. t S ese CSC of or whatever er class in which he ma may mayhe 1 A he found in ill America Amelica are ale better beter po posted led S.- S. with wih a wider fund of Information than 7 Is the average American citizen They he S look 1001 al ly for tor the malt mail mal from their I n native nativo Uv Cunn country which of or late lale has 1 hon been overburdened with the S wih lH Japanese e Ii newspapers Of Or first importance Is isI I the news neWN of the diplomatic relations l t existing x Ung between the two countries 1 S. S Japanese C Papers for Peace leace i S Particularly agreeable to lo the the Japanese Japi Jap Jap- i 4 S anese Is the sentiment expressed both loth Ip In the editorial and the news new columns thE S f I l SS I of or their native paper papers There hel th they theyS 11 S find that there is a strong trong sentiment S. S S S In favor of ot amicably settling what u t S differences ma may exl exist t t between the two I J 4 H fc governments gO The e editorial lorial wrier writers SI 1 In In the J Japanese c papers which are r re regarded re- re 1 I. I i as aN close cose to the mikado and andS S I his hlf ministers universally express an nn S. S 1 L opinion In effect affect that the slight disturbance dis 1 l created by the unfortunate S S conditions growing out o of th the conflict 5 s of tho the local authorities in California I r 1 S J and the Fe Federal officials In the matS matter mat mal S S J y 1 ter tr of the admission of Japanese e In iii Inthe r t. t 1 t the public schools of or Sari San Sn Francisco Frncisco r 5 Is not hot of or sufficient Importance to tol S. S warrant an open declaration of war warI l' l I 1 r against the United States M I J S The rhe universal opinion of oC these editors edi edl- v J fr r tors Is that the sympathetic bonds t uniting the people of M the United d S f 5 S States Stales tates and I lie people of the Jap Japanese lee leef Jf are too loo strong to 10 be he broken S which can well be anything 0 by wel f- f i. i S settled by b a n diplomatic adjustment tl that there will be he bea i- i They b believe lc c never neVOl wI S a a 5 question arise between the Japanese e e and tho the United States Stales ut f S government all JS will vill require n a meeting on the that 1 5 field of ff If hattie battle before a settlement can cun canS h. h be reached raH S r. r le t I Patriotism I Is Strong S SS S S notwithstanding the optimistic i nut But taken In Japan the Inborn a j views S S I patriotism of or the thc Japanese e in America r. r is Just as Slon stong a as If l they knew kneW a aS S 1 I C conflict l was already y begun They hc themselves rea ready to answer the theS k hol hold es S t S I call cal and 1 If the Iho call cl came caine they would S obey ohey It- It It They would act In any capacity In this Ibis countr country or r would sail saili al i S fo their native isle to lo Join tho ranks s r S o n of f Japans Japan's fightIng forces Corces either for S I service on lan land or on her ships hll The They l I would act a as spies In America The TheS S servants of officers of the United S States tal's army have ha for long 1 kept pt a aS S Itt n watch on 01 all al preparations and andS ani that have he been S training for war en a aS apart apart S S part of the thc routine r of or the soldier since S the arm army was organized They have haveS S 1 noted i these thee things and the they have wc l kept ept S in In touch with wih the directing h heads ais of oC S their own war department Informing them of or th the conditions existing In the 5 S S American army The Thc Jap Jal has haR utilized i 1 all al his Ils craftiness In gaining the thc In inS InI Information In- In S formation that has matho for Japan JapanS I I S a fund of ot information about other I I j j nations that perhaps Is a un unsurpassed se Information furnished by hy Iho ho other otherl S S ho S nations by ly Its Is secret service er agents nent If IfS I war should come Japan will wi muster musterS S I from the United States Stalen an alm army that I I S S would woul surprise tho the world both hath b by I J S. S numbers and excellence of or preparation conflict 5 tion ton for fol the I S |