Show BLAZE AT WASATCH SCHOOL Defective Flume Results in lum Some Soune Smoke 10 Damage Fire which for a short time threatened threat threat- ened the entire building did about abou damage to time the Waterloo school shortly after aftem two o'clock Wednesday a afternoon The fhe lire was caused by a defective Hue flue and amid hail had eaten UK Its way was through tot tnt i mOot when discovered d There are over children att nd Ing school in iii time the building but all were at lila play In the school yard at the time time the lire fire was discovered smith and there was no mm panic several of the teachers not even leaving tIme the building Although the streets were feet deep In m ml the lire flee department red the turn turn-c and a half s mili-s to time th- school in less tuna than 1 5 minutes Work Wont on oil the lit repairs will b hue begun at one once and school v. v Ill continue as a u I |