Show AN X X N 1 PARTY SCANDAL TJ DI In that Idiotic emanation of oC tho ho Roams crowd crowll til the Salt Lal Lake e Tribune appeared Wednesday morning a n. cartoon cartoon car cat toon depicting tho he horrors l of or a Salt Lake Lako poolroom where little bo boys just tall enough to see tho the balls on the Ito table aro are putTIng pulling at cigarettes and antl punching ou ou out points Immediately adjoining g Is the tl scare head American Party Save City Many Thousands of dollars ollars probably But Dut Salt Lako Lake people dont don't want thousands s of or dollars J saved SaVel and thousands of or boys bOS ruined b by one ono and the selfsame policy or party part Tho The Tribune claims credit for everything good that has happened In the city for tho the past year ear an and It Is Isas Isas isas as certainly responsible for lor the bad ball that has occurred It has no right to cause the ruin of youth the tho abasement abasement abasement abase abase- ment of amusement places to tho ho destruction of or youth And It will har hardly ly dispute the tho existence of oC the tho evil ovll since Ince it so boldly proclaims tho the evil on Its front page Of course tho the Tribune seeks as ever el to deceive ecel the he people The American party part om officials have not saved ved the he cit city thousands but have havo so vastly Increased the thep p lublic burdens that lint the they are arc facing a deficit that will have lave to be bo provided for by the people The They have spent lie money hn h gl cin an a abominable 1 I S service l in iii I every y p j c a c one tho ho ln obligations running Into the lie hundreds hun reds of oC thousands or ol dollars without the slightest warrant of law or of rI right ht That Is their record after acter a year ear of oC office That and the he harm they have inflicted on youth the of or the tho vicious of oC b by permit permitting tins tins- operation places amusement amusement wherever In the city a base pr proprietor had been fo found nd willing and able to cut up ri a money hush-money pur purse c with tho the police pollee tho the elt city officials and the Tribune I |