Show iO rO WATER USERS Engineers Engineer's Office I ISalt Salt Lake Lako City Utah Jan 3 Notice is hereby given that A. A K 13 Christenson whose postoffice address Is Salt Lake City Utah has imas made application lion tion in with time tho requirements requirements require require- ments of chapter Session Laws of Utah 1905 1105 16 to appropriate one half of ot a per second of water from an unnamed spring In Salt Luke Lako county Said spring Is situated at a point which lies iles 3 Loot north feet west of time the south quarter corner of suction 20 township town tOwn- ship shill 1 south scull range 1 eaSt Stilt Salt Lake base and meridian The Tho water will be he diverted diverted- at tire time place where it from said spring antI and conveyed for a distance of SOO feet foet in an Iron pipe whore where It be used during the period front from January 1 lo to December Ill Inclusive sive sivo of each year for tile the culture of fish As much of said water as tony may be will be pe used during the period pe riot named for domestic purposes After having been so diverted and used net the water will bo returned to a ditch running run run- fling ning west on Thirteenth South street Salt Lake Lako county Utah at a point which lies feet foet nOrth and feet west of the point above described This application IB is designated In the state engineers engineer's office as No 82 All All' protests against the thu granting of said application stating the tho reasons must bo be made by affidavit In duplicate and filed In this office within thirty 30 days after the tho completion of the tho publication of this notice S CALEB TANNER State Engineer Date of first publication 5 date dato of completion of publication Feb February eb- eb 4 1907 1917 OF oi STOCKHOLDERS STOCKHOLDERS' S NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS STOCKHOLDERS' meeting of th Congor Gold and Copper Mining and Milling Company Notice Company Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders of the tho Congor- Congor Gold and Copper Mining and Milling company that Whereas The Tue time for holding the regular annual meeting of stockholders ers of said corporation has passed an 1 anIno no was meeting hold on said eald date and It Is desirous that a meeting be held for the election t m-t such officers and for the tho transaction transaction- of f other business a special meeting of time the stockholders of said c corporation o l held at the tho office offic of l m Auerbach Auer Auer- bach building No South Main street Suit Salt Lake City Ut Utah h on Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- the day of February 1907 at the tho hour of two o'clock p. p m. m of said day for time tho purpose of electing a president pres pres- ident vice president secretary and treasurer and five directors or trustees trus trus- tees of sai said l corporation and for the following purposes wit to-wit Considering and voting upon the tho question of amending the articles of Incorporation of said corporation in time the following particulars Amending article one by changing tho name of the corporation from that of Congor Gold and Copper Mining and Milling company to CON GOR COPPER COMPANY Amending article six thereby Increasing ing the amount of capital stock of said corporation front from two hundred thousand thou thou- sand dollars to one million dollars divided into one mil mu- lion shares of time the denomination tion and par value of one dollar each said article as amended to read as fol follows fol- fol lows The fount an-fount of capital stock of said corporation shall be 10 one million S Ito 1000 XO dollars divided into one mil mil- lion shares of th the denomination lion tion and par value of one dollar each Amending article twelve by changing time the date of time tho annual meetings of the stockholders s of said corporation from Limo tho d Monday la August each year yearS S to O the tho second Monday y In January each year and by further providing in said article that no notice need be given of time the annual stockholders stockholders' meetings and that twenty one 21 21 days daya notice be he given of special stockholders stockholders' meetings Amending article fourteen articles ar a- of said corpora corpora- 1 ofF op the fel- fel Jin Ann 1 fleS No S 2 American Boy Perquisite an undivided halt half interest In the Al Ulie lie Ilu N. N an aim undivided one half Interest jim in time the Copperton an undivided one one- half Interest In lit part of the Illinois patented lode mining claims also th Congor No 2 not patented in itt full payment pay pay- fluent ment o of th time capital stock of this corporation cor cor- lo to wit one million shares of the denomination and par value of ono one dollar lOb each Further amending limo tho articles of In Incorporation In- In corporation of this corporation by repealing re- re pealing and striking out all of or articles fifteen 15 IS sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen IS nineteen 19 twenty 20 twenty one 21 and two twenty 22 of time the articles of Incorporation of said raid company anti and substituting In lieu thereof articles as follows Article XV The stock of this corporation shall bo be non S Article Two hu shares of time tho capital stock of this corporation corpora corpora- Ion tion as amended shall bo and ind the same Is hereby contributed tt said corporation corpora corpora- thIn tion as and for a working capital and to b be known as treasury stock which said treasury stock shall shail bo be disposed of from time to time by tho board of directors of said corporation at mit such price or prices as may bo be fixed by said board of directors ARTICLE Eight hundred thousand shares share of the capital stock of salt said corporation as us amended shall bo be divided and distributed among the tho stockholders of this corporation in a ratio of four shares to and for each one omme share now hold held by such stockholder and the tho board of di directors cli- cli rectors shall cause new certificates of stock of time the corporation to be Issued and to be delivered to each and every stockholder in time the number amid aid amount of four shares of stock of said corporation corpora corpora- then tion as amended for each share of stock now held by said stockholder and in lieu thereof provided that be before before be- be fore such new certificate Is delivered to a stockholder the original certificate cato cate or certificates issued to or stand tand- standing tandi i ing g in the tho name of such stockholder must bo be delivered to the secretary of the company mind and bo be cancelled or In Incase Incase case any such original certificate or certificates can not bo be delivered to the it secretary then time the board o of directors tony may prescribe time tho conditions upon which said now new certificate shall bo be Is Issued issued is- is sued and delivered Anti And for the further purpose of amend ing time the laws by-laws of said corporation and andor for or tho transaction of such other business busi ness as may bo be brought before said race meeting tin g Dated this list day of January 1907 1917 II It E. E Secretary Booth and Lee Attorneys NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a special meeting of time the stockholders of the Galena mine a Utah tRait corporation will tili be held at the office of said com Inlay pany room block Salt Lake City Utah on time the day of February 1907 at four o'clock p. p m mn Saul Said meeting Is called for the purpose of considering unit miami passing upon the question of ratifying anti and approving u a certain contract mado matje by the board of ct directors of this on Its behalf be be- half with the tho Utah mine on the Slim tiny day of September whereby the Galon mine granted to time the said Utah mine th ti privilege of purchasing time tho Ruby tn n. n I lode ii Hug claim situated In him Fish Flah Springs mining district j Juu u b county aa auth time the machinery a-machinery tools tooN and buildings owned by said Garen mil at t Fish Springs Jab county arid and Oasis Millard county count Utah i whir whir- have n bec-n In lion tion with time the mining operations of saK Galena at salt said muting mining subject to the terms and conditions forth In said contract anti and to time the sale salo arid and conveyance anee of Sail said by Said ald Galena mine u terms null anti conditions COnditiO set forth In contract amid to to transact such anti and further business aB may Collie conio before the tho meeting S II S. S JOSEPH PresIdent ot J. J CRAM AM- AM S S Acting of or orS Galena lilac S 1 |