Show JENSEN DEMANDS REFUSES Representative From Weber County Repeats Charge Against Colleague MISSING MEMBER SENT FOR FORg g Mei n her is Brought ht in lii II to H lC S Death of or HI iliR Pct Pet Insurance ance anco Hill BUI Bi I hI I demand that time the gentleman genteman from V Weber county retract the time statement concerning m me that he made macin on the Hoo of this hous at yesterdays yesterday se sos ses Ion sion In a 3 voice shaking wilh wih anger R Representative Nephi Neph Nephi I Jensen ansi arising to a u qu question slon of or personal privilege c In Insisted In- In that lint Representative Kuchler be Instructed d to lo apologize fr fsr his re remarks remarks re- re m marks 9 the thc day previous During time the discussion of oC time tho unfavorable committee commit commit- comm tee l report t on IT IL I. I B. B l. l No 2 2 h by Mr J Jonsen ensen c exempting mJ pumping plants from taxat taxation Ion Representative lye Kuchler Kuch Knelt lei ler said sid It I appears to 10 me mc lint tha the gentleman I Is not nol representing a u constituency con con- lint hut a clent client clien Immediately a after the reading of the tho e. e house hout Journal V Wednesday Representative e Jensen n arose He lIe said 11 Mr Speaker I 1 l on n a of ot personal privilege I was ms assailed alel yesterday by ti Iho i e gen gentleman front from frol Weber county who irhe made c certain insinuations In regard to tom tomy tony m ny my championship of on the time bill bi exempt exempt- Ing ng pumping plants from oni taxation I demand that lint time the gentleman from Weber count county retract CiUl Charge io l lIs Is It tit I. I Representative Kuchler r replied el Yesterday I stated slated that the tho gentleman gentle gentle- man from Salt Fait Lake Lako seem seemed eel to represent represent sent a t clientage rather m-atimer than a con- con I repeat that lint it appears al' al lo to tt have ha e been beets the lie case casc When Whelm hl his bill bi vas van wa before the he Imo was vas In- In it l to 10 appear It I was pointed out that hat at 1 least 8 t one OU ll largo large o corporation In Inthe inthe the he state stale now paying a C tax lax on ems 01 its is pumping plant and anti machinery was as assoiling soiling thousands of dollars dollars' Worth of or rh Tho rho bill would vater a a. year eal hi nave mave provided that the plant be bc not I repeat repeal that lust time the gentleman seemed t U lo represent a certain fU Cued 1 rather than ho time mn mouses ses a clientage rather than timan a constituency With WiLls Wih a eat greal shout of anger l cr l Jensen again agall II insisted i tet upon I r i again gln demand that time the lie gentleman retract he hc cried The Thc genteman from Salt Sail Lake raie will wi kindly c time the rules of time the house sale said snit the ho speaker there must be no show or of f tern temp temper per r on tl time tho part of any memer mem- mem nW her bm er on ems 01 til the hoot 1001 of this hOts house If I the wishes to lo take tuii any acton action th ho time rules of the time Ii house use provide e a a method I r do tn it not wish to give the time Impression ion sion or do lit o I believe heleve returned Representative K Kuchler that hat m dollar in onsen received a mn Ion yI Wl h i affair Several mem- mem hers ers moved the time o l house e proceed order of business lie regular ndel lime Tho house hOIe administered the he ate 30 to lo toh h use bills lis Nos 5 r and 1 12 The Time first firsty b y Dean bean changed the tile law Ja for advertising adver- adver 11 1 UsIng the tho tal sale of he trespassing animals animals TIme he other measure b by pr fh Representative Cle Clegg g required hon bond bond- lug ing ng companies to lo be incorporated In Inthis inthis this his state that thai sought to lo do business s here herc lore When Hit Hit- th bill bi came up f for r tIme the of IC if time the house houle taUvo Clegg CIg the time author of tf time bill 1111 hi vas absent Speaker Joseph said id he thought bought Mr Cle Clegg hall had asked perm permission Is- Is lon sion to he be absent ahsen HIre Representative e made mude a motion that the time be instructed lo to send the sei-geast-at-arns sei arm aL arnis al-arnis after lie Iho missing number member This motion moton was wa amen amended ed to o sen send a messenger el after Mr Clegg Representative l Hol Robinson asked lh Mr Speaker are we given glen to understand tand that hat the tho tw gentleman from ruin Sail Lake Lale is iso isto isto to o be pinched Tho he speaker said sid that hat such m not nol time the case CC Representative tn Marks whose pros ence once In the time hO house hOe e was sas requested by bythe bythe the he arms ul arms nt during n a sos sos- les- les slon lon last laft week s time Hie tl malon motion lie le le said Mid that he di lid did not believe heleve that a missing member should hould receive such attention n at mt the time hands of or the time rime Mie messenger was waK sent out and anti Mr 11 Cleg Clegg appeared In explaining the Iho merits of time the bill hi he ime said sid At the tw t time hon bonding I ns companies Ics doing business In lii this timis state that thai are arc in incorporated in- in d under the laws las of or other bonds hond to toem states cut rates on rum furnishing em elsa lim This Is bill 1111 hl Is Is' Is designed to lo ill ap all empo employer r from froni compelling his ils to tu patronize these companies companies' com corn panics panic Ho lie accused Ivo tive t e of having a change of oC heart in to the hi bill c olon said til he Ime be beloved be- be loved Ie etl that th the Iho bill bi should be e killed an and he ho was In Its favor favol of time the motion to lo strike out lImit the enacting clause clause H lie Ht i said ll th that timit t It I was rather t to lull cli tel exactly ex ox x achy what the tho bill 1111 hi meant mean I. I S Takes His Turn t Thompson took the thc gavel avel Speaker aker Joseph spoke SlOkO against the Iho bill i. i At Al first I r wa was inclined tn tc i favor time the bill hi said Nail time speaker hut but after giving It closer attention I am ani of the time opinion that the wording of or If the tho m measure aHre is ar ambiguous The ordinary or or- dinay mind could coull not Tint tell the purpose our pur 10 pose 1050 of If the tH bill iiii i or 11 It what time the effect of or J its l several provisions have Representative Cle Clegg interrupted Mr J JO by rising m-Ising tt to tu a point 4 of or order I 1 am the time chairman u nf th time tho committee that reported this thiN bill 1111 bi to lo th time house he tie said rii awl and am ant to I cl close se th the Iho debate Ho He le was Informed h by time the tw chair that time house houe ha had given jn Its ts consent to time tho U Speaker Joseph to tu speak upon the time bill hi and that his hiM point of order was tas not nol well veli wel tul taken Inker n. n On a n rising vote vole time the motion moton to strike out lilt time the acting was ns carried anti and the bill bi was sas declared defeated After Ar several tHal Ic members had boon been hoard hearil upon hou house e bill hil No Io G f by hy Ito Re- Deun Dlan time Iho same ln treatment treat treat- ut- ut snout ment melt Wl wits was accorded this isis measure It I Ia was stas defeated by ya a vote ott of oC 25 2 to 18 IS communication rend read tin time i A A was wa from on lom governor t vernO In relation to lo time the memorial asking the Iho President nut nol to interfere with wih the course rc eO of of the Iho Colorado Colordo river Iou House o bill 11 No 44 1 b 1 by Representative Nephi Jensen relating elating tu to special tuxes taxes was made a NI special elal or order N for or next Tuesday f at al 3 House bill i No Nu 1 II by Jensen nl n making taxes h on real property a U lien Hen len against such mch property after the tho first Monday In January Januar wa wa-j presented to 10 the lime speaker for isis his hlf signature signature signa signa- ture tut I by the enrolling and engrossing ln Representative c asked askell anti and received permission to withdrawal la l. B U Ii No 0 providing an appropriation for fur forthe forthe the relief rele of if Lafayette utter who was injured ed while acting as peace of of I J fleer Representative a was vas al allowe allowed ni- ni lowed lowe to lo withdraw mw II I. I B U. U No 79 providing pro pro- vl viding for a license e for fOI a corporation doing business In time the stale TOX SAI S SI A fAI 1 AIN Commercial Club Chili Asks lma mire is lo 10 I u hit s' s Go GO ssu II Ic Through Governor OO Cutler Culler Cuter yesterday C was waR transmitted ti lo to time the senate sc-nate a I communication com cons from from the tw Commercial club climb asking the legislature to request t a 3 te federal erl Investigation of the time effect of o the Salton Salon sea on time the arl arid ansi lands The rime letter Is as HR follows Time The Th Honorable S. S S IL II I Love ent of the time Senate lear Dear lr Sir Sim- SimI I have the honor to transmit to your our honorable bod body for or yo your 1 Information and amid neton action time the enclosed communication from froni the tu Stilt Salt Sal Commercial club cub through h hI I Its secretary and anil board of governors suggesting lg that time the proper authorities at nt Washington be requested to thoroughly thoroughly thor thor- Investigate time tit possible effect of the time formation of the th Salton sea a on omm the time climate of time the tl arid arlt t IS l am nm Informed that a u Joint r resolution m lots tion ton asking for fOI sud an atm Inv investigation has lias been lii Introduced in lh the house of or i representatives anti ami ant I 1 approve of or I its adoption I shall be he pleased to lo co opt a I e with ilie thit til Kc and l H HIM tIms house huus In iii II bringing isis mutter math lo to the time attention I. I I Iho Ill is e gen general government mu en I I Very Vry respectfully JOHN C. C CUTLER Governor JURORS JI G n. n Hill Bi Provides J Against t Separation of or Tho O o Tr Trying Criminal hu I Ca C Cases cs s Senator Seel Seely Intro introduced a bill bi In Inthe time the senate yesterday which provides against separation of Jurors In time the trial of or criminal ca cases cs Tho Time bill hi which was referred to lo the Iho Judiciary committee I is as follows Section 1 1 That Section 4 of time tho Revised Rc Iet Statutes of 1898 bo be and tho lit same Is hereby henby amen amended ed to read as aN follows 1871 TIme The Jurors sworn to lo try Iry a criminal action aton shaH shall not be e permitted to separate but shall be kept In charge of a proper officer The Tue officer must bo ime 8 to keep time Uw Jurors juror to- to geth r until the time next lext meeting of or time the court couri to suffer no iso person to speak feal to them or to communicate with wih thorn nor mior JOI to In do o so himself lf on ems 01 an any aimy subject connected with wh time the trial an and to return th then them m Into limIti court at al the next meeting thereof 1 1 m e roof I |