Show LIVE STOCK MARKETS O. O Chicago o. o Feb 6 Receipts Cattle X 1 0 market marlet 10 IQ celt cents higher Beeves cows cow antI and heifers Go O stockers stock stock- ers enl and anc feeders rs 5 l O calves GOO 60 f. f 7 Hogs Hos Receipts market markel 5 C cents higher Mixed and and butchers lr good heavy y 10 ro rough ugh heavy JS 69 l lights pigs pIss bulk 03 Sheep market markel steady Sheep lambs Iambs l ax cu City Feb C. C Cattle City G Catte Cattie C. 1 market stronE strong Native Q steers J native c cows cow and heifers 2 5 SOO stockers anti and feeders bulls 25 calves cal western ted red steers bleers 00 western fed Cell cows co 2 Hogs hogs market 5 G cents higher Bulk heavy 7 packers 6 pl pigs s and amid lights Gj t. t Sheep Sheep market stron strong Muttons 4 75 lam lambs s range 50 1 Omaha Feb G. G nc G. Cattle market markol st stra stady ady y to Io stron stronger cr native steers I cows and heifers 2 50 western steers 32 JO canners 3 l stockers and auth feeders calves calvos 3 4 I bulls an and stags S 20 1 IW 10 13 Receipts K 1 Inari markol ot 5 j cents higher Heavy f 12 li mixed G. G GOO hO f n 52 lights lIht pIg pigs 7 bulk CDO i Sheep market Mt steady nd Yearlings s. s G. G GW ewes 1 lam lambs C 1 et II I New York Feb G. G Today's G. market t for fortin tin Un at New r York wits was luiet hut but 7 7 III higher her with spot clo closing ln ut at 42 1240 tO to 1256 London the closing cbs clos ing lug price tot foi spot tin unchanged ut mit poun pounds pound s but hut futures wont off ocr 2 8 s to lo 1 12 pounds poun s H Ss Cis Copper at ut London was wis Ua G higher with spot closing at al Ill I'll pounds I R Od Ud anil futures at al tf 11 S pounds 12 61 d. d fit Thu Now V r York market for tut copper opper was quiet hut JUl firm nail and unchanged c The local market markot for lead was firm but unchanged and London was also unchanged closing at 19 pounds 12 Cd Spoiler Speller at London was lower clos closing closing ing at 2 25 pounds iTs lis Gd fil The Tho American speller spelter markol was steady an and un un- ehan changed ged American Iron markets m wore quiet with London 1 to H higher closing at al Id for Cor standard foundry m and ird cl Ks WJ 10 IO d for Cleveland Cle warrants Is Local metal prices Were as t follows Tin Tin Spot Spot copper lake 2514 v. v casting I IH 21 H lead ap spot t W. W I J p a I a if ii A |