Show I CHILD LABOR BILL BILLIS BilLIS IS NOW PROPOSED Violation a Misdemeanor and Fine of 25 to is Provided Making it I a ml misdemeanor for any anyone anyone one to permit a child under sixteen yearn to b be or to hire biro a achild achild child and to provide a 3 minimum lenal penalty pen len al ally alty of 25 26 j for a violation the Cull following rid fol l lowing lAwing bill hi will wi be Introduced In the legislature legislature- Section 1 That no child under the lie age of or sixteen years shall be he employed employ employ- ed etl penn permitted or ur suffered to wOI work at atan an any painful gainful occupation in II an any theale theatre concert Conceit hall hail or II hiack of amusement where Intoxicating liquors 3 are sold oll or orIn orIn In iii any ny laundry manufacturing establishment bowling alley f factory or II workshop or ur a as a messenger within this ibis state that thai no child under sixteen six six- teen years of ago age shall be bt employed it tt any ally alY work before time the hour loU of seven in iii I the lit Iw morning f or after Il time the hour of o'clock In lu tin lit evening provided hut no ni child shall be bo allowed to 0 work workmore i more than eight Ight hours In 11 nay any one la lay MuM i umi Keep tl Register C 1 Sec 2 1 2 It I be the tho duly of every V r I I person firm or C corporation a agent ent or manager of if any ammy linn Ihm or 01 corporation corpo ration minors under tinder sixteen years jf if age aCI to keep kerp a r register INter which shall hal be posted In a conspicuous I place lace at ut atthe atthe the thc place of hL business ln where said sll mm- ir II I I Is employed ll In which register tI shall be recorded the hp name mme nt age nn and l place I if t residence of or lve every child chil employed Buffered or permitted to work Sec 3 3 Whoever r. having under hi lui control a child under th the n age of sixteen sixteen six six- teen years tn IS permits iA such child h I hi to be lc In violation of oC time the provisions plo if f f this act oi or whoever hires hims or employs em pm- ploys said ll child contrary to th time the provisions pro pro- visions of this act net or 01 ful falls to keep a Q register a as provided l In t i this thi act shell shall oe Ol deemed guilty guily of a misdemeanor anor ind upon conviction cOI thereof for or each and amid every offense shall l be fined not notI noties I less ies s than 25 26 nor nOl more than bait |