OCR Text |
Show THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, 6 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, " J 00 : ake care o he people going to reat nian There are already over 250 pald reser-| } | ' pe | |Fir st | in Salt Owned ham vations The ' Terrace Formerly Upset Do Dope t sterners by 23 t . At is ter ti ch esting and Beat) Score 17 0 , and cuit of of Likes ¢ 0 Australian . M pen In ethod | Challeng- ing Yankee " Tork : ie Te ; closest oy game bull ever "witnessed ¢ 8 ae of in the basket- Apollo hall| al -seore stood . Apollos. d by i7 The some (By San 4 W. W. Francie tr 1 i g F . run that ins, ing great This secona| jangling and] claimed that minute before the the| I advance 'F of ; | ee akc y. ne ; : the t sie rl a : foe Apollos : time -ke epers ek it oe oe en vi {oll ;out anyone This mx ans and | jo ired on fd Créscents and that anyone. | js ; é IS Open! | Se James J. Jeffries, as well American heavyweigats. Whatéver the Australian enter. verso Ingersoll Aieht Chipman na Hussey‘ oe . | to ' | . Young 6 of out nd first half the scene Attenda GANS Will ¢ ' one Two point American and half. 700) Fly: § AND Fight of LEWIS for aging ; ‘ 6 and Warry Lewi da and to a nh finish yionshin for of a ie an th e Bee ind the biggest posted ; Toe ot the met iy signed in th Sate ‘ t trouble Ren aa money ner and be ts, ‘6 I up cere W i Gans Ins eng purposes, , in|long upon o the} la 11 of ' ‘ See the night io Pebruar that tl an and has Lon into Che MW c. not ‘ ire : M. regarded as Property cern WIIl 1 EXPERT James | I of ut 20 rods the was) stated ut i he | +h how: w ment, = ntion, Se of ste decidec in Oo 9c (oD. it S.Bput* Pence Sev-| was later ‘MI Lets " of the Ui of ist ) of old the the I tod ia if meet 4 at spring s. ist SInCE »* oa of acquired. b idi Yr z about § is f¢ had Sao as ml : in) HIT two outside Al teams pat ltwo. New York Exhibit, remodeled, Work sb nae ju ( in h Miss ee Ann M. as : 50,000 feet, | brick, Canuon - wk 4 ' gut dog) wilL not oe Augusta, ; res who : t Connecticul) \ 1 { } 1 y route Dy i tain eal de- to Ps iG and) him aa ( rescents ie ai ny } ah . 1 plas 1 ee hinvhit Gc t Theirs « within] . the (0 keep \ at; ' pe We ; ri he ul ‘ S vill | 1ip A of. } eeSwift, matte be bul 1 bie! ul the; haneins egal : { Law 1 McB I Whit i 16), 107) 1 i 2 19 ' 2 G 72 , -- yUCHINGE y officer, 7 his in Leod { 17 151 ‘ oir. mn 1 i ] Fzl me 4 I t n thisea bo/ hii ee the « Cl MLE f y ed I Victors, { leagt j plendi a ta}« the se n ES Be lite i} | Be Lot Drige oe 164 cm . ; aA { e165 7i- a Ss ee ire Ww Burts vLuT Bake Total p-{ 14 TS ‘ae . wt10 ] 169 " AAD el 4 5 ws of the be- pat _ ,.| "Tr statements, sit in that! zs See the Real PRICES-Ev Pe ae providing listing air the was spirit see her} win] and boy com-j| and And| scent the erred 7 \ sO of the AND city outl uth ai fy : co ric ait and ¥ Gime oe in to| The American "played asin aS the will 1e Ee hae audience two it a Can % dialects; had x oO an curtain gree in aetor a bath . best scorns the his hero offer it is ly a or miraculously gets off It was With . Feb ‘aniireh nsive=.of : Ith. } the ur (he) (an a on him. What nesicn: for firemen six: has -beén month Tilly rule and when good and fall-| been the a bank Coxwain.of: the At Mi Clayton Rar ndall 50c, Jimsey's urth Sean Starting = . a 4 owl with in ‘ ne ie Mr. Sa: : Cla Paley evil. 7oG; lic ae a MODERN ee handsome | $1.50, 1 er | | ss y tea the "and inot Foster Briets ham,ul Your ; Washington. and: Mis : "i 1 Washington hee han to rept } 1 ! ae membe good e Beatrice. nll game, start ent t of pe nieht y. Up i of tt than isto -his 5 inthe sweetheart, May he been painted Hamilton be of ie provided . e: local act as (b) 16 | (b) in a At oe go, an : and Fred Emilia and to viewpoints.excellent The distinction. Mr. accompanist, "Arise in Paff; Hugenotten), Andelta lard Puff Meyerbeer, : Cheers || Duet,Blast""Oh, ane Wert JOM Mendelssohn, iss | j | Thee tothe There|erally Sa : p_ , "3 ;@ ic FAIR by a Strong Also as The Ladies noons. Company. IN have i. \g l@ Res I \ teh Dem Wie ~ 1} Jead game forty ere looked lgoked ve sSec admitted free in t afte Competent tnateuctey ow. pr t 7 OMbennooda th Be enrineer tee Include alll ee eS inl a T H E A T R Es Only Family Theatre 7 We Cc. L. Desire to AMONG THE 2 " Such: i is tl COLSON, Please. Note-a-Phone Concert! Y. B a Bl PT NIGHT PRICES, 10, 20 and 30c. MATINEE PRICES, 10 and 20c. a Saturday. and Wednesday M. C, A. AUDITORIUM, WEDNESDAY, 8:15 | | 5! Fmannssnescssemoneeened - | ak R ABE e . : | welal 1 Lortzing w Ne Eas, | the a . Ber House, The the Soprano, Interest of Her Note-a-phone CLARK Mr. BF | j Miss Mr. Ifugh Mr. Squire Mr. Adelbert Judith Evans Beesley, particul- bulcan classified pan in will Sell | change artior It-costs j ins ruion. ad ; in The Viollnist Pianist Baritone Note-a-phonist | SALT LAKE TURF EXCHANGE 203 : Re- It-Rent It-or but 10 cts. for - Accompanist | CHOIR AND BIG ORGAN. Prices-East End of Gallery, $1 50c Admission, General Tickets at Music Stor JOHN IBE HANSEN, y Mer. ; Y.), - - WILLARD = (N. - Dougall Coop Blocks, By-- Riedelsberger | a Opera ANDELIN ANDDramatie ARVILLASoprano, CLARK, | Brilliant Karl Invention Musiexl -Assisted | GRAND MUSIC FESTIVAL | Thursday evening, Feb. 7, at 8:30. | soya & © > x ~ | | America's Foremost Young Basso, | Engaged for 300 appearances in " M. By- Mrs. Kate Bridewell-Anderson Mezzo | FEB. 6, P. -Given Im NACLE ANDELIN- Exeach) MAIN ST. California and Eastern Direct wire for all sporting races. events. Thursday Friday Saturday aa ind: p also g a e ca ers wi ance e no all go. These Suits and t and n en : i: to friendly e? . ee % several tratimen $9.75 . Our Excellent High Class3 SUITS and OVERCOATS worth $18, $20, $25 and $30 are going at just and th 0 who e men get 0 Cc d t them. e e h a Now is { or em Overcoats will 0 9 ill the be th ey W il b bargains time to act. b Last" of t land SLOGAN Americn is the | of th and hirts,. 7 9 Underwear, 9 Neckwear, 9 Sweaters, 9 Hats, Word. ALL l ee, the Next ‘ WILL GO cs | i B BD -_-_-- 5 Pe ae B a ‘ie had immediately tre said. to J "NEW Virst, "see urd California 1d thenfirst n ' eal whan apeaking Ie two-Steps- ae HAVE Califorain 1 in Wasatch Amusement Co. BSR di ‘as to, declare is no nt"there tirernéen will be r) conductor Europe tomor=)) omin-}, sol t | airemen S ; flacmen aah CGa perc ' ELKS Prices. walt TONIGHT s |g|g Matinces ered. : | \t With GROUNDS. a Change in mane Reese NEW BUSHRANGERS arly smaller turn Wages of musicians and stage hands will be consid-| future ee trainmer 11.000 thousand. f \j affes of Ladies agent - ADMISSION TEN: CENT: Skates, vwenwne 14 Sunday: LOST "YORK. = Y R I Cc Salt Lake's sateIP , actors the that, after- zB = a |g i profession, cy aoe ‘ SRRe IG a © 2>ROMISE. COMPROM whole prety 2 2:30 P. M. os Supported | Wil- C learn 12, The Wasatch Rink Sanaa ERROR T 4 : Adelaide Warland Funny Swede Girl | Goming Wonor-) Reach Managers and 2 3 7 x Continues. Strike Settlement, the coe A The ztSwedish Dialect Comedy, ' 99 es Se Andelin wees | } Mr. nit ‘ London, Feb. a. 6.-The, today denied report We a Mr. to Monday seats Tbe. i ‘TORS ACTORS, Artists able and Box TONIGHT. SATURDAY, |] MATINEE pro- i goin gz | nt | gonday at ad ‘(from graceful 10 Gentlemen. one, Se be Improvements |Great Organ (i "Chant Seraj phique, Guilmant 1} «b) Andantino,' yy request), | mare; Mr. JvJ McC: leliay. A ous } Le Adieux (from ‘ anne a'Are . "| would of mornings noous 2 to 5, evenings, 7:30,Paes 30. Held's Band ut all sessio Riehard & Co. Su piesa an a West Kinodrome ee except G0c, 25c and 10e¢. McClellan and Ye you roller skate. Open mornings, Rose HI. KhernsHarry afternoons. If Edwards, surface was i ‘probabl mear future. rT Sotar, rate bars case 256. PREE. admitted free Tadies at altogether Vander¢ Pie || Miss siemsnanignnat WEEK. Bros. Nellie Hoke by 1 duet, a ieumn Bae eee ue ahh , "AU Song endelsse Mr. At idelin and Mi ‘lark "Moonlis ght Eaton F Ae Taber| nacl iS Choi ae ee te arias THIS Edouin | St. Onge Arthur Winds," Henry P ureellg Mr, Will‘ ard Andelin "Der Gaertr ce Kahn "A Maid Sine tight: MacDowell. (c) "Chanson. Boheme," (fr Car- much vim. and. masculine im-| and general jubi lation that tne| of-| nd gener are} finer..graces» of -legitimate art could} l i 5 under We the leading by the Street. floor Chicago. sum | oO ‘ner (a) (b) so puls 6, are elng vated) HOG gnevtrainmen and it is sal of the 1 Ul waa tri ' )|} qd | an th facul in the: race ul « for the Crescent 0 seat 3 crowd rem trike unive pao rROTES I basket ball i ithin reserved (73) Utes: at? . unprecedented : jation ef a ‘ ma rhe 510) 247 ; Ovir Ji cio tat, ae Wami I um and 5 s ( ym running k an Raa en ¢ urtne H I Rose, ane MISS. Vv Dixot ire out to win, and Mis P Pe backed by one of the 3 05} 181) 1 t . in $2. VAUDBVILLE. ieee ALL tion will play three nu 7 the! great organ, while Prof. Stephens will conduct the choir in it' rendition o§ Baton fanning beautiful "Moonlight' melody, The full program is Tiar- play. is Beer, a drink for Richards tarmer, and pur- | Fefore the end} has will and finacial is an é of auc $1.00, Largest eatre,- , New KK. 1e in ce "Tilly' be 4 Olson" Rt-will Fee oe Muge Aa gram . the ae ce Fisher "PHONE Later Andelin-Clark Recital Tonight. At the tabernacle tonight the much heralded Andelin-Clark festival will be given. The indications point to successful concert from both artistic) moLnery. 66 It AUDITORIUM Tilly's property is reand it is found that she of vast copper deposits pe ns company pan) EdMr sister, : opportunity for ery farm. seenery roar ¥ nameae part2 played. Dy: done] Davenport LM tats Ueresthdant, stimu- A. Fisher Brewing Co. M in eee as follows: are)... pee ‘ ao ages Th : ed ort Med pra Cfetian, 2 ‘ Mr. R. (a) "In Diesen Hoil'ge n Haller Lokis A . ere Mr. 10 Daily the (a) rew, mild Is, ordinarily, moderation. PRICES: "Every y evening | Cexcept Sunday) Téc, Bic, 2c. Box seats $1.00. Matinees more. Yale of Drink her believes officials. modest zart. (y . Begin of Br eese Pau . Will 2nd is rich ne on nee oe Areas. | aoe SOU OTLCLLE SIS employed. All andall, Dick's room-mate and . um Mr Clinton Cla mM substitute on the crew, Henry R. McClain. Jim Tu Puen oy yar of the crew, Mr. William 2 Burdette crew,oM1 * City pass} Pilly subjects is rewarded °f the play, Stored to her is the owner ee like a cold) has a immediat ind firean bm vs I readjustment of the One of the officials. toda the 1 \ eg question of th r ll concerns espectiil inh} men-and ‘Thi by > ‘ hey | Mont railroad rarrouse L but returns a bank chase Mi F Employes. _The 6 ivania I housewife cur-|@?ables her to marry 2 young Minnesota gold, resurrected. 7. |°f stage! preah of for form strenuous people, at and cafes. Supplied by the play she - ne set . ae ines In the city 1ere she Is iInstrumenital in preve mine the robbery | made anv EIGN desire reality a temperance drink. Not only is it a means of animation, but it is a delightful relish, a nourishing food and a valuable tonic. s ENGAGEMENT . This and Meets this demand in e: gentle way, and because of very mildness, has secured Bie seal of popular approval. It contains just enough alcohol to revive and animate, but ‘not sufficient to intoxicate, if used in any de- OLGA In restorative FISHER BEER THE | meet-| ing Shades .of a complicé uted cussed-| with the musk hall -Owners. "associa } il} nes Edward Merrigan, as ‘‘Jims¢ wD had been settled 3 Lonof the member prominent Mr>eVi aughn | perfection near. very. foot lis Ll that.one could ask of "Clancy lee Intertainments: Protective ama 7 on said the matters in dispute hac | | ste. ; Osgood, a. veteran, Courtney ey} | « clation sai . "ably. compromised between NOW; erim old "Bob" rolled Into one [been honorably my if Knowles is a capital coxswain, the asthe oe. ens one ore an hardly expects superior acting | settlement wi ye found to atte ren- Ollicials - Believe roubl which. roR i a common to a humanity, but nder modern high-pressure conditions of Hving it amounts almost to a necessity. And the demand is as natural as it is beneficial if properly satisfled. several} constantly, to si drama. seeks lous in some o jt the Ines, or en the company, we hot know. But "At Yale" as now pre-| Scented is not a ae and never c&&} be again. It ery essence of| Saccess, of life ‘of youth, of love, and| fo Aor EXPECTED Arrange nen cali asta rhe nature ALight Stimulant | has The golden affords hotel. oe an' fi oneheard of the on @YUmp of his pet play acted douche north) sidesi pid consis Phiiladelphia 2. the Pant of: ennss {he Vir- matinee, The Utend atOwen first--o fidt began and dismal failure; and there is marked interest over the| | 6 6! y Davis to ; think he ublic Cap npaxanhs their rewee ; drat :since had madein so Sechcanantaibieesee ee ae enpr Mr. ndeyn and Ceeded taings that the} Miss C 1apiert both, artists of far rmore| | With was running : Pennsylvania "The $1.50; 2 Robert Jimmy dozen stage persecution, the for his They voune to Yale"| get around to i ae ; as the make will| Property. ° ee IKE in to Makes strong demands upon the body. Most people live "the strenuous life' these days, either in a business or social way, and under these conditions " ung ae cde "At cheerfully anguage before and and oe _ S STR NO of | be | Theatre. upon' so notice Fi HI ts. . misunderstands. she yaleWor aves the . disc jon at tonicht's tw learned that pavin square neni 17 Fae . I rbou ‘ " NO 25c' i oward Yuill and Co-Ed;". with Grand never :‘told-an* actor ‘in' louder :tones hat it Iiked Hai than the Salt Lake patrons last night us n. praising| Paul more and his excellent com-| pany in the resurrected Ade play, "At| Plan la ah . \ ; F ayve). : both ion comm 1 and -F sro uns » $1.00. Sale today: asso-| Sanderson and Bowman, presenting| of a| "Two Theatre Tickets," and the kino- | the | drome. limits p speeches ever THOR A ASO ce when PAVE)... Consider c : west, 8 ces, ae Satmat- vt Sor dancers; Marie Little boy endorsed the actio ain pet anerienine Ole ‘nas 1 : old Knowles Will. narring instructor;'Mr. quare |. Or 108 ibe a of al the pavil Lo done "on: th fam -Vauehn. side of st < running « t, and | hn Kenned n coach of -crew, Mr t side of the treets running Charles. Oszood a suth.: A cond pk pro-| porot} Randall, the girl in the ease, 1s.to lect two strec running Miss Leona ill and Feb. "Pr Dustin giniang ee Friday and 9, Saturday Howard, the Hebrew messenger and the Thespian; Wynne Wins- Lucas, Mec lain, Mr good is chum ird of} Dick's ip ul each muni from member re vf Oo ‘ I Mm . is = a of villain role unwelcome the alin devise to pointed WV ‘clit 1e. ois Thi ( carat te vill mee Satur-|:fine actor with an. appreciation Pe | ica session. n of theperform part, the and~ vary-| the nee atrnd-awill uf aie report ‘ it the | thewanttesdemands to perfectly i ilong } Four, nm eck: most Pacific... to , ork was night A. = be E Boat Race. nings Hee Promise. next week's! oe and YALE" this 7 can it deserves. veaveer vocalists Pinee, | true| the Orpheum gives promise one, The attractions will OW, soprana; Boyd, in. "A sale} adopted by the SHaa? aeainen hac examinec than of) lifte PRESENTS of GILMORE all college plays, eit eee matinee, 25¢ ne xt eb. s ton _¢| | urday,. full was of college songs. more Eight clans, . ene » crashes > the . trackse before the > engine ma ar een ae == .cross the stage, the : audience yells fills and yells again, whistles and and osition was to-pave. those sectlo oO thecity from. which petntions. have eK ecelved and where the propert ; sp phair a m ane a ay te na holders are ¥ itt r oO oT aie ; | exhiblMissouri , | += appear on we ute hing him strength, the splendid golf! link that is glorified with love. a: he riecrn the| people re} the principal 5 f was not possible] Clayton Randall, Jack's father, ; ee ae : ust 10a MM 4 161 get Real a railroad be killed. the the and : i . Orpheum's Next Week announcement Down at the good old ‘arend: when| heroine triumphantly tells the vil- Se auversiiy,,are invited| once yesterday No: special Invitations | nave. another HE ee { ; Hiiartha, ery 440 ea | 151 4 Satelites. 70 of lissourt a Provo a ice ae ae a for not Lake to oe For yells, MURRAY InPAUL the best seen | eS ; ged at ? 17 be "The Strenuous Life" THURSDAY AT JULES Never panest the heartle will l birth the | Petatatia Camp Cla Thom Leedor Gilbe « me tent nd Atak pigs ont ee it ro Both KE ay Cap- 1 dars. on local, ; the1 jssued by fhe eolo on rathwat ¢ ‘ . approach'.an app! and Gr: Art-One |rezents, tice lars ula ks ave bow! OV r of Heautiful | the ge Cea F, that all the world was oe and again-and worth whil SAtioVale™ will b ke e only. e her TTY afternoon and tonight. And it the Commerelal| bill at President E.F.|2# 800d slendar 1 t a cairie of art frequen conference ith th repref rhe oh 00 ds ratl{ sity. Day annual Un ientatives of the brother ofP ral el ontag exerci will be held in ti iinmen firemen and we Hare aanainls roon on Washing ton' will\h @ mort 5 ida Friday February 22,°.190%, Wi a tacmed the meé r ome tin 11 an The speaker of the dayiagro that a: 10 per cent 1cl ( wa 627 1 Bax nor\Well Governor! | mulddo at this time nd we 73) Wilt E iN pl ide 1e board of 4 ¥ vie preser alter our decision: in 5 Cute ; \ \ }1 la ne. conte ert ¢ ee t lumni u I i il na rit) reware | ) ' Salt 4 poise on the wings ane pralse. ce It is play, hers-| ot ao Palstaffis . insisted on the v I bs ind it whert : Work | pact i ort 2560 Columbians i7 i 169 \ ¢ I h -itl-gy h and orth of . 1 hat table choles draught almost.in~| Culebra outside of) zs awit yertl hoals, giving ther = wl ; ‘ ca Connet tle ut. however, shite eo Pratt bu le tion egetis the 499) im % uot : W ilton Reeda I Villian MiPp ( eto it rir "phlock |) qoi in. brow! i bhue nd figures | reezro d repress industrial jim ft I ‘ val a jand civic pre nd-agricultul | nineral resources of the region, Vr a 7 4\ed‘b ce eet rains o he company Che ly ft : of the r bea : hee for each mmonth itt Crescents 1 lead .. meree r C ule bi ta ane ee au though) 1istook 1 ea he eat ME eee eee ae aN fee } BIREES le to: WeDROSthe ne red Bea ie Culebrita aca Srne he neh for ie the lid the t leht' rt c A rate, ae Willian j m ig up the be J -t for the property| the place wjth a pandemonium waich of Ogden for|is blessedly. precious to the actor who were recorded] has. earned: it. gut even the Grand pa 1 { ( San ee : indi lain ~OUgh rodsat on ation oaaie f Committee Sra Sate ick Lett ois ee eas ie Ria ifr ee cia 1 b Pra A walel ae mig ve. AL iral van aR Jor 4a ia that nderstood Iti league ita rt webs hh f rl : 1 I san f t} Coecondueting a court ee iI a ie Willia ( of investigation: into. the headedtanain an Williams;:| ‘ other. I : ne ) he ut dent we out. for. b iu Thee same ¢ } circumst ft By ns lumbiat ine kit na ce red ] mt aa = 53 . a rethe Cis LOT i City sriefs. are Will th trip via trom his ‘ victory over the. Crimson] pee pretty nearly drowned his| Pavkelinients eretetill te NAanks profit} ¢ ae DDECIDES | TO e the | Again ain. of state, forms come 50x|;obe, tain comcom- on/ COUNCIL for tom Culebra = | the | The || 1 BOWLING round for Improvement of Provo. Jimse3 senger boy, Master ward Me , Provo Feb. 6 Ihe. city council Geir tee terrisgan. of the crew, met ‘in special session' tonight to di red. Stott ay he question of ereating district {i k Seeley ale. Gi stroke of | I i i r nat m ‘ 4 sere Wer . 1 ue EBRA for Passage Priva drom 1 | ! C Tne} acclde sh lte a || to CUL Battle ante | necticut,,1n Il all iG Doe Just go. ae to Swedish girl, living with | A family ne farmer folk ' aMinnesota< ‘ YP ‘OPLE | and obliged to earn her daily bread a eee | by serving in a menial capacity. Sne nce cc ena ~~ | has been robbed of her inheritance, Paul Gilmore in "At Vale.' junknown to her, and slaves for the If there is anything in this town| ¥ rery persons who hav stolen her last Go, Feb, 6.-After spond-| | tourists whe vhile he w ‘ tae oe ‘ "simple Hf Vessels of deep variably ap proach - charge ence that the bill oo association Commercial kindly 5 res al OFF fy oi = t PLAYS never innon 7x10 a , oe enicas . migh Dangerous Path { Feb. a Ann h mal i "ot Chose W 1 aGhir§ West I gymnasium this for extension rhe! realized " can al ime ago Miss Eleanor YKelly eR ype ¢ Ww ateects, We is is will be the paper quarters inve so MI 101 j ty from : . place for guna what tinu e the hunt s room fo1 the a SHOALS Captain topped coming for week) tuo the for preparthe ston the} promenade lay the the pean ee has Easy Money on Deal. thousand dollars is the Five | rirst Piaece) jejing was to who "ligve_ to.a lamared ‘ and mud,| the of drying rapid the With out-door track work will begin ear| exten was not dt to he nest t the Universit at one es- | an unc pas shoal, as hi terda ifternoon a (ul eqaeaiet ro Beals the official dispatches, co. nners went -over the course ly s dueto an unwise, prev and ¢ Novied that it was in fairly good) ™* = explainable condition exhausts ; Ball #"yWhere in ye If these meat, tne fervid it is because you did not train) ( CENSUS. authorized nam are Rhwas | thatoPaul 60x330 and vill move their ania! ---____-_- | SHOW or | this NEW ey the lhim, and bring it anc rrop-|} hee for e ee nee a shin pen "<Sto Die! tr "ly for the Newthought Yorke itexpert nties.Bitt A ie the} Miss rweltth South street Anglo-Scandinavian comedy-dramas, a . eae nent of the Commerci jal ly } oe or two very successful ones, not-| 42% 2 Mew census ity was "Yon Yonson,." but in cea new | lorsed I so 0 i |i er He Aplntare wocine mii will petition Besa dialect play called "Tilly Ol- Con- company the building, a four-story 150 feet Phe building ja poaiasts Ni Oe HrAac Panel af r ee ‘ Mia He June -ad.| hat he disliked very much to break iway from the D. S., but that athletic | chances wore much De ae St coma th that omaha is --------------- ' ee TIME. r Mortimer, th ve er: ee high 4 : ai sday has. bidow 5 qudses hf aes aha eit oo : era awa tl if ite be benchh 1 club ME zo fheld In thiec | SIMPLE LIFE FAVORED eh 13, 14 and 14 The price came nigh BY JOHN D ROCKEFELLER \ I for returning 2! proper ee oon upo 2 ne forme Which und The has|of the ro en T rtain old it and company Paper if tion ound i yther the ater was gre atly enjoyed) officially. at' the a i ee tine rv as ter would reg-| 4). ano Bit Y ty 1 Miln of ier us s t an 1 w il cs Y ; ‘ t neat t ‘ _|to secure a down-town Brauatec Tike ita 41 Jespile 1est on the campus full intentio to. special additional of was son-}for te built meeier approaching bench show for ' ha ey é hot certain of having )o iin Carolina just. across the river id now uw certainty. that "Arthur| them | placed right. But with the se- |r rom Augusta.It is understood that Mr. McCallister," the clever short odistance [lection of Mr. Mortimer they Know that(y, 00) roe, crew tired of the Bun Air) rurnop toe D. S. I, will be altheir dogs wil Bet full rent ts a ce 10tel because he ught it was too| member of the University of Utah. track|| Will Sree ny eee | swell. It is said he ‘hone heat Was the} team tMayeer.' The iret. part of the "The zs coutive board: of the Kennel) |stopping. place of too many wealthy | it rate $5 ce o Pe roads@po urge about! a dog = two weeks at the Bon) Air hotel peertand playing dally atRockefeller, the Country today| club in-the| pot . links, J.D. the reason | changed his quarters to a. hotel in} a S owing as me ee nie play. noth- N Ni deep Lambert Lambbert aN oftet ; FOR BE BENCH Mortimer Dogs Jame s is from get is Lot With Hniverslty upetne ats tine aatinteationg on Ma fricebl Lakers who -Sprinters. eevee TTEN vite hMehte eve Ga about entering them. week Unive ister L. D. and of the thate number ee Colborn Procured and Move Soon. investment aon | -_ a A sheltered one theIllinoisian lake in| | tl at and The A.|*!¢ ee Win ae the} excursion sleepers rpladed. at" type NI 0 | rae cnt a i 3 a ( lark-Ele dee uilding | criy' on West Irirst' South, j¢ L. D. S. Star Decides to Cas e W eT = been feet ; ine ¥. but the muld not he at the 1© loser The with privilege > pounds worn presented appearance,an hought his)opportunity soon, so they braved the) ae * ae LO CERDETIER LE the briny f air ae yt us leh uae y had Wil he oa ; ep jattter the rath Se illiam 4 pounds " 10 ago, by Wm. Showell, a Brigham Young. It was renting ; WATER ifte ; noon inston " Se nver aul "id that, while meen LR There jra aiher chilly, the boys agreeing 3S about many different tenants in its time. jeral years after erection it bought by Brigham Young. In its es nan 5 : hands nee Ga | fea red inet iesdiu LT rm }+ Se a dip i \ SALT pacer een a ch amn-| put Feb his by ' - Ula de, $33 Me aS ec The" totOo 1e Built 10 Years Ago. Rock. Row" was built "Old 40 years in-law of « right A FRIGID teamotook a -| Sal mf Ho wryry to: in 2 iho | and cut, 75 per cen 25 per cent s to the eee ee ringside | Gans, ee 000 1.000 ie n 4 aa Seema ee was IN world Recreate, offered of ewis' father has agi 1 $1,000 by noon Thursda Lewis was represented vho acter 0 wk ohn NO and put forfeit weight : ; ,| | years certainly weatherit fs é assured the own -=- to take in the Joe Gans-Jimmy Britt fight if they are ;so For a consideration of about $45.| ‘ abaTo fun vi in ey are dis-= poe er 000 Cannon & Cannon company has il = pe }bought the building and ground oe-}t! | jeupied by the Lambert Paper comoe a pany, at 53 West South Temple street CRESCENTS TAKE PLUNGE The property has a frontage of 66 tytou Bat €5 : cl Oy agreci ight Vv Tide Bet. Feb champion he in arrive in San Francisco about Mareh| Larger l This ¥ i enable Squires and Wren| the MATCHED Side Philadelphia, d that other | aS achn. ee $5,000. 39, has that can be cone d scarcity o will be the nis Francisco. row for anova ay is of more} to Los Angeles this winter and for} magic house last. night and. reason many people are southern embrac-| Yale win the race, see Mame. win the opportunity to visit way to safety, see Paul Gilmore the|the Crescents; vice ve 1.| Lightweight $5000 to may mu « t roeit ee charge beyond in George D. Pyper, Manager. ee true. Miss Davenport and Miss Stuart are both good. Miss Scarth, as "Jane,"'; is as: true. to yar ne gauntlet to them all and declares| Brigham 2 eee Soe home for poly-| census of the ¢ y be taken | sson, * which comes to the Grand three that as soon as he arrives he wil]| £#™mous families Their statements Walter Roniney, W. C. Sullivan ana] Tights, starting tonight, a new deplace _ five thousand dollars in the howe ver, are disputed by former own-|G. S. Badatsecher were elected mem-j|parture has been made from ‘all the writer's hands to support. his ch: J-| ¢ rs of the place and pe ople who are aoe 4) 7 : / . | ot ier plays of this type, The author lenge. jacquainted with its early history Hive hunc red Stamps reading "Sait| has written the play around the cenThis is certainly businesslike | oe )el re Lake 200,000 1910. You can't a good| tral figure of a young Swedisn girl, Squires d Wre vill e town down were ordered Bree Go| | living in Ameri ind has allowed the eas ; t AL n a ete on the) PAPER COMPANY BUYS. free to the leading business hous toOl virten in America, able uate, : " I a le enturia be used on all outgoing yrres aT ‘ © t : of E the | sails accordin to schedule, she will} ---dence. Sea OmcS por | mi asculine Seandinavian, heretofore| ded Cre refer the half nd lightweight A points aw awarded Fork rin erste 7 in brings company in but California. of the city] located at and Sixth] his methods He does not ask that landmark s of the city . Some easy mi: be selected for him For years the old terrace has been jat the outset aid that he' be 5given a Soin ted out to tourists by- hack drivers| | ay jc hanes to work up, but he has thrown as bein gs one of the residences built b) Dunkley Left Gu ard Orr |} a KLE! ; ao . . : ve Summary I" ield Goals irratt +| ae 6 pena ts, Dunk 1 c} lil : Oe el ana 4 ek, 4s : ant at ents, 1 merican Tork, 9Fouls re on Cr Throws-Bat tt ut of 13: cents Bush :: admitted Osborne : Young, Apollo be_as : - . Lee Left Forward . Right Guard. : ae Barratt . , Campbell as ‘ Fore eee : does not bar the challence and| ce rmriae day w hich was sold is 10x10 rods, The oo building is about 150 feet long and conAt a meeting of the sists of 10 sections. It is of the early| Estate association in equatty type, and is built of roc ks aver-|club rooms Wednesday, withG audien ye hen |, risco, Squir s has cabled a challenge | sounded for the close of the | 0 all America, He does not single| nts one Lake, Wednesday, aie : aonsideration a ian otoO names reece ae Salt j landmarks ownership a ee taking < In | Boxe 2 Old Rock Row, | the corner of Sixth South 7 . = Fast. streets. The transfe from Fc rs yh acaatere, fa Australian champion, is e¢ Will be accompanied by hi : nei HE! _ pan : y his backer and} | nanager, Jack Wren, a well-to-do | 23] Melbourne bookmaker. to terrace Pullman disposal, Young. | one of the oldest r Naughton.) Toh hatin oldest nen hanged Pugs conte a‘ : ne eine ‘ ee offitonight between the. Crescents at: Evanston, Th. and the Apolios of this icity; The-firat half was extrc mela The each that sixteen first class atest pattern will he Brig- ee Apollos Fa and committee Lake. \ by 7, 1907. regular trains is already taken. eB: omit them, She is the dearest of| the present rate of reservation is kept] o2"% Women, impulsive, proud, jeal-| up tw o special trains will be necessary | CUS, insistent on her ide: S rea FEBRUARY Suciac's fon, the excursion 1s apsured, the) be omitted. But Miss Ball does. not| . 9 etc e |