Show SAt II I T tA I I II I II I HAm H II J F rn D. D UHL I Maunder TONIGHT LAST TIME SPECIAL MATINEE Y AT 2 30 J JULES MURRAY Y PRESENTS PAUL GILMORE In the best of or all college collego plays HAT AT VALE YALI See Sec the he Real Boat Race The rhe Yalo Gleo Gico Club PRICES PRICES Evenings z to l. l matinee c to Next Attraction Attraction Irl Friday and Saturday Sat Sat- urdu Feb 8 S and 9 9 Saturday mat- mat moe Dustin Farnum in The Thc Vir Vir- Vir ginian Prices c to matinee 2 c to S Sale le today I SEAT SALE k i FOR FOn TIlE TIER OLGA ENGAGEMENT In This City Will Begin TOMORROW At 10 A. A AM A.M. M. M PRICES S 'S 2 MODERN VAUD VAUDEVILLE VILLE ALL THIS 31 ny anil l lh St. St I Emilin Hose HOMO Arthur II H. l Co Nellie Every Evory except Sunday Mc c. c Box seats scats 1100 Matinee Dally Daily Except Sunday and Monday roc COc e and 10 lOo Box seats Thc I A A. Ali bl IL COX r. r TONIGHT MATINEE SATURDAY 30 f. f M. M Tho The Swedish Dialect Comedy Corned 99 Tilly Olson With Itla Adelaide J as TIm Thu J Si eil GIrl lri Supported Support by bJ n. n Strong Company Coming Sunday LOST L. L IN NE 13 II m a D m IJ m II II 0 III II m D W WL G tg L g r THEATRE Q fi n Only I t g D n TONIGHT bD b bD ba D a AMONG THE jj i Fl U Q U NIGHT I PRICES nICES 10 10 20 antI and lOc Bi g B i Q i MATINEE PRICES 10 and g U a G Wednesday and Saturday Q p Eta a aDm n B D Q a aD n a a C a ra o n a n a o m. m B BJ oS TABERNACLE CLARK ANDELIN-CLARK GRAND MUSIC FESTIVAL FESTIVAL- ay e c Feb 7 1 at nt Americas America's Foremost Young Basso Engaged for appearances in the tho Famous New Opera House Berlin WILLARD AnEr ANDELIN IX AX AND ANI All VILLA CLARK Brilliant Dramatic Soprano ChOIR AND BIG IG ORGAN Prices Prices East East End of or Gallery 1 U General Admission Tickets at Music Stores JOHN E. E HANSEN Mgr l A 3 line classified ad in The Republican Republican Republican Re Re- publican will Soil SC It Rent It-Rent Rent It It or or Exchange Exchange Ex- Ex change chang It costs It-costs coils but 10 for each EX 1 insertion j 1 wIN 1 i I i The Strenuous Life Lile I Makes akes strong shong demands upon the body Most people live the i strenuous life UCo these days lays either cither In a business or social I Iwa wa way ivay and under these conditions nature seeks a l. restorative and andA and I Light ALight A Stimulant h i L The delro for tor a mild mUd I lous bus In some form Is ordinarily common to alt all humanity but l under mo modern hl high h j conditions of or living it amounts almost to a necessity And the demand Is as natural as It is beneficial if iC properly satisfied I fiSHER BEER BR J Meets feets this demand In a gentle wa way and because of or its very cry I mildness has secured the tho seal of or jJ popular approval It contains just enough alcohol to lo revive re and animate but hut not enot s to lo Intoxicate It Ie w used ed In any degree degree de de- gree greo of or mo It Is in reality a temperance drink Not i only is it a means of or animation but hut It is a delightful relish a 1 nourishing food and a valuable I tonic Drink Fisher Beer a drink for tor I strenuous people at leading leading- bars and cafes cares Supplied by tho the case caseby i. i by A byA A. A Fisher Brewing Co PhONE SoG ieiri- ieiri I AUDITORIUM R Street If Largest c 1 Moor surface West Yest of or 10 Chicago o. o FIU FREE E. E 1 I LadIc admitted free mornings and afternoons afternoon I IH If H you OU would bo ho graceful learn to 0 roller skate Open mornings 10 to 12 1 after after- J I 2 to 5 evenings o 1 0 1030 2 held's Band at nt all sessions I I Wo We 0 Solicit tho Patronage o ot or Ladles Ladies nUll Gentlemen IA i iA A V chango of or Management With VIUl at nt atThe atThe The Wasatch Rink J VAIR GROUNDS Ds Also a Change In Prices J ADMISSION TEN CENTS CENTS- i Skates Twenty Cents Cents- r. r f r. r Ladles admitted free tree In tho after after- Competent Instructor will 3 Z h give Instruction in two stops two tops and waltzing t Amusement Co Go f C. C L L- COLSON I lANAGER Il We Vc Desire Desiro to Please I a Phone Note a Concert I Y M. M r. r C. C l A. A AUDITORIUM j 4 WEDNESDAY Y FEB 6 8 t P. P M. M Given Given By By- By l Mrs Kate Anderson Bridewell-Anderson Anderso n Mezzo O Soprano I In Ii tho Interest of or Tier lIel Invention Tho Tue n phone Musical u Blocks S Assisted B By By- By I Mr Karl aLl N. N Y 1 S Violinist S. S i Miss Judith Evans Emus Pianist S I Mr 1 Hugh Dou Dougall all S I Mr Ir Squire Coop Accompanist I Mr lr S I i a Note a S SS I I 1 I t S I ISALT SALT LA LAKE o TURF IE MAIN EXCHANGE ST. ST 1 t I California and Eastern ra races S Direct wire who for all sporting I r I f i 1 f ii Y 1 9 4 o- o tri S I THREE MORE DAYS BAR BAR- T. T 0 N SO SA LE Thursday Saturday Friday Lc n i 7 Our Excellent High Class SUITS and OVERCOATS 7 9 m 7 I 5 J worth 1 18 20 25 and 30 are going at just V 9 7 ji 5 J S Late callers will get no chance at them for they will I all go gOe These Suits and Overcoats Overcoat will be be bargains S to the men who get them Now is the he time to act f I S Shirts Underwear Neckwear Sweaters Hats etc I I ALL WILL GO AT CUT PRICES 1 I I L S i I L |