Show I HOUSE CALENDAR I I Hills Bis Introduced Wednesday II I B n. 1 lly Thompson Amen Amending Section 11 1219 Revised iset Ho Statutes 1898 as is amended by y Chapter 53 3 Laws of Utah 1901 regi time the salo sale of Intoxicating in- in liquors an and preventing certain tam ain tain persons from frum C frequenting places of oC business where such stich liquors are old olt and amid repealing Section Revised Re Ito- Statutes 1898 Judiciary IL H. I B. B B Mr Dean Defining vers o of county commissioners as to lo highways appointing county road commissioner n ime u denning n i hl his d dutes duties u ties Highways and anc bridges H. H 13 B. B Mr Mm l. l E tab tab- a n standard system of or construe construe- construction ion tion ton of tr public roads In irs time Iho state of Utah an and the time various s counties countes there lucre Cf of Highways and bri bridges Hi IL II B. B l. l 1 2 Richards Amending Amending Section 1 1781 Chapter 3 Revised I Statutes of ot Utah Ulah lS 1890 O relating to lo the duties of county Culty superintendents ElJ Education and amI art H H. B B. B Richards Amen Amending S Section cUOI 1867 IS' IS Revised Statutes o of Utah IS S preventing the time use uso of gf state stale and ant county school fuu funds s for other purposes purposes pur pur- poses than payment of teachers s Judiciary Judiciary- H. H B B. 1 12 I 1 Richards Aim s An act providing pro pro- vl viding for COl time thy th placing of o witnesses un under el bonds and securing j their test test- mony Judiciary ii II I. I n B B. B Mr MI Providing for or a u medal of uC honor for ftH each Ich of f the time Indian war v lr veterans for fm actual service ice I In lii suppressing I Indian Ila I ho hostilities lilt ks k's in I Utah during th the inn years yem's 1811 to 0 1872 Inclusive Appropriations l |