Show COBALT PROSPEROUS I SAYS MR NEWHOUSE NE Is Is Not Yet Talking Concerning Merits of Mine Samuel arrived In time tho city late Into Tuesday II ht direct flon from fron Cobalt Cobal Ontario where he ma made mado o a u I personal examination of oC the tho mine of or the company working which ho lie was vas recently made mado president and andge ge general ral manager Mr MI Newhouse said yesterday that thai ho hu was wag yet unprepared to make malt a state statement mont meat concerning the time mine that the expert cell examination of or tho ho property under his vision had not yet been completed ted and that until full Cul reports were received and gone over o he would woul the tho express no opinion whatever on subject The Tho Cobalt Cobal district I is alive alve with will wih people however sah Mr Ir Newhouse au and the camp carries an air all of pros Pos peri which Is int interesting to lo tee see ECe There Is a a great gent deal of oC activity it In actual mining miling operations s. s but as a to to the merit merl merits or performances o of oC an any lual individual properties I would rather rathe anything at this time lute I Ume r i a I r T |