Show 1 IX IN S1 E. I ArEU A r 1 J Is Given Gi cn SaYS ns n's Enic ErIct t It H. I t Ernest HInest R. R Woolley who having arrived been after r. r s I. I home occupied tomu Tuesday several ay night weeks In the tho Last East East Amal- Amal business says that 5 on mining mininG Is receiving at al the receiving Nevada hands of Eastern Investors Investor even a bet bet- if Estern had 11 I IL HH promoters t Wi reception than i r I Time The stock t ck is selling 7 I Itt tt I around 1 I a share share- share In Boston and he a Lc l' l that the strong demand for forLi forR considerably the price take Li t. t It R wilt wi f In the next few few weeks week The I higher y t 1 I a a is IK In good form Nevada I Neva b In the tho developing its vast valt etto n for Is JI v c. horse an and 1 O Osceola ceola districts and aul j Increase i to greatly intention it IS the the- i th there Io as soon as 8 the iho weather s oon i j 11 ir peri next U WoolleY will wI leave leavo again Mrm his Sunday for Boston and nd Now York trip trill to be bc mort especially In the Lexington Concord sd s.d. the iho of oC lining company of which ho is li prest- prest 1 J and n manag manager r. r |