Show ATTACK ATTACH IS MADE ON MANY STOCKS Mis Missouri ouri Pacific Driven Several Severa Points Down and Closes Weak New Now York LorI Feb Fob ft Tile a.-Tile The small email opening dealings In stocks effected little c change lan c In prices from O ruling at atthe atthe the time close last 1St la t night Small fractional gains Ins wore time the rule rub hut but the time trading became very dull timid and prices fell Ien back Bonds on s were very dull Interest id IIi Ii tho time market abated considerably consid consid- era ly but bull th time HIP tone was botter better it tt noon I Fluctuations w ro tho the m-it m t fraction and anti only scalping operations Denver an and rite Rio Grande Improved 2 2 and n Pacific Mall Mail est lH c lorn l- l orn Union 1 Time Tho sudden drive a against Missouri Pa ia cHic lenin found time the stock unsettled and It wa was depressed 2 before tIme the dot dochin 1 In- In stopped l. i. i Time The dealings lIngs In In Ia this stock disturbed the rc rest t of lr f the time market and ami there thero was a n general lightening of or load which c carried th the average e level to Y yesterdays yes yesterdays yesterday's yes yes- ii- ii 8 closing or 01 below I Mange of ur l Prices r Eric Erie 31 31 31 Smeller r II 4 Preferred 11 Nat NaL at Lead 70 70 10 0 ro 60 em 1 Am m. Loco Ioco j 72 72 2 il So n fly lly 2614 26 i 1 20 Ana Atma Copper 2774 7 2774 Nort Norr West Vest 6 85 i- i 86 Hock Rock Island f 21 2 C. C 1 F. F and nur J J. J IS I I Ji Hep Rep Steel fc Hi lii 97 17 Steel 15 t I II tI Preferred LOi f Halt Bait t. t Ohio 11 Colo Coin So o. o 31 Z 35 31 3 1 3 35 I Copper Su Sugar nr laP l Peoples People's Iss Gas 5 Y K C. C South f 5 it 4 58 Ih D. D It n. T T. r 7 71 il 4 73 Am C. C l' l I tin i 13 13 u 12 42 St. St Paul IIi U. U P. P 10 10 10 01 S S. P. P U Hy Ily i 1 9 f 93 Mo 1 Pacific SG 86 8 Nor Pacific l l af Texas 33 K I 35 3 Can Caim Pac 1 I Chest Ohio S 50 II I Y N. N Y Cen a J J J 1 i k kOnt Out Ont West c t. t 41 11 1 Sl 14 11 M. M K N. ansi and T. T Y iO 7 Wabash u sit 31 32 3 14 Pa Ia It lly 1 13 1 21 1 13 HelIn Reading Heading dl 1st I L. L Nash Nuh 1 i i. i h s 1 U Mex Cent v. v Y 23 23 a ml Coffee Cl Ni Nm w York i Feb Feti c Sugar uga raw v. quiet Fair refining 2 32 31 al 96 56 test cat 3 7 10 molasses sU sugar ir 2 33 2332 Stoutly Crushed pov- pov ered dered 4 SO d. d 4 Coffee corree Steady No 7 Rio 7 7 |