Show J JEven Even If It you arc aro very busy a fraction fraction frac frac- tion Uon of ot your our unused leisure Invested in Republican classified ad reading will n add ll 5 and ets els to your v- v bank i account I r rr r. i Ono Hundred ht t. t cw cW WOOD WOO M t Bill Unloaded OUR U. 1 1 Is working tn a n. Orate Grate RevolUtion in S alt ait Lake Lale City dom tio ii oi rn f ii In 4 a Ells EHas A Morris ons LO Co 21 27 21 27 W. W So Temple St. St J. J E. E Cosgriff H. H P. P Clark President Cathi r. r OPEN OPE AN ACCOUNT T WITH Commercial Nati National nal Bank J. J J. J Daly V. v V. V P. P Noble Vlee VICQ A. A II 11 Peabody st Al' Cashier Co BANKERS SALT LAKE LAIl CITY Established 1873 Transact a n L General flanking Banking n ns 8 I U. U S. S J Deseret National Bank Salt Lake City Utah Capital Surplus Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent L. L S S. S Hills President l Ios s Thatcher Vice President j II ir S. S Young oun Cashier i Edgar S. S Hill nUl Cashier r I Best Bestis Is Barely Good Enough Is true of or l Eyeglasses In the matter matte of oC sight ight none hut but a i competent com corn optician should be bo en entrusted en- en trusted tru to tf lit hi glasses J. J II H. It I New Nc Location 1 H IS Main Street THE LAGOON ROAD Bait Sait Lake Lako o Ogden Simon Bamberger nt and General Genera ir f TU oin In 4 J 10 gOC K I o sar SaIt Jt Lk 1 Onh i II OO 00 w. w Dt 30 and 6 i. 30 t th tb ni Leave Layton for tor S Salt Bait LIke 7 00 anI nd R 00 Mn 7 7 41 U 1015 a. a m. m K 2 o D. D ta m. j z l f. OPTICAL CO COMPANY i I a arid and Retail OPTIC S. l' INS Main Strict Salt Luke Luke- City Utah Telephone IC 2153 Salt Lake Lake Build ing and MI Ig g. g Co I LUMBER And Building Material omco ami Store Storo Fixture l Phones 40 30 30 3 4 CLAYTON NOSIC CO 9 I aA our 13 11 South Main lilain Street r AI LA cm C. JAMES A. A POLLOCK CO Rankers anti and Brokers C V. n SECOND SOUTH ST. ST Salt Lake Lako City Private ul wires over LOGAN LOGAr AND ArD system Orders Or rs promptly eXl executed on V Nn YORK BOSTON AND s SAN FRANCISCO CO Stock Exchanges and anti New York and Boston CURB mar mar- h Liberal advances mado on all listed securities BOTh 57 t. t WM H. H WEEKLY Y MARKET LETTER Gives h mation rr Interests In Utah and Nevada Call Jail for copy M ISOL m 3 TB 1 Telephones 1081 I JOHN JOHNI C. C CU CUTLER LER J JR f I INvEST INVESTMENT R n KER E Established 1893 nOt s. s SUG It H STO HANK STOCKS I Other Othor nigh High Bought sod and ud Sold I oth 1 17 7 U 26 Ml a in 4 I l j 4 1 r 1 4 i I II |