Show 1 bud flu rl S. CONDITION li nl R P. C. C Clar Ib Js Making al nit an Campaign It t t J Feb lieb C. C G Dr F F. E. E Clark of or the state elate board huard of or health heath Is It in Rich Rich- Held looking Inlo into sanitary conditions ns of l county lie Ic will trill wn go to Sl Sigurd Sigur mc i I u tomorrow to Ihal make e further inquires into conditions there S While typhoid Is 18 now eliminated from tIme the tw town the tho 11 doctor feels feels' that th the germs of disease e still sUI exist The he water supply Is obtained from flom wells many mahy of or which are aro flowing lg and everything everything every every- thing Goe goes to show that the water 1 from the wells veILs wels is 11 supplied from flom the Rocky nocle Ford reservoir which Is us It a stagnant pond almost surrounding th the tho tOWI town Dr Clark h believes that for foi fo the future health of if the tho Inhabitants of or Si Sigurd SI- SI gurd gurl the lw reservoir will wi havo have to be he done lone away wih with |