Show I v s BILL ILL TO TAKE POLICE AND fiRE FIRE DEPARTMENTS OUT Of POLITICS i r i- i Measure Provides Provide That Governor Shall Appoint Board of 1 Three Commissioners for Both Branches S I of the Service 1 r POSITIONS TO BE HELD STRICTLY ON N MERIT t S S 5 C Chiefs and aId All Members of Forces May Be Dismissed by j Con Con- currence of Three Members S 1 i II J S of the I Body S J r I 1 jI S S 01 I f 5 5 5 S I I S 5 I A bill to take Jho Sho police and fire d of oC Salt L Lake Ie I J of politics will be Introduced uce 1 In tho ho house lo today a The Tho measure IIo House House- Bill IJ No o 12 by Representative John Q Q will b bo be the Hrs first bill submit I 11 i ted at to today's a session of the second Icon house It Is entitled 1 i j notice hIll Bill No t 12 G 6 G. G B By fly Critchlow S J ij An Amm act anthem I S S Sund 1 citIes of oC the fa first lost class to create a Ore lire department und a police department maintain and control contro the same providing Plo for a 1 hoard board of nl lire fire an and police commissioners and nel tl defining their duties 9 and amid trans fe ring em-ring the thc lie property of tIle the present fire police nn and amid prison departments In hi Ip i said cities over O to th time board of oC commissioner herein provided pro for anti and t repealing all acts and of f parts acts In ip con conflict herewith S Iw I J r The Tho measure l provides s 's that the he governor with the advice and consent S 1 jj of the time senate I shall appoint a board 0 of C fire and anil police commissioners commissioners I to con on- on 1 I t of three persons on They must l be e r residents nn and Creeh freeholders s of tl the cit city t of oC Salt Lake It Is i provided tJ that lint at nt least one me member her of or the board mu must i be he of a different political faith than t the tho t appointing governor Tho The governor governor gover gover- nor Is to have authority for any good cause to remove romo any member of or time the 1 Ji board at any aimy time The Time president ent of or the board to be designated b by the Iho governor shell shall lt receive ci an nn annual animal salary of 2000 while the Iho two remainIng remain remain- ing members shall receive 1800 Each member is required to furnish a u. bond bont of ot with two to sureties If Ie the the measure becomes a 11 law the change In tn th the present fire firo and police po S sy systems will begin on March If H of or the present year car In th the place flincH of the tho 11 present police system It I Is arranged that thal tho the de department ile- ile consist l of on one chief chiet of police and one ofle or more captains of or police and antI such other officers as tho time board hoar shall shuH direct It H Is provided O that within five d lays days t of or the tho appointment of oC the board tho the chief of the department au and other officers IM I'M of or the police pollee forc shall hall bo be selected The names oC of patrolmen an and amid other ther men needed tl In police work won shall shaU S thc then n be selected b by the men appointed to executive positions position Their Theil appointment ap up- up will bo be confirmed by tho the board hoard before heron tho they shall shaH take tako their position tion S Th The duct chief of police ma may be bo dismissed hu with wilh Iho ho concurrence o of lit l the lo o three thre members of or the lime hoard iCard ThIs Thin treatment IB Is lB provided tl- tl for tor any i orlIC fn ff i tf 1 tt l S I I n cel r S w-u w r QI 4 e I be bl arid amI any attempt lo Ib Ic w h t tOe mun sim- sim mon mons of oC thu tho court om may bo be o punished l el h a as S a contempt of oC court I. I 3 The same um general a method in jH for or tho lie of the fire It df department lIt In iii n relation to lu time the appointment of or time tile t C lI officers o and lid hd S p S S Tt It It Is further provided by Iho 1110 proposed Jaw Ill that ih ho the terms of oC the Iho j pros pros- r s- s cut fire chief und amid duct chief c of oC pollen police other members of or th tho forces shall shah S expire when the new Organization th Is s artand d b by the CO commission S Tc t of If the time Bill BUI Be De it enacted lJ by tho thu legislature 01 ol the lie state stale of ot Utah Section 1 J. Within thirty days after aftertime lh th time passage and amid approval of this act there thaI shall be bo appointed In all cities of tho the first t class a n board boat of tire fire and amid police com commissioners m 1 C lS l'S consisting of oC oft t three thle hi tee on residents ts and amid freeholders free free- r- r holders in Iii n s said aid cities r respectively The jhc governor of nC till lie state of or Utah to lo to and with the nil a advice lc 1 and consent of or the time I senate senah shall mal make c said appointments The terms of office of said hoar boards s shall be bl four tour years dating tinting from flOm toni March 15 1907 and amid every O er four foUl years ealS thereafter there there- aft after aftem I and until their thIr ors ate are appointed nail and q qualified provided 1 however howe that the lie governor o shall shah have have- authority at all any lime for fOl good bood anti and sufficient cau cause e to lo c all any of or said paid members m At least one mem member I of each board boar 1 shall b bp be of a different political faith from the governor go ap ap- ap- ap pointing Time The governor S in making said appointments shall designate 1 one member of each board who vho shall act acta a as president The Time president of oC such board JOint shall shull receive recel a u salary of or 2000 per pel annum and amid the other members member 1800 Pl per annum each payable In iii equal monthly installments out of or the city treasury Before DeCot entering upon th the ho duties of f their orr office cp t each ach member of said I boards shall shah take tak and subscribe mb to the time oath provided PIo for lor city officers which shall shah be lJ filed d with the city recorder Each shall also furnish a Cl bond boat with two t-o sureties in the lie sum um of to tob tobe tobe b l h recorder for COl forthe be approved cd by the lie city r or the tIme faithful performance of or of th the he duties s of his office office- In flu ca case e of vacancy by resignation death eath or ci otherwise tho the vacancy shall bo bu Hlf hued filled d n as hel hereinbefore directed and said appointee shall hall serve tho un- un expired tei term m. m Meetings of or Board The boar boards s shall hold such regular meetings as us the they hey may by hy rule determine de de- dc- dc termine and at all such regular meetings meetIngs meetings meet meet- ings two members of oC said board boar shall constitute a and be authorized to transact any uny business which may come conic before the board except as hereInafter hereinafter here here- limiter provided an and provided pro thai hut a full board shall bo be pr present upon tIme the trial anti and determination of any charges es preferred against an any officer or om member member mem mem- ber bH of oC the fire lire or om police department except as otherwise I c provided pro Sec 2 All tIme the powers and amid duties except as us herein herel n OUI otherwise provided hem het upon the lie cities of oC the first Unit class either by special en enactment cn- cn law la to or general relating the fire and amid pollen police departments are arc hereby dele delegated atc to lo th the board of or tire fire and police policH l commissioners hereby created Sec 3 3 J. TIme The lire fire department of each city of this cla class shall shah con consist of the board boar hereby created one erie chief C of de tie- pai one or em more a assistant chiefs chief of department and such other officers men and es as the board shall direct lr ct The police department of oC each city of this class clan shall consist of or the board hereby created one nile chief of ot depart depart- department l- l ment one ont or more captains of oC police au and amid such other officers men and anti em em- a as the lie board hoard shall direct Sec 4 I. 4 Within five n days after tho appointment and amid qualification of oC said board boar It shall meet and und proceed c d to organize a after l l. l which it will appoint t I proper persons to tho lie positions of C chief r of or lire liro and police departments 10 who shall shull hold huld th their lr office during go good cl i behavior lol Tho Time chiefs of Ie d departments will within five days thereafter present pre J sent to said board for or Its confirmation confirma r. r Jon tion lou the names of or proper persons to o r I till lull thin the various arlous positions In their ro- ro I. I Sp t cJ C dt departments but no appointment appoint appoint- 5 t ment shall shah b be cun confirmed nned without an un C affirmatIve vote ote of or time the majority of C said board r Fixed 0 i f t 1 s Sec c Ci C. C The TIme boards hoards hereby created S i f shall supervise and arid control these de- de their lieu officers members and amid subject to the lie ances s of or the respective cities and amid t Hi tho ho laws of ot this stator sato and shall see 1 V f that tho ho officers members and eta em- thereof or faithfully S i their duties and that the In laws lairs w orders I an and regulations t elating thereto are c j I led can Into inlo operation antI and effect dice Sec 6 C. C The chiefs of or departments v shall shull be the executive e officers of th their h i respective c departments and amid it shall l be e I their theli duty uty to see that hint time the laws orders rules an and amid regulations concerning their S j departments ore are carried into effect I It t shall shaH be their dut duty to m make Ie and en enforce en- en force olce rules lules and amid regulations to secure secumis discipline In their departments Thoy shall havo o power pO under such stick rules as as r 1 the time board ma may approve to suspend without pay fine not to exceed d ton eu S S dollars or Ot dismiss any subordinate I o officer e 1 member or 01 c of ot their thell I departments but shall shah leport le- le port in writing the thelca reason on for fat such such f faction r action to the board hereby created lJ by 1 f whom hom said line fine may be remitted 1 or Ot by whom hom said subordinate officer f i- i member or om be lie reinstated i i 5 c e ma may b by a majority vote vole and amid the action of or J the chief chie of ot d department In suspending S fining or om dismissing an any ammy subordinate I officer member or om unless t Ji l' l ro- ro f t versed or 01 modified b by said board and amid any action of the lie board th thereon r on shall be bt final and conclusive lv and shall not bo be reviewed or om called in question before S f. f S any court The board h hereby created shall have tho the power all and amid 1 it shall shaH be S Its duty uty at nt nn any time for Cor good gooel cause I i or on when the time good of or th time Iho s service will vill willbe be cd thereby upon thi the concurrence concurrence con- con currence cuirence of oC three in umbers thereof to suspend without pa pay or ot dismiss the tho t chloe chief of department or 01 any subordinate y ate officer r member or there there- I s o of S Provides Plo for I In t bus S The rhe board shall have ha J power to re require require re re- re S quire by subpoena the atten attendance ance nut and testimony of witnesses anti and tho the production production pro pro- of oC all books papers and documents docu- docu 5 ments In iii their possession touching th m I matters under n er investigation In Iii cases cabes ca s. s I r of I disobedience to a a. subpoena the tha 5 board ld ma may ol in invoke o al aid of oC the this dis- S court t for time tho co county coUnt mity hero thiemo said sahl board boar is sitting and amid sold said court COlHt may 5 In iii case of oh contumacy or refusal on the time part of ot any person to obey a subpoena sub sub- issued lJ said i 1 c poena by hoard board Issue an o order 1 1 tl requiring such person peron to Ill appear S Sand and t testify and amid produce books and papers If so ol ordered n Any refusal to lo loobey 1 obe obey such order of or th the court may r bo be punished by such stick court CO as a a. contempt contempt contempt con con- tempt thereof S SS S The boards herein designated shall S have the power nn and authority to mako nalo all necessary ul ij and regulations S Jl not t In iii conflict with la law lam looking ti to toward toward to- to ward the better LIl discipline fr S 1 1 i I I S S 'S I I T fluent mem and ana efficiency of or the tho lire fire an and l t police Regulations of or their respective flO cities S. S cles t d i S Whenever In the opinion of the Board boar board the Interests ts of goo good govern govern- lH J Pt merit Jent a rt reduction or of ti the o 4 or tire Ore force such tC reduction may susay a at any time be or ordered an anil board MI shall designate which policemen men am and which firemen shall shaH be lc discharged No Nc member of oC the 1 S city Hy council counci no isor i S other city olty o officer shall be u it mr-inbe mr nc 1 hal 1 I ot or lh the hoard board bord hare hw-eby hw hLl by created r ri immediately upon th the tho OrganizationS Organization r S SS or sM boards board all aH patrol wagons l boxes telephone s service of fire o or fre r police departments all al Ore lire boxes fire lre ii- ii p and poI stations engines horses 1 hose OHe carts carta hook J and IUd lul ladder er trucks and Utensils city jails books ool andS and S t papers am S other do documents of or said Satti cities cItes cornS como com corn o S 'S Jug hug under 8 the provisions or of this act tf n. n tia lul a aU all 11 things pertaining to ae the lie fire and fr police pollee service and prison department de do- 4 55 of or said sid cities dUes shall shaH be bc turned turn turn- S. S j ed eQ over to to and hereafter be under tinder 0 the ie control and management 5 1 ot of Wild ald fire lr and boards niu and S all fl i hos 55 or OC apparatus or b belongings of or S S any an kind hereafter appropriated or S S provided by said eld cities clUes shall shaH bo be 10 under S 5 the like lUte control and S 5 management of or lt P 0 said ait lt boards boards r or ot S f During tb the last lut quarter of the tho eaten calen- 1 Ont oar yeas year thc thc- Id fire tre and police board lOard ant 4 Shall sIal present to tile Uie tie city council counci of or its is S respective esp cUve city ct a detailed statement V 4 Of tt te the mon money y necessary ry to d defray tm the tu I e expenses of the lf police antI ansI prison d ts t of the tho cit city for the tho sueS suc- suc i 5 S year yar together with wih a state state- Y 5 mont of or tho thu probable expense to lo bo hc Incurred by said sId board boan and in the S annual appropriation ordinance of or ther the tho heS r S next calendar year time the cf city council J S shall provide for tOl the appropriation of or sums sums- of or money sufficient to defray 5 S the expense incident to said MId departS depart depart- t S ln an and to be Incurred b by said board S Provided jr that time tho cl city E COUncIl shall immediately lately provide for L 1 S the tho necessary of said expenses sl depart depart- t S. S menla monts from the lime of or the completion S 0 Of the now new organization until otherS otherwise other other- S S wise provided for In this act act All AU appropriations ma made c by time the city S councils for 01 the tho said sid departments shall be under the absolute b till full an and complete corn com uI COU- COU control of or th the r respective hoards boards boards S 5 5 5 and no moneys shall shaW b be paid pail out of ot such appropriations except upon time tho n. n rendered by lW said boards oS o'S or- or S payrolls of the the si said sad departments cerS certified S S tied to by tiro tt head of such uch dearS dearmont department depart dear S mont ment an and approved by the president |