Show f I i I 4 NOT NOI Ol A i. ANIMAL DIJ Wo Vo are pained to note a certain hesitancy on lh the r pait jart of Kearns and Keith to cany carry out their boastfully intimidation of oC the tI t announce announced for fOl or the tho i United States Senate They rhey have been heen well provided and ha have tendered these to interviews o typewritten with tl T w Ii the newspaper bo boys s 's wherever they have havo gone t I each tender with a tough lunch or unlimited i I the the usual Kearns manner of making beverage offers of the they have been singularly cl 4 an Impression sion And ml yet have beguiled beguile l into printing Such papers as the they cj Ci ce have counteracted counteracted counter counter- home state tato their their fulminations against the tho effect the KeIth cabal had hoped b by acte acted some disturbing comment from r reporters who sized up tho tWo malevolent gang sang at nt its true v worth orth and were vero not especially fooled v the tho most successful effort Is 15 ma made mado o by one ono Probably k p next to read reading Ins matter In Inthe Ilace pure ets place tr c I who gets Post of February 1 buttonholed buttonholed button button- the tho Washington ashIngton J holed th tlc tho inoffensive e boy who does doc hotels for fOl tho Post Pos always an inferior and explodes es his care- care bomb under the rather disappointing head Met in Hotel Lobbies It is not mit the tho mad niad rush rusl of or tho the wild bulls hulls of the Kearns crowd It is II simply the the sand In the which squats on of the coyote coote i yapping moonlight side of or a sagebrush and lifts Its s vol oio e I in Ineffective discord that he lie was vas formerly Mt Mr tells the reporter I Ia Republican politician In Indiana It coUldn couldn't a prominent In Indiana but then It doesn't nee need by anyone y be proved 1 admits it IL proving After that tho the weary pilgrim despairing of a a. a more mor of ot Inaugurating his crusade for th the startling startling- method intimidation of senators and the general bringing o of Roosevelt to his hiis knees which Is the pro pro- Wk PresIdent announced annO by the Kearns crowd tI moro more than a i grammo states that the Iho Republican party part o or of week ago o. Utah has threatened If It Senator Smoot bo be unseated t to party of Utah and Idaho disrupt the Republican away from home t to hear the news must go One not been even oven hinted at here We 0 all al That threat has crowd have haye threatened d to destroy th the know v tho the l Kearns t B i rl I I r 34 Io a i 12 t W t 11 1 tot tot- i 1 r J 1 g i Republican party In both states and In V Wyoming as well If It the l Kearns earns demand for the rejection of oC Senator Smoot be not complied with But Dut the tho Republican party o of oC Utah will ho bo tho the Republican party no matter mallor what wha action mn may be he taken In tho the senate And the tho J Kearns crowd will not exert an any appreciable Influence In the tho action of or that party pari The Tho Post reporter seems to have havo used only a n portion of oC the typewritten Interview with which the said See See- first filst provided him and amI tho the ugly scissors w ware were Inserted rc In directly after aCter this paragraph raph The political senators In fn Washington ton will vIll do ho well wol lo to get set their cars to the ground Tho The Mormon question In the West cst Is Js as bl big a one to the West Vest as tho the race question ever er was vas to the lie South Sixty thousand Gentiles In Utah Idaho and anti Nevada aro are very ven much In earnest In this matter That leaves cs a very pl taste taste- In the Ule mouth doesn't It Senators of oC tho ho United States Stales s will enjoy enJo lacing being threatened The They will vIll tako take kindly to tho lie promInent promInent prom Indiana Republican politician who seeks to tako the them thein n by hy their several se reverend beards and drag them Into tho the Kearns corral Also the barking of this Herant doesn't do do- o- o the senators for tor the they know that It Is Tom Tory I Reams earns and his political pirates and not sixty thousand RepUblicans Republicans Republicans Re Re- publicans an anywhere herc that Is asking tho the demand If Ie Senator Smoot is guilty of an any offense cognizable cor by law Republicans In Utah an and everywhere everywhere- else wan want him expelled If he lie Is not Republicans b by moro more than thana han a n. hundred times sixty thousand expect to have hove title to his seat scat confirmed In him him and and the lie pestilent persecution of or the Intemperate Reams Kearns crowd brought ht to a n. close Coyotes Cootes of course will go r-o on barking That Is a ahart apart apart part hart of or the tho plan No ono one Is Js complaining of oC them We rc all remember the lie lines linca I Let Lct dogs logs delight to bark and bite I For God hath bath mado made thorn thom so 50 And AmI bears and lions quarrel and fight For is their nature too Wo Vo are arc dl disappointed We had hall Jool looked d for the lie fI fire lIce lIce- works s. s This rids premature explosion of or a n. squib Is small performance of or tho tio contract Tom I Reams made with lii his crowd when he started on the expensive crusade for lor tho subjugation of or tho the East |