Show I hiI UK I lIOIO illS HIS ilS WIFE'S DISHES hUI to Iu Jai I Ho le ic icS S r Turbulent a ul at t i J Ionic Feb Feh 6 6 Sam Sam am Utley was taken before City Ju Justice Lauritzen yesterday on a complaint sworn to by his lila wife Clara Utley charged with disturbing the peace of ot his family by b Un using vile vie profane anti and abusive language and breaking her dishes and assaulting her Mr Ir Utley was found guilty uny and anti fitted fined 5 3 In de default default de- de e- e fault f nt of payment h he him was vas wat committed to tho the city Jail jail i County Superintendent of or Schools I P P. D. D Jensen 1 of Monroe and Samuel Smuel L 11 a Page Of O Marysvale lar were business a aI I Visitors In Richfield yesterday est j. j tV a was waR given m I last nl night ht in tim tho thih ot Vi i for ot the d pi o- o Ie Oel t 0 0 were wee tO lt Tonight t 1 AoU tS will U |