Show r THE TilE INTER MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN Published Every Evory Morning by fater- fater Mountain Inter Mountain Republican Company Official Organ of or the he Republican l Party In Utah Entered a as second class matter Fob Feb 10 10 1906 at the tho at Salt Lako CH City Under the Act of at i March Marh 3 1879 1 F Tho The Only Republican Dally Daily Newspaper In tn Salt sait Lake City AU All matters relating to subscription should be reho reported re- re the tho ported ho rr local nr DIRECT Branch to tho the Circulation Department or to Office D Do not gIve to carrIers pr or solicitors r it News News' Hems hould bo be addressed to tho the Editorial u SUBSCRIPTION RATES L f raid In Not l Paid alli In Advance cc VV f i o Ono Month 1 75 76 I i 1 60 Th Three ree 10 1 Months n 2 00 X Six Months 1 Li nA One Year s oo 4 t Sunday Only Ono year ear 1 j c T. T Malcolm McAllister General Manager l t 1 Dooly Block South West Tempi Temple dt t p. p Phones Bell Exchange o 25 Independent i 4 C SAl I I CITY ciry UTAH UI THURSDAY PEn 7 IDO 1007 4 c CUTLER BROSO BROSe CO 36 MAIN STREET 4 J Big Big Clothing o Sale 2 j js j's ALL ALLMEN'S 50 cent Off I ALL ALLMEN'S MEN'S MENS s 's per MEN'S MENS s 's S SUITS 1000 Suits Stilts 5 1200 Suits 6 SUITS HALF 1400 Suits 7 1600 Suits 8 HALF PRICE All l Black Dlack Suits Included in Sale PRICE Special Prices on Youths' Youths and Childrens Children's Suits c Two Weeks Commencing Tuesday Morning Feb At S L I L I J i-J J A J. J i 1 |