Show JAIL T. JJ FO FOR FOlt l. l I Major 1130 liti IL I Decides to Kent heit One Cell fur for 10 city Purposes Y RIchfield Feb C. C TIme The The regular monthly meeting me Ung or of the county commissioners commissioners com coin missioners was held Monday Monda Mayor Heher and amI Councilman Gr G. G W. W Coons appeared before the court and mode macic arrangements to rout rent one ant c J in lii the time county count jail jai for fOI city pur pur- poses Miss MIs Nora Ogden was wr appointed assistant In the al' al assessors assessor's Miss MIS appointed Ilma was deputy recorder and amid Mrs Mis Flora Bates deputy clerk elmI I Road oad supervisors IK were appointed as follows J. J C. C Poulsen Richfield John I KIrkman Venice I R It H. H Barney army Annabella Annabela Charles Swindle Swin Swin- die dle Monroe Niels C. C Salina Salna Sa- Sa hun lina lna le Albert Olsen Olen 1 Elsinore William Hallows C. C W. W Powell James Jomes Hansen rt-m rt Joseph F. F Peterson Re Redmond William Dunn Joseph Joseph R. R Hooten In elury Nephi Anderson P P. II H Madsen Aurora The flue board set 1200 aside from th thc time tho c county nty school fund ruml to pay ay tho the salary expenses and und institute work vork worl of or the lIme county superintendent elt I |