Show RAGING TORRENTS TEAR OUT BRIDGE B IDGE Ogden Fib Feb C. C mc G. Tho largo large steel bridge d o PI Weber VeLier i river cr at ot th the hout 1 canyon has dropped lo bottom TIm Into irujo the river tur heavy 10 Mil earn pas passing pang under tho time structure ha has haS l lorn a away wa th the abutments The dam put in juTt jul south ot or the sani- sani sni- sni to stop th Lbs river from making ranking a new channel was woh washed d out durin during dur dur- in lag ing the night nishi and anc a part of the stream made mad a email mahl la lake e in the ravine The river her however under Ular present ent weather conditions has re- re oe ceded ed and the wLl water e ehab hab has gone gorme back into Inlo the tho river r channel Thousands of offish Ion l fl land Sheriff fish lish have ha c bc been n on Shell and Il the tho lish mind and nl I game warden will t 2 lp U ua l wt I na many 1111 J a as B 1 possible le S. S |