Show LEGAL NOTICES S TO lO CONTRA COltS S PROPOSALS FOR Fon TI TIU TIU- U erection of or a twelve room school lug Ills to bo be built hullt at Santi Sandy Utah will III be received lJ by the time board of oC education of or Jordan School district up to Friday I Pet Feb ell 1 13 35 at 11 o'clock a a. a in lit Plans can call bo hu seen at the time offices of oC and amid architects 23 Commercial Com Corn mercial Club building Salt Snit Lako Lik CIt City All III must be accompanied with a c check for Cor 5 S per cent of or tho limo amount o of if bid mado payable to th time the board of oC education of or Jordan School district and left with tho time architect before the time above HbO set dato date or fr ma Mod to tho hoard of oC education of or Jordan School district Sandy Utah Separate bids Will viIi bo be received d for mason and amid carpen ter tar work plastering painting tin thim and anti galvanized Iron lIon to be included tI In the carpenters carpenter's hid bid Bids JUdas will willbo be opened at t t thu office O of l time the he board of education of or Jordan School district S Sandy Utah T Feb Pel eh 15 lr 1 17 77 at 11 o'clock a. a m. m Right Hight to any or sit nil bids 1115 BOA R D OF NON k ON n Sh tf t I 5 |