Show i OLD ROCK ROW IS SOLD FOR First Terrace in Salt Lake Formerly Owned by Brigham Brigham Brig- Brig ham liani Young The oldest terrace In Salt Lake Lak mal and andone malone one of tho ho oldest landmarks of or the city changed ownership Veen Wednesday In tile the sale rale of or Old Rock Row now located at atthe atthe atthe the corner of oC Sixth South and Sixth East Easl streets The transfer was made from Joseph Masters to John 1 M. M Wheeler through Tuttle Brothers for fora forit a it consideration of The lot Jot which was as sold Is rods The building building- Is about feet long and consists consists con con- sl ts of 10 sections It Is of or the early squatty tty t type pe and Is built buill of or rocks rocles averaging averaging aver aver- aging in weight about 10 pounds Built 10 Years Ago l O Old d Hoel Row was as built about 40 years n ago o i by hy Wm Vm Showell a son son- law in-law of Brigham Young It was built for fOl renting purposes and antl has sheltered man many different tenants in its time line Severah Several Sev Sev- eral ml years after anCl its erection It was bought by Brigham Young Youns In its later Inter years it has imas II resented presented an old and weather worn appearance and it haslon has long lon been regarded as one of or tho the old landmarks of the city I For years ears the old aid terrace has beon been pointed out to tourists h by hack drivers as ns being one of the residences built b by Brigham Young as a homo home for polygamous poly pol- families Their statements however arc are disputed by former owners owners own own- ers era of the place and people who are arc acquainted with Its early cm history |